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They are going to tell you about a longer

life and the routines that we need if we
want a healthy life perfectly reflect and
express what it means to be and feel
1. You must take care of
your diet, I mean that
you have to reduce your
intake of saturated fat.
You have to eat more
fruits and vegetables to
be able to take care of
both your physical and
mental health.
•2. You must take care of
your food, I mean that you
have to reduce your intake
of saturated fat, you have
to eat more fruits and
vegetables, you do not have
to modify your daily meals,
just put some tomato and
lettuce in your meals.
•3. You have to reduce or get out of
the smoke, since it is especially
relevant for people with kidney
diseases since smoking causes
pressure on the heart and blood
vessels, so it is important to
maintain a healthy life.
•4. You have to maintain a normal
weight, it is also valuable to practice
sports, physical exercise contributes
greatly to leading a normal and
healthy life.
•5. You should drink Water
Approximately two liters a day
because you have to be hydrated,
but drinking water is not the only
way to hydrate. When you eat foods
with high water content, such as
fruits and vegetables, the body stays
hydrated for longer.

6. You shouldn't be on TV all day
because a sedentary
Lifestyle is one of the great enemies
of a healthy lifestyle.
•7. You have to go to the doctor
minimum until six months because
you need control or checklist of your
exams, health blood pleasures and
heart rate.

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