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What is A process analysis essay?

A process analysis essay is a type of essay that is written to give information about
something and it has two types. The first type the directional process analysis
essay, where the writer demonstrates, in details, the procedures one should
follow to finish a certain task. The other type is the informational one, where the
writer explains a certain topic or how something works.

What are the types of Process Analysis Essays? Describe them.

There are two main types of process essays:
a) The first type the directional process analysis essay, where the writer
demonstrates, in details, the procedures one should follow to finish a
certain task. (how to make sushi, how to download a video game, etc.)
b) The other type is the informational one, where the writer explains a certain
topic or how something works. (what is the idea behind a car battery, why
black holes exist, etc.)

Give five tips for writing A Process Analysis Essay.

a) It has to be clear if it is directional or informational.
b) Discuss every procedure in details and never write anything you are not
certain about.
c) Make it both entertaining and connected, where the reader feels it’s a story
rather than an educational essay.
d) Give evidence to convince the reader
e) Sum everything up in the conclusion to help the readers remember
everything they read.
What type of learner are you? why?
I’m a listener
Because I like to listen to the information instead of just reading it, as it makes it a
lot easier for me to understand the topic and to memorize everything related to
that topic.

Describe the role of everyone in the Literature Circle Technique 5 roles.

1-Summarizer: this person is responsible for summarizing the essay the team is
reading in his own way. However, they must make the main idea clear and
everything they write should be on point.
2-Illustrator: this person is responsible for the visuals, where they may draw some
pictures, create designs, etc.
3-Passage Picker: I didn’t really understand this role, but I guess this person have
to choose what passage they are going to discuss and direct the discussion.
4-Real life Connector: as the name suggests, this person tries to find a connection
between the topic they are reading about and the people around. They also try to
find any connection the topic and the things that are happening in the world.
5-Word wizard: this person is responsible for searching for unusual words that
may have a special meaning in this context. They write down these words to
discuss their meaning with their teammates.

Read your IELTS passage and answer its questions:

14 xi
15 vii
16 v
17 i
18 ix
19 ii
20 x
21 no
22 yes
23 not given
24 no
25 yes
26 not given

Write your weekly feedback

The sessions were really great and enjoyable.

Name: Nader Sobhi Gamel Sad Class: 11/E

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