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1.1 Introduction
IoT is a network of physical items and sensors that are linked together. It gives a common
platform for all detectors to send data and allows for the use of a common language. Just put, this
method allows the information to be transferred among multiple devices via the internet. The
internet of things is used in a variety of businesses. It has changed the medical and healthcare
businesses all over the world. It has made information collection for sick persons simple and
precise. The internet of things gives the speed and precision that is required for adequate
healthcare. Healthcare executives have accepted internet of things due to its numerous uses in
real time sick person recognition that does not require a physical examination. As a result, the
possibilities for internet of things in healthcare are endless.
Time and patience are crucial when using public transport. In other terms, a lot of students who
use public transportation waste their time while waiting at bus stations. Nearly every day,
millions of students must commute from their homes to their schools, colleges and universities.
Getting a safe conveyance for students is a crucial concern for parents. Parents ask their
individual institution for their children protection while riding the university bus from university
to their home and from home to the university because crimes against students are on the rise.
Therefore, a university buses GPS tracking system is designed providing facility and safety to
the students. The exact arrival time of the bus can also be known through mobile app. Arduino
nano is the main part of the project because all programming is done in it. University buses GPS
tracking system is an integrated system which is designed specially to facilitate students. The
Internet of Things is a network of interconnected devices that can gather and transmit
information without the need of human involvement across a wireless network. The primary goal
of Internet of Things is to create a system of self-contained appliances that do not require human
involvement to work. During driving a vehicle, this network would monitor the driver’s exact
location and will inform the student. Whenever driver changes the schedule of the bus, the
students are also informed about the new schedule of bus through mobile application.

According to a survey, University Buses GPS Tracking system is gaining popularity day by day.
As a result, it is clear that in the business world, the safety and facilitation of students is the
growing industry. University buses GPS tracking system is a cheap method of security system as
compared to others and it is also easy to implement it.

Figure 1. 1: University Bus Monitoring & Security System

1.2 Problem Statement

The majority of citizens choose to travel on their own vehicle instead of waiting at stops for
buses. Students also have a serious concern about this, because they have to wait for the bus
without having exact information about the arrival of the bus. Standing at bus stop and waiting
for the bus without knowing the exact location and arrival time, students may occasionally feel
worried and anxious. A lot of time is wasted by waiting at bus stops, because the time lost at bus
stop could have been used for other things. This is the greatest impediments to widespread
university GPS tracking system in developing nations like Pakistan.

There are some improvements that can be added to the university buses to make it more useful.
One such feature is tracking the location of the bus through GPS. It tracks the exact location of
the bus and an alert is sent on the mobile through node mcu. Whenever driver feels the bus will
arrive late at the bus stop due to traffic jam or due to any other reason, then he will press the
delay button and a message is sent to the application through wifi module that bus is late for 5 or
10 minutes. This system is very effective and appropriate for students because they are aware
about the arrival time of the university bus and they have not to wait at the bus stop.

1.3 Aims and Objective

The goal of the project is to develop an economical, more comfortable, dependable, configurable
and scalable university buses GPS tracking system that provides facility to the university
students by reducing their wasted time. The objectives of University Buses GPS Tracking system
are as follows:
1. To design a real time university buses GPS tracking system.
2. To design an IoT based bus system that facilitates the students by sending the current
location to the students
3. To design and fabricate low cost, high performance and durable university bus GPS
tracking system.
4. To make an economical system.
5. To design a system through which the speed of the bus is also known using the mobile
6. To design a system that is environment friendly.
7. To design a system that improves the buses management system by using entry/exit
button and RFID card reader.
8. To design a system that will alert the students about the fire in the bus.

1.4 Proposed System

An IoT based University Buses GPS tracking system is proposed that tracks the location of the
bus and save the students time by knowing the exact location of the bus. It also provides security
to the students by sending an alert about fire on the mobile and also alerts to the bus students
through buzzer. When some time is left to the next station then driver presses the delay button
alerting to the students that today bus will arrive late at the bus stop. These are the most

important contributing elements that provide facility to the students by reducing their wasted
time. For delivering information to the firebase, Node MCU IoT module is used. Fire alert, late
arrival of the bus, over speeding, bus tracking and all information of the bus can be checked
through the mobile application

1.5 Advantages
This project University Buses GPS tracking system has various benefits including:
 It has a straightforward design, durable and inexpensive due to the use of low cost
 Design of IoT based university bus tracking system is very efficient.
 It is highly accurate and fully automated.
 It provides facility and safety to the students by sending all alerts on the mobile
 Used within the worldwide.
 It reduces the wasted time of students.
 The system is very flexible and economical.
 This project offers low prices.

