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Read carefully and choose the best answer between A, B, C, D, and E.
1. Complete the dialogue below!

A. Do you understand me?

B. May I have your attention, please!
C. Are you all right?
D. Talk loudly!
2. The underline word expresses...

A. Asking for attention

B. Giving an attention
C. Giving compliments/admiration
D. Making sure someone to understand.
The dialogue below is for number 3 – 5

3. Shidqi wants to ...

A. Draw a picture
B. Record a video
C. Print a picture
D. Take a picture
4. Does Zahra explain Shidqi of how to take a picture?
A. Yes, she do
B. No, She does not
C. Yes, She does.
D. No, She can’t
5. The underlined Sentence expresses ...
A. Asking for an opinion
B. Checking for understanding
C. Giving an opinion
D. Refusing an invitation
6. They are talking about ...

A. A pretty bird
B. An angry bird
C. A bad bird
D. A big bird
7. The bold sentence above expresses ...
A. Asking for help
B. Checking someone’s understanding
C. Giving compliments
D. Asking for opinion
8. Teacher           :  . . . . ?
Student           : Yes, Sir
A.       Do you know what I mean?         C. Do you think
B.      You don’t understand                  D. Don’t you remember
9. “How smart she is”. The sentence expresses ...
A. Asking for attention
B. Giving an attention
C. Giving compliments/admiration
D. Making sure someone to understand.
10. “Do you know what I am talking?”. The sentence expresses ...
A. Checking for undertanding
B. Asking for opinion
C. Showing appreciation
D. Giving attention
11. Rearrange the jumbled words below!

A. 2 - 3 - 5 -1- 4
B. 5 - 3 - 2 - 1 - 4
C. 5 - 3 - 2 - 4 - 1
D. 3 - 2 - 5 -1- 4
12. Rendy : Your picture is . . . . ! I like the colour.
Nizam  : Thanks
A.       Bad           B. Beautiful                 C. Horrible                   D. Mad
13. Where can the announcement be found?

A. In the harbour
B. In the airport
C. In the bus stop
D. D. In the railway station
14. Teacher            : What about you, Ezzah? . . . . if we use English in our English class?
Ezzah              : Yes, we will use English in our English class
A.       Do you understand                       C. I think so
B.      What do you  think                       D. Attention, please
15. Teacher            : . . . . Are we all ready to learn English?
Students          : Yes, Ma’am
A.       Do you understand                       C. I think so
B.      What do you  think                       D. Attention, please
II. Match the expressions in column A with the correct responses in column B!
1.      How do you feel about that? a.       Yes, please
2.      Excuse me, I wonder if I could trouble you...b.      Really? Thankyou
3.      Do you understand what I’m saying?
4.      What an awesome project! c.       How Interesting!
5.      Look what I’ve got here! d.      I feel that it’s the right thing to do
e.       I see what you mean
1. A: .................................................................................................................................................
B: .................................................................................................................................................
2. A: .................................................................................................................................................
B: .................................................................................................................................................
3. A: .................................................................................................................................................
B: .................................................................................................................................................
4. A: .................................................................................................................................................
B: .................................................................................................................................................
5. A: .................................................................................................................................................
B: .................................................................................................................................................

III. Complete the dialogs based on these expressions!

1.      Expressions of opinion
A: What do you think of your classroom?
B: ____________________

2.      Expressions of opinion
A: ____________________
B: In my opinion, smoking in restaurants is a bad things!

3.      Expressions of appreciation
A: Look at the painting!
B: Wow! ____________________

4.      Expressions of attention
A: ____________________. Can you tell me where the post office?
B: Sure. It’s near the Corner Bank

5.      Expression of understanding
A: ____________________
B: I do understand.

IV. Rearrange the sentences below into a good dialog!

1.      Jenna   : So, how was it?

2.      Hanna  : Oh, Hi Jenna. I’m quite sleepy now. I stayed up last night. I watched
  Spiderman Homecoming on DVD
3.      Jenna   : I didn’t like it. It makes me sleepy.
4.      Hanna  : It’s a cool film. The Spiderman was so lovely. What do you think about it?
5.      Jenna   : Hi, Hanna. How is it going today?
1. ................................................................................................................................
2. ................................................................................................................................
3. ................................................................................................................................
4. ................................................................................................................................
5. ................................................................................................................................

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