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Psychological Research (2013) 77:480–491

DOI 10.1007/s00426-012-0438-8


Examining auditory kappa effects through manipulating intensity

differences between sequential tones
Doug Alards-Tomalin • Launa C. Leboe-McGowan •

Todd A. Mondor

Received: 17 January 2012 / Accepted: 7 April 2012 / Published online: 27 April 2012
Ó Springer-Verlag 2012

Abstract The auditory kappa effect is a tendency to base interval is increased, a finding called the filled-duration
the perceived duration of an inter-onset interval (IOI) illusion (Adams, 1977; Buffardi, 1971; Thomas & Brown,
separating two sequentially presented sounds on the degree 1974; Poynter & Homa, 1983). Other studies have dis-
of relative pitch distance separating them. Previous covered similar subjective temporal lengthening (or dila-
research has found that the degree of frequency discrep- tion) effects with increased stimulus complexity (Mulligan
ancy between tones extends the subjective duration of the & Schiffman, 1979; Ornstein, 1969), stimulus change
IOI. In Experiment 1, auditory kappa effects for sound (Leboe & Mondor, 2008; Casasanto & Boroditsky, 2008;
intensity were tested using a three-tone, AXB paradigm Brown, 1995; Block, 1982), and stimulus sequence tempo
(where the intensity of tone X was shifted to be closer to (Kanai, Paffen, Hogendoorn, & Verstraten, 2006).
either Tone A or B). Tones closer in intensity level were Perceived duration has also been found to be influenced
perceived as occurring closer in time, evidence of an by variations in spatial distance. Research has shown that
auditory-intensity kappa effect. In Experiments 2 and 3, the the perceived duration of an interval between two
auditory motion hypothesis was tested by preceding AXB sequentially presented stimuli is partially derived as a
patterns with null intensity and coherent intensity context function of the distance demarking those stimuli. This
sequences, respectively. The auditory motion hypothesis perceptual phenomenon, referred to as the kappa effect, has
predicts that coherent sequences should enhance the per- been demonstrated in visual (Abe, 1935; Cohen, Hansel &
ception of motion and increase the strength of kappa Sylvester, 1953; Lebensfeld & Wapner, 1968; Matsuda,
effects. In this study, the presence of context sequences 1974; Newman & Lee, 1972; Sarrazin, Giraudo, Pailhous,
reduced kappa effect strength regardless of the properties & Bootsma, 2004), auditory (Allan, 1984; Boltz, 1998;
of the context tones. Cohen, Hansel, & Sylvester, 1954; Crowder & Neath,
1994, Grondin & Plourde, 2007; Henry & McAuley, 2009;
Sarrazin, Giraudo, & Pittenger, 2007; Shingeno, 1986;
Introduction Shingeno, 1993), and tactile modalities (Grondin, Kuroda,
& Mitsudo, 2011; Suto, 1952).
Previous research has consistently shown that contextual
elements (features inherent to a stimulus) exhibit powerful
biasing effects on duration judgments. For example, an The visual kappa effect
interval of time is systematically estimated as longer in
duration as the number of stimuli presented within that The standard method for eliciting visual kappa effects
involves the sequential presentation of three transient
stimuli (e.g., light flashes) along a spatial trajectory sepa-
rated by two inter-onset intervals (IOIs) (Abe, 1935;
D. Alards-Tomalin (&)  L. C. Leboe-McGowan  T. A. Mondor
Benussi, 1913; Cohen et al., 1953; Cohen, Hansel, &
Duff Roblin Building, Department of Psychology,
University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2, Canada Sylvester, 1955; Huang & Jones, 1982). According to this
e-mail: procedure, the first and third (bounding) elements are fixed