1.6 Development Methodology

This article discusses the university bus GPS tracking system. The three main components of this
project are Arduino nano, GSM and Node MCU. Arduino nano is the brain of the project
because all programming is done in it. Fire sensor is also placed in the bus for detecting fire, as
well as buzzer informs the students about the fire in the bus. The other one is GPS (Global
Positioning System) module to track the location of the bus. The third module is node MCU that
provides the internet facility to the students. All information is stored in firebase and students can
also check all the information through the mobile app. These days, we absolutely need this kind
of project because the GPS tracking system for university buses is efficient and reliable. Few
students actually work on it. This technology, which is based on a GPS tracking system for
university buses, has the potential to bring about a revolutionary transformation and, with
effective marketing, find widespread application. This concept can also be used for profit.

1.7 Resource Requirement
Resources required in this project are Arduino nano, Node MCU (esp8266) IoT module, GPS
(Global Positioning System) module, sensors like fire sensor, buzzer for alarm, battery to power
Arduino nano, firebase where all the information of the bus is saved and students can also check
it through mobile app.
1.8 Report Layout
This project’s report has six chapters, the first of which is an introductory chapter that includes
the introduction, problem description, objective, development methodology and social benefits.
The background and characteristics of the entire system are covered in chapter 2, and the block
diagram and software are covered in chapter 3. The fourth chapter explains the components that
are employed for project making. Fifth chapter covers circuit schematics, hardware and software
requirements as well as how they work, and the project’s future scope and conclusion are
explained in the sixth section.

2.1 Research Work
In section 2.1 I have written about how I gather all the data and how I use others' research to
make mine one better than others. In section 2.2 I have shown the main objectives of our team
and how we tackle all the difficulties in making the project. In section 2.3 I have shown why we
need this project and what work we can do by using a university bus GPS tracking system in
present or in the future. In section 2.4 I have discussed the literature review in detail. In section
2.5 I have shown how we plan this project as we know that there is nothing we can do if we
don’t plan that thing so planning is the important part. In section 2.6 I have shown the overview
of the system.

2.2 Main Objective

This project which is a university bus GPS tracking system using arduino needs special research.
We have reviewed projects of other researchers and we used this research and combine all the
experiences of different researchers to make a better system than others. We use different
research paper as a guide in the early invention of this control theory.

2.3 Need of Project

Internet of Things (IoT) is a sophisticated worldwide data system made up of interconnected
system equipment’s such as radio frequency identification, detectors, transducers as well as a
slew of new technologies and sharp gadgets that have become integral to the internet. IoT has
piqued the interest of both academics and industry during the last few years. Since the idea was
accepted in the late 1990’s, a variety of technologies from other industries have been enforced to
the internet of things sector, including startups, academic institutions, government agencies and
software businesses. IoT computing’s success is determined by the level of attention it aspires to
produce as well as retail development. It enables machines and people to be in touch with each
other at any instant, from anyplace, with everything and with anyone, ideally across any
pathway, network or service. This automation aids in the development of a better and more

dependable environment for humans by allowing machines to recognize and understand human
wants and requirements in order to respond appropriately to commands.
From many years, humans have been learning to rely on technology and academics are working
to develop new ways to make human lives more comfortable. Looking at the telecommunication
brook, it is clear that communication used to be done either face to face or via letter or postal
card. People in various civilizations used to play the drum for communication with their society
for purposes like inviting, warning or displaying their celebrations. However, new technologies
have wiped out all of those old conventions and communication is now significantly faster,
easier and complication free through the use of mobile phones.
For the implementation of internet of things, a variety of sensors and technologies are utilized.
WSN (Wireless sensor networks), Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and Near Field
Communication (NFC) are examples of communication technology that perform or participate a
part in the operation of IoT. For example in the domain of health care, the temperature of a
person’s body may be detected using sensors, and similarly heart rate and blood pressure can be
measured. Another IoT application that is gaining a lot of traction these days is smart homes.
This is because people in these days depend on a lot of electrical devices in their houses like light
bulbs, refrigerators, microwave ovens and fans among other things. While animal tracking is
another valuable application of internet of things, it works by embedding global positioning
detectors in the bodies of animals in such a manner that they can be comfortably followed.
Moreover, there are several internet of things applications that give comfort to people all over the
world by utilizing the internet such as smart transportation, smart agriculture and smart cities.
Every day, the number of internet of things enabled devices grows, owing to the fact that internet
of things provides comfort and ease in human lives and produces better results than humans.
According to reports, the number of internet of things devices will have more than tripled since
2012, with around fifty billion devices collaborating over the internet platform. Figure 2.1
depicts connected devices through the internet of things from 2012 to 2020.
The term university buses GPS tracking system is not new to the public, numerous entrepreneurs
and academics have been working on it for years, steadily improving several aspects to make
driving easier. Nowadays, the world is moving towards the smart automation, and one of the
fastest growing technology is university buses GPS tracking system, which provides a great deal
of ease and comfort to the students all over the world. It now allows students to live a simpler

and less complicated existence. The IoT has been critical in the development of a dependable and
accessible university buses GPS tracking system.

