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NIM : 18.131



Medicinal plants

Do some research on the Internet about a plant that is used as a medicine. Find out information
such as

What it looks like

Where it grows

What it is used for

How it is prepared for use



A. Another name for this bandotan tree is :

 Ageratum conyzoides
 Selasdeh dandi
 The anggit, grass bitch
 Bandotan, berotan, wedusan (Java)
 Babandotan, stinky grass, stinky ki (Sundanese)
The scientific name of this plant is Ageratum conyzoides L. Part used as a
treatment is the leaves and stems, unfortunately this plant only growing annuals.
In the dry season it is rarely found. Bandotan many are found usually with white
B. Introduction of plants

This plant is a 1-year herb, with rounded stems, standing tall, and rarely haired.
Tree height can reach 90-120 cm. Leaf blade this bandotan is ovoid. Whereas this plant
grows from 1 to 2100 m above sea level, in rice fields, fields, bushes, garden courtyards,
curbside, dykes and water's edge. This plant, including family or Sompositae.

C. Existing chemical ingredients

The chemical ingredients of this plant include kumarine, eugenol 5% and HCN.

D. Usage
1. Lower fever

Boil some Bandotan roots with purple flowers, after the water is cold be drunk. Or boil
young leaves and stems of bandotan after a cold drink. You also can pound leaves and
stems of bandotan to take the feeling of water and then be drunk.

2. Sore throat and diphtheria

30 to 60 grams of fresh bandotan leaves are washed, finely ground squeezed. The juice is
added with enough rock sugar and taken 3 times a day.

3. Swollen ulcers

The whole bandotan plant is washed clean, pounded with stale rice and salt to taste, stick
it to a place that hurts.

4. Sprue

10 to 15 grams of dried plants are boiled and the water is drunk.

5. Bloody Wounds

Fresh bandotan plants are finely ground and then placed in place sick.
E. Other Uses
1. Bandotan tree roots are boiled for half an hour until the water boils, then filtered, the
water is taken as medicine.
- Dehumidifiers, and
- Dysentery drugs.
2. The leaves are crushed and mixed with a little betel lime, can be used as a wound
(external medicine).
3. The leaves are boiled for about ¼ hours, then filtered, the water can taken for diarrhea

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