Psychological Research (2013) 77:480–491 481

with respect to their spatial and temporal characteristics. and McAuley (2009) have recently provided evidence for
Participants are told to ignore the spatial location of the the imputed-velocity account in audition, finding stronger
target (middle occurring) stimulus, while judging its timing kappa effects for shorter total duration (T) sequences
within the sequence. The perceived interval timing is (T = 728 ms vs. T = 1,000 and 1,200 ms). In addition to
thought to be based on the inference that a stimulus the imputed-velocity model, the auditory motion hypothe-
sequence constitutes a single object moving through space sis (MacKenzie & Jones, 2005; Jones, 1976; Jones, Maser,
at a constant speed (Cohen et al., 1955; Price-Williams, & Kidd, 1978) proposes that imputed pitch velocities
1954); this inference is referred to as the imputed velocity convey inherent motion-like properties, such that listeners
(Anderson, 1974; Collyer, 1977; Jones & Huang, 1982). As will be able to predict where and when a tone will occur in
a result, when timing deviations violate the expectation of a regularly unfolding sequence. Therefore, auditory kappa
constant velocity, the temporal characteristics of the effects should be eliminated or drastically reduced when
sequence are perceptually re-adjusted to maintain the initial perceived motion is disrupted; and enhanced when per-
expectation. In summary, there is a tendency for the central ceived motion is reinforced. MacKenzie (2007) tested this
system to maintain constant velocity of motion. As a result, hypothesis in a series of experiments in which a three-tone
larger spatial distances are perceived to indicate longer context sequence preceded the presentation of each AXB
durations, while smaller spatial distances indicate short pattern (or kappa-cell). It was demonstrated that auditory
durations. kappa effects were eliminated when kappa-cells were
preceded by monotonic context sequences, or serial context
sequences that conveyed pitch changes in the opposite
The auditory kappa effect direction of the kappa-cell. However, when expectancies
regarding pitch-trajectory across three context tones were
Research on the auditory kappa effect has focused pri- consistent with the trajectory conveyed in the kappa-cell,
marily on the influence of sound frequency discrepancies the overall effect was strengthened when compared against
between sequential tones (referred to as pitch distance) on a no context sequence control.
perceived interval duration. Auditory frequency has been While the auditory motion hypothesis focuses primarily
theorized to act as a phenomenological analog to visual on frequency change, the perceived intensity of a tone also
spatial distance (Hass & Hass, 1984; Jones & Huang, exists along a spatialized perceptual continuum where ris-
1982), where pitch information is directly mapped onto ing intensity levels are perceived to signify the arrival of
visual space (e.g., high/low pitch tones). For example, the sound’s source (Neuhoff, 1998). Additionally, loudness
impairments in judging sound frequency have occurred judgments can be biased by introducing frequency changes
when a sound is presented from an incongruent spatial into a sound (Leboe & Mondor, 2010) suggesting that
location (e.g., high frequency tone presented from a low auditory intensity and pitch scales are perceptually inter-
spatial location) (Leboe & Mondor, 2007). related (Jones, 1976). The purpose of the following paper is
Early research on the auditory kappa effect required to investigate the hypothesis that intensity acts in a manner
participants to manually adjust the timing of a middle similar to pitch in inducing auditory kappa effects. In
occurring tone (X) in a repeating sequence of three tones addition, we wish to test an extension of the auditory
until the two IOI durations were perceived as equivalent motion hypothesis that includes sound intensity as an
(Cohen et al., 1954). Shingeno (1986, 1993), used a modified analog to visual motion.
AXB procedure where the timing and spacing of the middle
element (X) was manipulated by the experimenter, while
participants judged the durations of the two IOIs (IOI1: A–X Perceptual interactions between sound intensity
and IOI2: X–B). She found that when the frequency of the and duration
middle stimulus (X) was closer in pitch to the first boundary
stimulus (A), there was a bias to report the first IOI in the Few studies have directly examined the biasing influence
sequence as short. When the middle tone’s frequency neared of sound intensity on perceived duration. One noteworthy
that of the second boundary stimulus (B) the reverse bias example was conducted by Divenyi and Danner (1977),
occurred, a tendency to judge the first IOI as long. who found that interval timing accuracy decreased signif-
The imputed-velocity model holds that kappa effect icantly as the intensity difference between tones increased.
strength is determined by the degree to which the expected Several studies have also examined the effect of ramping
timing of a stimulus sequence is derived from its overall (continually increasing the intensity) versus damping
velocity. At faster speeds, the perceived stimulus timing (continually decreasing the intensity) a tone on time esti-
becomes reliant upon the degree of spatial separation mation, in which ramped sounds tend to be perceived as
between transient elements (Jones & Huang, 1982). Henry longer in duration than damped sounds (Schlauch, Ries, &