Figure 2. 1: Number of IoT devices from 2012 to 2020

IoT is used by the university buses to remotely observe the exact location of the bus through
GPS. The IoT based university buses GPS tracking system has updated the usage of wireless
connection, allowing us to monitor the bus location and can track the driver location by using
GPS module.
During the last decades, the university buses GPS tracking system has attained great popularity
and it improves convenience and standard of living. An overview of existing and evolving IoT
based university buses GPS tracking system is discussed in this chapter. IoT has always been and
will continue to be the backbone of an automated system. Bus service is the most popular kind of
public transit out of all other options. Bus is the easiest, most practical, and least expensive mode
of transportation, particularly in a big town or metropolis. Traffic jams, high parking costs and
adequate parking spaces at the destination are just a few of the many reasons individuals choose
to take the bus over driving their own car. Regretfully, the bus system used for university
mobility is now atrocious. Bus students only know the planned estimated time of arrival and not

the precise moment the bus will arrive. Due to the subpar transport network, university students
experience numerous issues. The public transportation system in Pakistan also has to be changed.
In order to improve Pakistan’s existing transportation service system and address these societal
issues. Our goal is to create a network for managing and tracking of buses through GPS. Students
can check the precise location and condition of the bus through this system. All the information
of this real time bus tracking technology is sent to the firebase. Global Positioning System which
is fed into the application and allows information transmission via satellite, was the primary
technology employed to construct this technology. The traditional transportation system is
completely replaced by a real time bus tracking system.
The concept and implementation of an IoT based university buses GPS tracking system using
Arduino nano, Node MCU (esp8266) and GPS (Global Positioning System) is described in this
paper. The architecture is focused on the stand-alone Arduino nano board and mobile
application. This architecture is built to be low-cost and flexible by enabling an automatic bus
system and reducing students wasted time.

2.4 Literature Review

This component of the study will center on earlier research on university buses GPS tracking
system, including its discoveries, results, and flaws. Since IoT based university buses GPS
tracking system is a growing field, it is believed that future research will address the flaws that
practically every study has.
V. Maria Anu and D. Sarikha, RFID is a technology that is similar to bar code scanning. An
RFID system is made up of tags that communicate their location using radio frequency signals to
a reader, who typically transfers the information to a server for processing in accordance with the
application's requirements. This study describes a system that uses RFID tags on the buses and
readers at every alternate bus stop to track buses around a city.
P V Nageswara Rao, K Sujatha, Monitoring company buses as they travel along the highway is
an important responsibility. A person who is patiently waiting for the bus might wish to find out
where it is right now. Talking over the phone is occasionally impossible because of track
disruptions. Additionally, it has varying charges associated with phone calls and messaging
services, and the person riding the bus could become irritated if he receives several calls from
passengers. The Global Positioning System (GPS) allows area tracking with support from the

Global Standard for Mobile (GSM) in mobile phones to report transport area information once
more to the servers. This continuously displays the location of transportation on a map and
evaluates the entry time.
Israt Jahan, Shah Alamgir It is suggested and created that Chittagong University (CU) implement
a real-time bus tracking system to keep track of the teachers' buses and to more effectively
inform the teachers of the buses using an Android application (app). The premise is that CU
lacks a comparable tracking system. Additionally, several drawbacks with the current tracking
systems in use in the universe include the requirement for expensive hardware maintenance in
the GSM/GPRS module and the use of a traditional MySQL database that updates data quickly.
Regarding these restrictions, the created system uses two smartphone applications to send and
receive data using Firebase, an online server with a real-time database updating data in just a few
moments, making the system faster than others.
Bus passenger data gathering technology is a challenge that needs to be tackled right away in the
current construction of city intelligent transportation systems. The use of self-designed multi-
sensor array devices to record the foot type data of passengers boarding and alighting is
examined and proposed as a method of intelligent bus passenger recognition and statistical
algorithms based on motion vector tracking. A motion vector model is created, the best motion
vector solution is chosen using an advance prediction method, a similarity criterion, and a
dynamic search strategy in accordance with the law of human body kinematics, the motion
process of the passengers is tracked dynamically, and finally the direction of their movement is
determined. The results of the real tests demonstrate that this algorithm can accurately and
successfully handle a variety of challenging scenarios.

