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Work scope: Roof top recreation area (Futsal court)

Method statement

Shell Flintkote Decoralt Shell Flintkote No.3


Shell Flintkote Decoralt

Shell Flintkote BUR 4

The surface for tennis court, basket ball, badminton, and other sport or multipurpose fields.

Shell Flintkote BUR 4 provides a colourful and flexible surface for sport fields to reduce the risk of injury caused
by falling, impacting, to the ground surfaces. The system also provides the gross surface to protect slip of the player.

System layers and coverage

Layer Materials Layer Coverage / sq.m.

1 Shell Flintkote No.3 Priming 0.20 kg

2 Shell Flintkote Decoralt 0.15 kg

4 Shell Flintkote Decoralt 0.15 kg

Site Preparation

1. The surfaces must be sound and even, laitance should be removing. The surfaces should be medium rough
or rough in order to be firmly adhesive of the primer. Polish surface is not recommended.

2. Pooling area must be re-levelled by Shell Flintkote Mastic.

3. All surfaces should be free from dust, dirt, oil, grease, moss and loose material.
Use wire brush.

Shell Flintoke Decoralt surface treatment

1. Prime with Shell Flintkote No.3 diluted with 50% water. Allow to dry.

2. Paint with two layers of Shell Flintkote Decoralt for play zoning.

3. Lining with two layers of Shell Flintkote Decoralt. Allow to dry at least 10
days then can be opened for playing.

Recommendation to the use of court

After opening, the court should be frequently used. Players must wear sport shoes rubber pad type.

Spot repair the paint of top surface

Spot painting may causes the unsteady of the colour in the first stage. It will be balance after use for a period

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