482 Psychological Research (2013) 77:480–491

DiGiovanni, 2001). In addition, it has also been demon- unchanging intensity levels). According to the auditory
strated that damped sounds tend to be substantially motion hypothesis, these sequences should significantly
underestimated (Grassi & Darwin, 2006; Schlauch et al., diminish the strength of the kappa effect when compared to
2001). Critically, Oléron (1952) found that loud sounds are Experiment 1. In Experiment 3, participants listened to
perceived as longer than quiet sounds. context sequences, which smoothly transitioned into the
In addition to sound intensity, the biasing effect of visual kappa-cell. These sequences enhance kappa effects when
intensity on perceived duration has been reliably established compared to Experiment 1.
(Brigner, 1986; Goldstone, Llamon, & Seschzer, 1979;
Kraemer, Brown, & Randall, 1995), wherein higher inten-
sity (i.e., brighter) lights are perceived as having longer Experiment 1: auditory-intensity kappa effect
durations than lesser intensity (i.e., dimmer) lights. A recent
study by Xuan, Zhang, He and Chen (2007) demonstrated Method
that visual intensity is factored into IOI duration judgments.
On their task, the perceived duration of an interval sepa- Design
rating two bounding visual elements was found to be influ-
enced by the magnitude of those elements (magnitude Experiment 1 implemented a 2 (Intensity Direction) 9 4
variations included: stimulus quantity, size and luminance (Intensity Difference) 9 8 (Timing) mixed design. Inten-
changes across a sequence of dots). They reported a con- sity Direction (Decreasing vs. Increasing intensity
gruency effect where an IOI flanked by larger magnitude sequences) acted as a between-participants variable, while
stimuli facilitated the perception of a long duration interval, the four target tone intensities (67, 64, 61, and 58 dB SPL)
and an IOI flanked by smaller magnitude stimuli facilitated were combined with the eight different levels of timing
the perception of a short duration interval. This is similar to a (see Fig. 1). The complete interval (T) separating the
congruency effect reported by Allan (1984) where high onsets of the first and third bounding tones were 1,200 ms,
frequency tones facilitated long duration judgments and low with a 600 ms temporal bisection point (T/2). The timing of
frequency tones facilitated short duration judgments. the target (middle occurring tone) corresponded to eight
There were two primary goals in the current study. locations, these locations are referred to throughout as the
Initially, we examined the possibility of auditory kappa percentage of interval change relative to a base
effects when a series of tones were manipulated in intensity IOI = 600 ms (±3.33, 6.67, 10 and 13.33 %). This cor-
in a manner reinforcing an auditory motion trajectory—a responded to four possible long–short interval durations
continuously increasing or decreasing intensity path (620–580, 640–560, 660–540, and 680–520 ms, respec-
(Experiment 1). Additionally, we were interested in pro- tively), and four short–long IOI durations (the reverse of
viding an extension of the auditory motion hypothesis to the long–short patterns).
include auditory intensity motion. To do so, we examined
the impact of a three-tone context sequence on kappa effect Participants
strength (see also MacKenzie, 2007). In Experiment 2,
participants were presented with kappa-cells preceded by There were 16 University of Manitoba undergraduates (8
null intensity context sequences (composed of tones with male, 8 female) with a mean age of 22.07 who were randomly

Fig. 1 Task diagram for

Experiment 1 (AXB sequence)
depicting both increasing and
decreasing intensity sequences.
The target tone position in the
sequence (dashed line circles)
was manipulated along intensity
(depicted on the Y axis) and
time (depicted on the X axis)
scales. The four different levels
of intensity difference (between
tones A and X) are also depicted
on the scale