2.5 Planning of Project

We have decided to divide this final year project into five different parts and each part almost
takes ten to fifteen days from planning to a demonstration.
 Proposal of university buses GPS tracking system using Arduino nano, Node MCU and
 Modeling the whole design in paper and design as per requirement.
 Purchasing the required components.
 Installing the required components and collaborate with the software.

 Testing of real time bus tracking system by tracking the location of the bus through GPS.
 Demonstration of the final year project

2.6 Overview of Project

LCD 16*2

Node MCU Arduino Board Power Supply

RFID Reader

Figure 2. 2: Basic Overview of University Buses GPS Tracking System

3.1 Block Diagram

LCD 16x2

RFID Buzzer
v Reader


Exit Arduino RTC

Button Nano


Data to GPS

IR for
Speed MIT App

Figure 3. 1: System Model

3.2 Working
The system model is shown in figure 3.1. The university buses GPS Tracking system consists of
Arduino nano, Node MCU, buzzer, entry button, exit button, RFID reader, fire detection sensor,
GPS (Global Positioning System), IR sensor for measuring speed of bus, and LCD. Arduino
nano is the brain of this project because all programming is done in it. Arduino is being powered
up with a 9v battery or simply connect it to the laptop through USB cable. At the front of the bus
IR sensor is used for measuring speed of the bus. If bus is going with a very high speed than over
speed alert is sent on the application. Fire sensor in the bus checks the fire and if there is any fire
in the bus and it sends an alert on the application and also displays it on LCD. Buzzer in the bus
also starts beeping alerting the students of the bus about the fire detection. If there is a traffic jam
on road, then the driver of the bus will press the delay button so that students will get alerted
about the arrival of the bus through mobile application. RFID card is used for entry of students in
the bus each student has to scan his/her RFID card for entry in the bus. If the user is registered
for the bus then the door of the bus will open otherwise it will remain closed. Entry and exit
button are also placed in the bus for entry and exit. If someone enters or exit the bus then he/she
will press the enter/exit button. By pressing entry/exit button students are updated about the
available seats in the bus. GPS (Global Positioning System) is also placed in the bus for tracking
it. Students can track the location of the bus through mobile application. Now the university
buses GPS tracking system is ready to use. Node MCU used in this project is a Wi-Fi module
and provides internet facility for arduino. Arduino nano operates at 5V whereas esp8266 operates
at 7.5V which is given by the adaptor. The software used for Arduino nano is arduino IDE which
we will discuss in detail after the working of the project; esp8266 programming is also done in
arduino IDE software by using AT commands.

3.3 Software Design and Tools

Proteus software and the Arduino IDE are both used in this project.

3.3.1 Arduino IDE

Arduino IDE is that application which is written within the programming language like java. It’s
employed to put in writing down and transfer programs to the Arduino board. The Arduino IDE
supports the languages area unit C and C++ by victimization special rule of code structuring.

Figure 3. 2: Arduino IDE

3.3.2 Micro-controller's Introduction

That scaled down scale controller will be those purposes of convergence mappings of the venture
then again. Whatever electrical circuit detects it acts, for instance, the mind that takes choices
also gets besides transmit output as necessities be.

Figure 3. 3: Powering Given Arduino

This kind of controlling farthest point in this trial may utilize micro controller as contradicted
advanced IC's. This is really a conventional open door for getting some answers concerning
micro controller and by what means will to drive and outline micro-controller set up circuits
consequent to each observing limit in electronic devices are fabricate using micro controllers.
However, on cutting edge, IC's we should propel the physical furnishing framework that

acknowledges inefficiencies which is a chance to be the broad fight extension to multifaceted
nature. In spite of the fact there stand a couple of type of microcontrollers. Those determination
of microcontroller may have stayed created finished how run of the mill it is fabricated and on its

3.3.3 Powering up Arduino

The input voltage when using an external source to the Arduino board. It is possible to
supply the voltage through this pin.

 5V
In Arduino nano voltage regulators are used to supply regulated voltage to atmega328
microcontroller. There are two regulators 5V and 3.3V. The Arduino nano can be powered
up using a 12V adaptor.

Pin of earth.

3.3.4 Creating a Program

In Arduino, improvement condition programs are made and after that given to Arduino board.

