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Running Head: IT 1

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IT 2

Suppose you are the information technology (IT) manager for an IT company. You receive a

report that contains a list of computer equipment stored in the company warehouse. You notice

that the list also includes items that you know are not stored in the warehouse. Would you

consider this list as good information? Why, or why not? Give some examples of at least three

items on this list that you consider to be good information and at least three items on this list that

would not be good information. Explain your reasoning and include a discussion about why good

information is important in management information systems (MIS).

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words. No references or citations are necessary

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As an IT manager I have a clear know how of what is not kept in the warehouse,

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therefore I will consider the list as a piece of good information. In this case what I will need to

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do is tom check the inventory inside the warehouse, so that I can countercheck what is in the list

and what is the warehouse. This will help me clear what is included in the list and not in the

warehouse and also include what was omitted in the list and is in the warehouse. The main items
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in the list that I will consider helpful are the serial number, the IP address and the computer

model. This items cannot be changed in any way, so information regarding them is true. The
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information that will need me to dig deep in is the location, operating system and the station

number, this items can be altered and any information concerning this items is doubtable and
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need confirmation. The Management Information Systems will guarantee me that accurate data is

organized from various sources, processed in the right way and sent to the correct destinations

without any fail or mistakes. MIS is just like the heart of this whole process, it will help satisfy

the data requirements of an organization.
IT 3

In this unit, you learned about the Internet of Things (IoT) and smart devices. Think about how

these concepts apply to your life, and describe how you use devices such as these in your day-to-

day life.

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words. No references or citations are necessary.

When considering about purchasing an electronic device, I might experience difficulties

to find a device that do not fall in the class of smart device. Smart devices have advanced the

way they operate and run the day to day business and also how human beings function. However,

I see that smart devices have taken over the relevance of other devices, smart devices have

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replaced the use of calculators, calendar, global positioning satellite, photo camera, telephones

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and physical meeting where people can now meet through social media platforms. With the

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growth of technology of IoT has made differences in our daily lives in that, some of these

devices are now set inside vehicles in such a way that a driver can park a car using a push button.

Communication is made easier with the new devices since people have forgone the writing of
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letters which took too much of their times. IoT has also had its effects in our homes in such a

way that one can use sleep trackers, smart thermostat, and video monitors which are now
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controlled by the use of an application in smart phones by turning it on and also off to control the

temperatures. Smart devices have made life a little easier.

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When you started your small business, you managed all business processes on your own. Now,

your business is expanding, and you have hired employees to help. Would you consider

implementing an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, or would you continue to use

applications, such as Microsoft Office (e.g., Word, Excel, Access), to manage your business

processes? Be sure to explain the reasons behind your choice.
IT 4

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words. No references or citations are necessary.

I will consider to shift from Microsoft and use the Enterprise Resource Planning system.

For any business to succeed an individual must be sharper than the competitors, with this

knowledge, I will individually use ERP. I believe that with the use of Enterprise Resource

Planning system my business will continue to grow and this system will aid in ensuring that my

business operates competently and have a reliable view from the outlook. ERP has one great

feature that make it more reliable that is, it has the capability of containing oversite of the

different functions within a given organization. Enterprise Resource Planning is made up of a

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single cooperating database controlling system which has a built-in analytics and a specific

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dashboard that is used to manage and control different functions of an organization. However,

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having chosen this system I have the knowledge that just like any other system it has some

drawbacks. One of the drawback is, that it is difficult to fund and provide the technical support

needed for the Enterprise resource planning. My business is growing and I believe that I will be
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able to provide the required technical support needed for this system to run in my organization.
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In this unit, you learned about safeguards against security threats. Do you use any of these in

your personal life or at work? If so, explain how these safeguards help to ensure information
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security in your home or at work. If not, do you feel like the systems are adequately protected?

Should any safeguards be put into place?

The web has changed the manner in which we work together from various perspectives

however there are loads of drawback to the manner in which we use the network access. Indeed,

in the present society you need to utilize some type of insurance to protect against security treat

both at work and at home. In the previous 5-10 years, Identity robbery has turned into a
IT 5

noteworthy wrongdoing on a world scale. As a client of the web to lead banking, interface via

web-based networking media you should set up some type of security frameworks to shield

against a danger in light of the fact that these lawbreakers won't quit attempting to access your

data. Having the capacity to get to all your vital data by essentially utilizing the web make it

extremely simple for a programmer to recover your data by the snap of a base. An activity as

straightforward as discarding a bit of paper with individual data can be a bad dream for the

individual who's on the paper in the event that it falls in the ownership of the wrong individual. A

few years back a shredder was the main methods for shielding from a risk that you would require

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however time has changed from that point forward I trust the frameworks are satisfactorily

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secured in light of the fact that organizations pay a great many dollars to ensure clients and

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customer's data.
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