Psychological Research (2013) 77:480–491 483

assigned to the intensity increasing condition, and 17 Uni- visual diagram was displayed to the participants. All of the
versity of Manitoba undergraduates (8 female, 9 male), with participants reported understanding the experimental task,
a mean age of 19.24 who were randomly assigned to the eliminating the need for practice trials. Participants were
intensity decreasing condition. All participants in the study informed to make their judgments by pressing keys labeled
self-reported normal hearing, and were awarded partial short–long (located on the left side of the key-board or S
course credit for participating in the study. One participant key) and long–short button (located on the right side of the
was dropped from the intensity increasing condition due to key-board or L key), and were told that there were equal
an inflated JND score, and a mean accuracy of 50 %. proportions of long–short and short–long pattern types
throughout the experiment. Each trial was self-initiated
Materials through pressing the space-bar; this was followed by a
500 ms fixation cross and an auditory pattern. Immediately
Computer and sound system following each sequence, a prompt was displayed, reading:
‘‘Was the pattern Short–Long or Long–Short?’’ After a
Experiment 1 and all subsequent experiments were run on a response was made, the next trial was self-initiated through
Dell Precision 390 Intel Core 2 Duo computer connected to pressing the space-bar. Participants completed 10 blocks
a 17-inch color monitor. The sounds were presented consisting of 32 experimental trials where each block was
through Sony Dynamic Stereo MDR7506 Professional composed of a randomly distributed presentation order of
large diaphragm headphones, with a frequency response each of the four intensity differences (3, 6, 9, 12 dB SPL)
range between 10 Hz and 20 kHz and 106 dB/mW sensi- at each of the eight levels of timing (±3.33, 6.67, 10 and
tivity. The computer was installed with a SoundMAX 13.33 %). Experiment 1 lasted approximately 30 min. The
Integrated Digital High Definition Audio sound card. All of dependent measure of interest was the proportion of long–
the experiments were conducted using E-prime system short responses.
software (Psychology software tools Inc., 2002).
Data analysis
The proportion of long–short responses was determined
The stimuli were presented as three-tone (AXB) sequences for each participant across the eight levels of timing
consisting of 100 ms, 500 Hz pure tones. The auditory averaged across the 10 experimental blocks. Estimates of
sequences were synthesized using Adobe Audition 1.5 the Point of Subjective Equality (PSE) and Just Noticeable
(Adobe Systems Incorporated, 2004) at a sampling rate of Difference (JND) were then calculated for the resulting
22,050 Hz. All sounds were generated with 10 ms ramps to psychometric curves using the z-transformation method
eliminate onset and offset clicks. The intensities of the (Macmillan & Creelman, 1991; Henry & McAuley, 2009;
boundary tones A and B were set at 70 and 55 dB SPL, Henry, McAuley, & Zaleha, 2009). The PSE corresponds
respectively, for the decreasing intensity condition, and the to the interval timing at which a participant would respond
reverse for the increasing intensity condition. There were ‘‘long–short’’ 50 % of the time. The JND corresponded to
two key independent variables. The first was the intensity half the distance between the 25th and 75th percentiles of
level the target tone (X), which could assume decibel levels the cumulative response function. A relative constant error
of: 67, 64, 61, and 58 dB SPL. These intensity levels were (CE) score was subsequently defined by subtracting each
further classified according to the degree of decibel change participant’s PSE from the sequence’s temporal bisection
across the first IOI (the difference in intensity level point (T/2 = 600 ms) at each Intensity level. This metric
between tones A and X). This resulted in intensity differ- provides information regarding the direction and magni-
ences of: 3, 6, 9 and 12 dB SPL. The second independent tude of any response bias occurring at each Intensity level.
variable was the timing of the sound sequence, there were 8 A mean relative CE score of 0 indicates no systematic
levels of timing, defined by the temporal placement of X in distortion or biases on response rates, while positive CEs
the sequence (four of which were short–long and four of indicate a rightward shift in the PSE corresponding to a
which were long–short in duration). All sequences were tendency to overestimate the duration of the first IOI
1,300 ms in total duration. (A–X), negative CEs indicate a leftward shift in the PSE,
corresponding to a tendency to underestimate the duration
Procedure of the first IOI. In all cases where Mauchly’s test indicated
a violation to the assumption of sphericity, Greenhouse–
The participants were instructed to attend only to the Geisser estimates were used to correct the degrees of
timing of the target tone (X), which changed with respect freedom. Throughout the text, wherever means are pro-
to the boundary tones. To illustrate the experimental task, a vided, standard errors are indicated in brackets.