Figure 3. 4: Arduino IDE Software

Accurate command names and a substantial grammar is utilized for code and it must be entered
in the correct language structure. Mistakes/errors are detected by the compiler before download.
May be the error message can be mysterious and you need to do some chasing in light of the fact

that the genuine mistake/error happened before the flag. The figures that are given below shows
the menu, edit, sketch writing, help and various tools that are used in the Arduino IDE software.

Figure 3. 5: Connecting Arduino

Figure 3. 6: Sketch Writing

Figure 3. 7: Menu

Figure 3. 8: EDIT

Figure 3. 9: Void Loop

Figure 3. 10: Tools

Figure 3. 11: Void Setup

Figure 3. 12: Help

Figure 3. 13: Arduino Programming

3.3.5 Proteus
Proteus is a software tool mainly used for automation of electronic design and for the production
of printed circuit boards. Proteus is primarily used by electronic design engineers and technicians
to produce schematics and electronic prints. First of all, schematics are designed in proteus ISIS
and then PCB layout is created using proteus ARES.

Figure 3. 14: Proteus

3.3.6 Mobile Application

A user-friendly interface is created for an Android-based application so that consumers may
quickly understand and utilize it. The programme is created by using the MIT App Inventor

3.4 Flow Chart


Check Fire

Send Alert to
If Fire = High Yes LCD and Wifi


If delay Button Add Delay in

Pressed Yes Next Station

Send to Node

If IR Speed Over Speed

Detected Yes Alert


If Entry/Exit
Button Pressed Yes Scan RFID


Allow if User
Go to Start Required

4.1 Component List
Table 4. 1: Components Used In This Project

Sr. No Components
1 Arduino nano(Atmega328)
2 RFID Card Reader
3 Entry & Exit Button
4 Jumper Wires
5 Fire Sensor
6 IR Sensor
8 Buzzer
9 Resistors
10 Capacitors
11 Diodes
12 LED’s
13 Node MCU (ESP8266)
14 LCD 16x2
15 GSM
16 Servo Motor
17 Metal Detector
18 Buck Converter
19 Speed Sensor

4.2 Arduino Nano

An 8-bit microcontroller is an Arduino. A central processing unit or arithmetic logic unit that can
process 8 bits of data at once is known as an 8 bit microcontroller. It has internal memory
(SRAM, Flash Memory) and peripherals for input and output. SPI, I2C, and other essential
control protocols are all available.

Figure 4. 1: Arduino Nano
The AT-Mega 328 AVR microcontroller is used in the Arduino nano series. There are 14 pins
total, 6 of which are for PWM and the rest are for digital purposes. It only has eight analogue
pins. There are several uses for different types of pins. The USB to TTL converter on this board
is built-in. We are able to supply 12 volts in its input securely.

Table 4. 2: Technical Features of Arduino Nano

Microcontroller ATMEGA 328

Operating Voltage 5V
Digital Pins 14
PWM Pins 6
Analog Pins 8
DC Current Per Input And Output Pin 20mA
DC Current For 3.3V 50mA
Flash Memory 32KB
Clock Speed 16MHz
Weight 25g

The power pins of Arduino are as follows:
The input voltage when using an external source to the Arduino board. It is possible to
supply the voltage through this pin.

 5V
In Arduino nano voltage regulators are used to supply regulated voltage to atmega328
microcontroller. There are two regulators 5V and 3.3V. The Arduino nano can be powered
up using a 12V adaptor.

LED in arduino is connected with pin number 13. This LED can be turned ON/OFF by using
the HIGH and LOW commands. The LED remains ON when HIGH and remains OFF when

Pin of earth.

 Arduino Nano
It has a default serial port on pin0 and pin1. These pins are used for the serial
communication, debugging purposes to check any error in coding and can also be used to
communicate with other devices which make use of serial communication like GSM
module, Bluetooth module and so on. There are thousands of devices which uses serial

 External Interrupts
Pins 2 and 3 can be set up to initiate an interrupt in response to low values, rising or falling
edges, or value changes.

 Arduino Nano PWM Pins

The PWM pins are numbered 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, and 11. The duty cycle of a PWM pulse train is
set on these pins using the analogue write function.

4.3 Jumper Wires
Jumper wire is essentially an electrical cable that connects components or any other experimental
circuitry on a breadboard without the need for soldering.

Figure 4. 2: Jumper Wires

Male to female, male to male, and female to female are the three different types of jumper
cables. Male ends can plug into objects but female ends cannot since they lack pins. Male ends
can, however, because they have pins. Male to male jumper cables are the most popular and
extensively used jumper wires. Two ports on a breadboard are connected using a male to male
jumper wire.

4.4 Global Positioning System

Finding the driver's precise position is another crucial component of this research. We have a
GPS module that we have used for this. It operates on 4.4V, therefore to provide it with an
adequate supply voltage, we used a 5V voltage regulator and a diode with a voltage drop of
roughly 0.6 before it. Latitude and longitude coordinates are obtained by the GPS module from
the satellite at the same time as an alarm message is sent to the emergency contact by the GSM
module. In our project we have used GPS module which plays an important role in carrying out
the whole operation, the system trace the exact location of the bus through GPS module. The
command is also given to the system through a simple SMS.

Figure 4. 3: GPS Module

4.5 Vero Board

Vero board is a printed circuit board having rows of copper rails and holes drilled into them for
soldering electrical components to create circuits.
A tenth of an inch separates each track and hole. These will fit properly if that dimension seems
familiar because it is the same gap that ICs utilize. The copper strip is supposed to electrically
connect every hole in a row, therefore you should design your layout properly.
Sometimes you'll want to cut the continuous copper strip in order to open the circuit. Using an IC
results in this. The traces of each linked pin under the IC must be broken. Vero Board is a
double-side prototype board, all holes are smooth and clear and it’s both sides are identical.

Figure 4. 4: Vero Board

4.6 GSM Module
To send a warning message to the driver's emergency contact, we employed a GSM module.
Two LEDs, one red and one green, are used in this module to signal network availability. Green
LEDs are used to signal network availability. Red LEDs are used to indicate network failure.
USART protocol is used by the GSM module and microcontroller to communicate. This
modem's AT command initialization makes it capable of sending an alarm message. Here, we've
selected the SIM800L GSM module. A tiny GSM modem called the SIM800L GSM/GPRS
module can be incorporated into many different Internet of Things (IoT) projects. This module
supports the quad-band GSM/GPRS network, so we can use it to do practically whatever a
typical cell phone can do, including send and receive SMS text messages and make or receive
phone calls. GSM module is depicted in Fig. 3.21

Figure 4. 5: GSM Module

4.7 Voltage Regulators

Two 5V voltage regulators are being used to supply GPS and GSM with 5V. We utilised diodes
before GSM and GPS because they drop about 0.6V and we have our required voltage for both
modules, which is 4.4V. Here, we've employed certain capacitors that are intended to lessen
signal distortion.

4.8 Node MCU (ESP8266)

Node MCU (ESP8266) Wi-Fi is an open source to IOT platform. It is basically an SOS (System
on Chip). An SOS (System on Chip) integrates all the components of a computer or other
electronic circuits because it is an integrated circuit. By default Node MCU has firmware. The
memory of Node MCU is 128KB.

Figure 4. 6: Node MCU Wi-Fi

This module helps us to convert our circuit advance and make it easy to observe everywhere in
the earth where the internet is available. This one thing is IoT smart system. The IoT can achieve
everything for the advanced type of physical science that doesn’t look like the old registration
gadgets, yet the unit attached to send data online, and the bearings or each. The partner of such
things is the surprisingly wide fluctuations that solve this umbrella; the shapes of “wonderful”
antique machines connect to the Internet, such as refrigerators and light weight bulbs; Partner
web may exist alone in the empowered world such as medical care, transportation, Alexa Style
Advanced Collaborations (ADA), web empowered sensors that regenerate, focus and cultivate

4.8.1 Working of IoT

Key components of the IoT square gadget that collect data are web related gadgets and each of
them has a subordinate science address. They are emptied of the complexity of self-governing
vehicles that pull the stock around the factory floor directly to sensors that screen the
temperature in the structure. They also embrace individual gadgets such as Valence Tracker
which show the amount of action for these individuals on a daily basis [38]. To adjust the data, to
collect it, to prepare it, to separate it and to examine it, everything about it can be handled with
incredible courtesy.

Data collection is done by gadget collection. Transferring data is often used remotely in wired
organizations to make progress or change strategies. Data is regularly sent over the net to an

information community or cloud that has the capability and power of code or the exchange is
more organized over time, before intermediate gadgets collect data.

Information will be handled in server forms or in the cloud, for the most non partners. Within the
example of major gadgets like shut off in modern settings, data transfer from gadgets to overseas
data centers is only more pleasant. It will take more time to complete the cause circle, measure it,
investigate it, and return the titles. In such cases edge processing will gain play, any space that
will combine a suitable edge gadget data, investigate it and style responses, if necessary, will
close the actual distance as well. Accordingly, deferment will be less. Edge gadgets also have an
up stream property which makes the data extra ready.

Figure 4. 7: Internet of Things

4.9 Buck Converter

Buck converter can be a DC to DC power convert device that steps down the voltage from its
input to its output.