484 Psychological Research (2013) 77:480–491

Results and discussion

A 2 (Intensity Direction) 9 4 (Intensity Difference) 9 8

(Timing) mixed analysis of variance (ANOVA) was run,
treating Intensity Direction as a between-participants factor
and Intensity Difference and Timing as within-participants
factors using the proportion of long–short responses (see
Fig. 2) as the dependent measure. This analysis revealed a
significant main effect of Timing F(2.06, 63.92) = 131.44,
p \ .001, gp2 = 0.81 characterized by a significant linear
trend Flin (1, 31) = 201.74, p \ .001, gp2 = .87, in which
the proportion of long–short responses systematically
decreased as patterns shifted in their timing from 13.33 %
[M = .79 (.02)] to -13.33 % [M = .23 (.02)]. This indi-
cates that participants were successful at detecting varia-
tions in pattern timing.
The analysis revealed a significant main effect of Intensity
Difference on long–short responses F(1.52, 47.22) = 18.14
p \ .001, gp2 = .37. This effect was characterized by a
significant linear trend [Flin (1, 32) = 23.31, p \ .001,
gp2 = .43], in which the proportion of long–short responses
systematically increased as the intensity difference between
tones A and X shifted from 3 dB SPL [M = .44 (.02)] to
12 dB SPL [M = .60 (.02)]. This finding suggests that the
degree of intensity difference between sequential tones
impacts the perceived duration of the interval separating
them. No significant interactions were found (all p C .249)
and the between-participants effect of Intensity Direction
(increasing vs. decreasing intensity) was non-significant
F(1, 31) = 1.35, p = .255, gp2 = .04.
A 2 (Intensity Direction) 9 4 (Intensity Difference)
mixed ANOVA was run on the mean relative CE scores to
measure the degree of under- and overestimation response
bias occurring at each Intensity Difference level. A sig-
nificant main effect was found for Intensity Difference
F(1.92, 59.51) = 16.69, p \ .001, gp2 = .35 characterized
by a significant linear trend Flin (1, 31) = 26.52, p \ .001,
gp2 = .46. In a set of planned comparisons in which CE
scores were analyzed across the Intensity Difference levels,
it was found that CEs shifted from negative values
(underestimations of the first IOI relative to the second) at a
3 dB SPL intensity difference between tones A and X
[M = -30.94 (7.70)] to positive values (overestimations of
the first IOI relative to the second) at a 12 dB SPL dif-
ference between tones A and X [M = 34.94 (5.21)]. The
Intensity Direction 9 Intensity Difference interaction was
non-significant F(3, 93) = .865, p = .462, gp2 = .027, and
the between-participants effect of Intensity Direction
(increasing vs. decreasing intensity) was also non-signifi-
cant F(1, 31) = .79, p = .381, gp2 = .025.
The analysis applied to relative CE scores was also Fig. 2 Mean proportion ‘‘long–short’’ responses (with standard error
applied to JND scores. This analysis revealed no main bars) for participants in Experiments 1, 2 and 3 as a function of the
effect of Intensity Difference F(1.60, 49.48) = 1.00, eight different levels of interval timing

Psychological Research (2013) 77:480–491 485

Table 1 Estimated Relative

Experiment Intensity Difference
Just Noticeable Differences
(SEM) reported as a percentage 3 dB SPL 6 dB SPL 9 dB SPL 12 dB SPL
for the four Intensity Difference
levels in Experiments 1, 2 and 3 1 (No Context)
Intensity Increasing 19.37 (7.58) 11.56 (1.62) 16.25 (3.74) 14.01 (2.50)
Intensity Decreasing 11.07 (1.40) 11.33 (1.97) 15.05 (2.26) 11.39 (1.70)
2 (Null Intensity)
Intensity Increasing 3.68 (1.64) 14.16 (1.60) 10.13 (0.49) 8.75 (0.35)
Intensity Decreasing 7.60 (0.28) 8.04 (0.34) 8.09 (0.35) 7.95 (0.48)
3 (Coherent Intensity)
Intensity Increasing 9.84 (1.42) 9.63 (1.00) 10.50 (1.83) 8.24 (1.21)
Intensity Decreasing 9.57 (1.86) 9.09 (1.63) 8.63 (2.03) 7.85 (0.90)