Figure 4. 8: Buck Converter

Buck device could be a category of switched mode power offer generally containing a minimum
of two semiconductors (i.e. a diode and a semiconductor, though the latest buck devices usually
replace the diode with 2nd semiconductor utilized for the synchronous rectification) and a
minimum of one storage half, a condenser, electrical device or the each in combination. To
reduce the voltage ripples, filters manufacture from capacitors square measure normally side to
such a converters output and conjointly the input.

Figure 4. 9: Buck Converter Internal Circuit Diagram

4.10 Servo Motor

Regular motors, like the one in figure 3.17, lack the capabilities of servo motors. Because it is a
rotatory motor, acceleration, velocity, and angular position may all be controlled precisely.
Figure 3.17 depicts the servo motor utilized in this project.

Figure 4. 10: Servo Motor

There are numerous servo motors on the market, and each motor has a unique purpose and use.
The SG90 servo motor is employed in design and fabrication of seed sowing robot. Three wires
are coming out from the servo motor. The description of these wires is shown in figure 4.4.

Figure 4. 11: Wire Configuration of Servo Motor

PWM signals should be sent to the orange color wire in order to activate the motor with power
and cause it to rotate. We require a device that can generate PWM signals, such as timers,
microcontrollers like Arduino, or microprocessors like raspberry pie, in order to assemble the
servo motor function.

4.10.1 Servo Motor Applications

Various robots utilize servo motors as the actuator. To manoeuvre the mechanism in remote-
control gadgets, a servo motor is required. For controlling movement, it is utilized in robots.
Since servo motors are lightweight, they are employed in number of DOF robotic system, such
as humanoid robots.

4.11 Buzzer
The buzzer is a cheap 5V device and can easily be controlled using the raspberry pi. It has three
pins but only two are used. Negative Pin of the buzzer is attached to ground pin and the S pin is
attached to desired PWM pin and by using the analog write function this buzzer can be
controlled. A driver circuit is designed for connection of the buzzer with the digital pin.

Figure 4. 12: Buzzer

5.1 Simulation Results
The initial step in the analysis of hardware results is the software implementation. In this chapter,
all of the proteus simulations are covered. Numerous components were employed in the proteus
simulation for this project hence each proteus simulation is covered below step by step.

5.1.1 Arduino Nano

The controller used in this project is Arduino Nano. Arduino Nano is the very important
component in this project because all coding is done in it. The microcontroller used in arduino
nano is atmega328. It operates at 5V. The figure 5.2 shows the arduino nano used in university
buses GPS tracking system.

Figure 5. 1: Arduino Nano

5.1.2 LCD Display

Liquid crystal display also called as LCD is defined by the combination of rows and columns it
has to display the desired characters on it. LCD used in our project is of 16 * 2 i: e it has 16

columns and 2 rows. LCD has total of 16 pins from which RS, E, D4, D5, D6, D7 are interfaced
with the controller and the other ones are for LCD power and power of backlight in the LCD.
LCD has total of 8 digital data pins but we are using 4-bit data transfer with Arduino Nano to
lessen the complexity of the wiring. Whereas LCD R/W pin should be connected to Ground to
write on the LCD. RS is the register select pin of the LCD to access the internal registers of the
LCD and E is the enable pin to be provided a high to low signal to display the characters on the
LCD. The connection of arduino nano with LCD is shown in figure 5.2.

Figure 5. 2: LCD Connection with Arduino

5.1.3 Complete Schematic

The figure 5.3 shows the complete schematic of the project. In this schematic different
components are connected with arduino nano. Arduino nano is the brain of the project because
all programming is done in it. The other main components of the project are GPS and GSM. GPS
is used for tracking the location of the bus whereas GSM is used for sending messages to their
parents about the speed alert of the bus. Whenever the speed of the bus increases the message is
sent to the parents alerting the speed of the bus.

Figure 5. 3: Complete Schematic

5.2 Hardware Implementation

To understand the complete working of the project, Hardware is described in the form of parts so
that a reader can understand the concept of university buses GPS tracking system.

5.2.1 GPS Module

The fundamental operation of any GPS (Global Positioning System) device is the same. The 24
satellites that make up the GPS network orbit the planet on exact, predetermined trajectories
while transmitting radio signals that carry information about the satellite's precise location. Each
satellite has a distinct orbit and radio broadcast. GPS used in this project is for tracking the exact
location of the bus. It provides facility both to the parents and also to the students. Through GPS
parents can easily check the location of their son / daughter. And for student it also provides
facility by telling the exact location of the bus, because by knowing the exact location students
have not to wait at the bus station for hours.