p = .395, no significant Intensity Direction 9 Intensity Materials

Difference interaction F(3, 93) = .80, p = .495 and no
significant between-participants effect of Pattern Direction Sounds
F(1, 31) = .93, p = .342. The mean JNDs for both
increasing and decreasing intensity conditions are provided Sounds were synthesized using the procedure detailed in
in Table 1. Experiment 1. In Experiment 2, AXB kappa-cells were
Two primary results emerged from this experiment: (1) preceded by three 100 ms duration context tones. The
variations in the intensity levels between sequential tones context tones had identical intensity levels to the first tone
have an influence on how the timing of that interval is of the kappa-cell. For example, in the decreasing intensity
perceived; (2) the kappa effect is not modulated by the condition the context tones were all 75 dB SPL; while in
overall direction of the sequence (increasing vs. decreasing the increasing intensity condition, the context tones were
intensity). A finding similar to one demonstrated for all 55 dB SPL (see Fig. 3). The context tones were sepa-
auditory pitch kappa effects, in which the pitch direction rated by 600 ms IOIs. The total duration of each context
within the sequence had no significant impact on kappa sequence was 1,800 ms, while the total duration of each
effect strength (Henry & McAuley, 2009). trial (context ? kappa-cell) was 3,100 ms.

Experiment 2: null intensity context sequences
The procedure consisted of ten test blocks of 32 experi-
In Experiment 2 each AXB kappa-cell was preceded by a mental trials in which each block contained one randomly
null intensity, three-tone serial context sequence. The presented combination of each Intensity Difference (3, 6, 9,
auditory motion hypothesis (MacKenzie, 2007; MacKenzie 12 dB SPL differences) at each level of timing (±3.33,
& Jones, 2005) predicts that a static, unchanging context 6.67, 10, 13.33 %). Participants were instructed to attend to
sequence will disrupt the spatial trajectories formed on a
later kappa-cell, reducing the strength of the kappa effect.
The goal of Experiment 2 was to extend this prediction to
motion-based trajectories driven by intensity change.



The experiment included 26 participants who were ran-

domly assigned to increasing and decreasing intensity
conditions. The increasing condition included 13 Univer-
sity of Manitoba undergraduates (3 male, 10 female) with a
mean age of 18.61. The decreasing condition included 13
Fig. 3 Task diagram for Experiment 2, depicting the null intensity
University of Manitoba undergraduates (7 male, 6 female) context sequences and the following AXB sequences in both intensity
with a mean age of 20.42. increasing (grey circles) and decreasing conditions (black circles)