Figure 5. 4: GPS Module

5.2.2 Integration of Arduino Nano with Servo Motor

It is a rotatory motor, acceleration, velocity, and angular position may all be controlled precisely
through this motor. In this project, it is used for opening and closing the door of bus. The servo
motor used in university buses GPS tracking system is sg90. The integration of arduino nano
with servo motor is shown in the figure 5.5.

Figure 5. 5: Integration of Arduino Nano with Servo Motor

5.2.3 Integration of Arduino Nano with GSM Module
A GSM (Global System for Mobile Communication) is basically used for sending an emergency
alert on mobile. In this project GSM module is used for sending the over speed alert on mobile.
Whenever the bus exceeds the maximum speed an alert is sent on mobile of parents. This module
will alert the parents about the over speed of the bus. The figure given below shows the
integration of arduino nano with GSM module.

Figure 5. 6: Integration of Arduino Nano with GSM

Figure 5. 7: Over Speed Alert on Mobile

5.2.4 Metal Detector
Metal detector is also employed in university buses GPS tracking system for safety of students.
Metal detector is employed for detecting metal, like if someone is hiding pistol or any type of
metal in their bag or in pent, then this metal detector will alert the driver of the bus about the
pistol or any metal which is harmful for students. The figure 5.8 shows the metal detector used in
this project.

Figure 5. 8: Metal Detector

5.2.5 Real Time Clock (RTC)

The RTC is being built utilizing Synopsys programmes for simulation and the Verilog Hardware
Description Language (HDL). An integrated circuit called a real-time clock (RTC) contains a
timer powered by a crystal oscillator that can display the time of day and frequently the date. The
time and date are also stored in a tiny on-chip storage unit by the RTC.
The size of electrical devices is decreasing in today's environment. The smaller the size, the more
electronics innovation is concerned. While employing a traditional real-time clock (RTC) to
supply the microcontroller with the date and time system will result in a larger device. The
microcontroller system will employ this RTC as an on-chip RTC to offer accurate time and date
that may be used for a variety of applications.
In the university buses GPS tracking system, Real Time Clock (RTC) is utilized. It is utilized for
calculating time of the bus from one station to the other station. Real Time Clock of the project is
shown in figure 5.9.

Figure 5. 9: Real Time Clock
The figure given below shows the exact location of the bus through GPS.

Figure 5. 10: Live Location of Bus

5.2.6 Complete Hardware
Quality assurance is very important for any product to perform satisfactorily and reliably after
deployment. In order to achieve these goals, each module of the system is tested individually.
The whole system is tested on Proteus to see whether the goals are accomplished or not. The
figure given below shows the complete hardware of the project.

Figure 5. 11: Complete Hardware

6.1 Conclusion
One of the biggest issues that are facing students nowadays is poor transport system. Many
institutions still use outdated, conventional mechanisms for their transportation system.
Unfortunately, many reputable colleges transportation system are manual and poorly organized,
which makes it impossible for students to get to their campuses on time. The exact location and
arrival time of the bus is unknown to the students. Students are also blind about the fact that the
bus may or may not have empty seats.
To solve all these problems we aim to design an IoT based real time bus tracking system that
tracks the location of the university bus in real time. It also organizes the bus management
system. Students can easily access all the details of the driver, including security threats,
schedule of the bus, delay in arrival of bus at the bus stop, over speeding and fire detection
through mobile application. Only those students can enter in the bus that have their registered
RFID card, if they don’t have the registered RFID card the door of the bus will not be opened
and student will not be allowed to enter into the bus. The entry/exit buttons are also placed at the
entry and exit that shows the seat availability of students in the bus. If the seat capacity of the bus
is full then it is also displayed on mobile application. Buzzer in the bus alerts the student when
bus travels in a very high speed or any fire in the bus is detected. Hence an IoT based real time
bus tracking system is designed for the university students in a cost effective, easy and precise

6.2 Future Recommendations

IoT based real time bus tracking system is a prototype that mainly tracks the location of the bus
and provides security and facility to the university students. Many new features can be added to
this system to make it even better. Since the Raspberry Pi 4 is quick enough to observe in real
time, it could be employed rather than an arduino to enhance accessibility. Incorporating a range
of sensors, to detect other elements of the environment like temperature and humidity. Increasing
the number of vehicles controlling functions such as those that start, stop, lock and unlock the

door of the bus. It is possible to change our system by introducing a 3D map, at least for the
prominent locations along the route.

Figure 6. 1: Three Dimensional View of University Entrance

Figure 6. 2: Three Dimensional View of Bus and University Entrance


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