486 Psychological Research (2013) 77:480–491

the last three sounds in each six-tone pattern, in which the presented (Experiment 1); an additional 2 (Sequence
middle occurring tone (5th tone in the sequence) would be Type) 9 4 (Intensity Difference) mixed ANOVA was
presented closer to one of its boundary tones. Participants completed on the mean relative CE scores. The critical
were told to judge the durations of the final two IOIs using finding was a significant Sequence Type (No Context vs.
the SL (short–long) and LS (long–short) response keys. Due Null Context) 9 Intensity Difference (3, 6, 9 and 12 dB
to the added complexity of the task, participants were SPL) interaction F(3, 165) = 2.64, p \ .05, gp2 = .05.
provided with eight practice trials with response feedback. Post hoc comparisons revealed a marginally significant
Experiment 2 lasted approximately 50 min. decrease in kappa effect strength at an Intensity Difference
of 12 dB SPL. This decrease was illustrated by a larger
Results and discussion overestimation bias in the no context condition [M = 34.94
(5.21)] when compared against the null intensity context
A 2 (Intensity Direction) 9 4 (Intensity Difference) 9 8 sequence condition [M = 17.61 (6.08)] F(1, 57) = 3.62
(Timing) mixed ANOVA on the proportion of long–short p = .06. Pairwise comparisons between the Sequence
responses (see Fig. 2) revealed a significant main effect of conditions at the other 3 levels of Intensity Difference were
Timing F(2.37, 56.87) = 151.33, p \ .001, gp2 = .86 non-significant (all p C .219).
characterized by a significant linear trend Flin (1, 24) = To investigate the discrimination thresholds in Experi-
274.07, p \ .001, gp2 = .92, in which the proportion of ment 2, a 2 (Intensity Direction) 9 4 (Intensity Difference)
long–short responses systematically decreased as the pattern mixed ANOVA was run on the JND scores (see Table 1).
timing shifted from 13.33 % [M = .85 (.02)] to -13.33 % In this analysis there was no main effect of Intensity Dif-
[M = .15 (.02)]. As in Experiment 1, there was also a sig- ference on JND scores F(1.94, 46.66) = 1.22, p = .304. In
nificant main effect of Intensity Difference on long–short addition to that finding, the Intensity Direction 9 Intensity
responses, F(1.69, 40.46) = 10.30, p \ .001, gp2 = .30. Difference interaction was non-significant F(3, 72) = 1.02,
This effect was characterized by a linear trend Flin (1, 24) = p = .389 and the between-participants main effect of
13.77, p = .001, gp2 = .37, in which the proportion of long– Intensity Direction was non-significant F(1, 24) = .21,
short responses systematically increased as the Intensity p = .648.
Difference between tones A and X shifted from 3 dB SPL Three primary results occurred in Experiment 2: (1) it
[M = .46 (.02)] to 12 dB SPL [M = .56 (.02)]. There was was found that auditory kappa effects occurred despite the
also a marginally significant between-subjects effect con- presence of intensity-stable context sequences; (2) the
cerning the intensity direction of the sequence F(1, 24) = degree of under- and overestimations were statistically
4.65, p = .041, gp2 = .16. This effect was characterized by similar in both increasing and decreasing intensity con-
a larger proportion of long–short responses for decreasing figurations; and (3) there was a marginally significant
intensity sequences [M = .53 (.01)] when compared to interaction between the Intensity Difference and Sequence
increasing intensity sequences [M = .50 (.01)]. Since this Type factors. This finding demonstrates that overestima-
result was not replicated in either Experiment 1 or in tion biases were stronger in the No Context condition
Experiment 3, it will not be further discussed. Additionally, (Experiment 1) than they were in the Null Intensity
no interactions achieved significance (all p C .370). condition (Experiment 2), in particular on patterns
A 2 (Intensity Direction) 9 4 (Intensity Difference) exhibiting a 12 dB SPL difference between tones A and
mixed ANOVA on the mean relative CE scores at each of the X. This finding provides some evidence suggesting that
levels of Intensity Difference (3, 6, 9, 12 dB SPL) revealed a null intensity context sequence may inhibit kappa effect
significant main effect of Intensity Difference F(1.77, strength.
42.34) = 9.07, p \ .001, gp2 = .27. This effect was char-
acterized by a significant linear trend operating across the
levels of Intensity Difference Flin (1, 24) = 13.10, p = .001, Experiment 3: coherent intensity context sequences
gp2 = .35. This effect occurred due to a systematic shift in
CEs from negative values at a 3 dB SPL difference [M = In Experiment 3, three-tone context sequences coherently
-13.69 (5.20)] to positive values at a 12 dB SPL difference transitioned into the kappa-cell in steps of 3 dB SPL.
[M = 17.61 (5.14)]. The between-participants effect of Experiment 3 was intended to extend the predictions of the
Intensity Direction (increasing vs. decreasing intensity) was auditory motion hypothesis by reinforcing a gradually
non-significant F(1, 25) = 1.24, p = .252, gp2 = .05. increasing or decreasing intensity trajectory prior to the
To test whether the presence of a null intensity context presentation of a kappa-cell, which should enhance the
sequence (Experiment 2) reduces the strength of the kappa strength of the kappa effect relative to the no context
effect over a condition in which no context sequence is condition.

Psychological Research (2013) 77:480–491 487

Method (Intensity Difference) 9 8 (Timing) mixed ANOVA. This

analysis revealed a significant main effect of Interval Timing
Participants F(2.32, 71.97) = 155.39, p \ .001, gp2 = .83. This effect
was characterized by a significant linear trend Flin (1,
A total of 33 participants were randomly assigned to 31) = 270.10, p \ .001, gp2 = .90, in which the proportion
increasing and decreasing intensity conditions. The increasing of long–short responses decreased as patterns shifted in their
condition included 16 University of Manitoba undergraduates timing from 13.33 % [M = .84 (.02)] to -13.33 %
(4 male, 12 female) with a mean age of 19.63. The decreasing [M = .16 (.02)]. There was also a significant main effect of
condition included 17 University of Manitoba undergraduates Intensity Difference on long–short responses F(1.93,
(9 male, 8 female) with a mean age of 22.71. 71.97) = 12.83, p \ .001, gp2 = .29. This effect was char-
acterized by a significant linear trend Flin (1, 31) = 19.12,
Materials p \ .001, gp2 = .38, in which the proportion of long–short
responses systematically increased as the Intensity Differ-
Sounds ence between tones A and X shifted from 3 dB SPL [M = .45
(.01)] to 12 dB SPL [M = .54 (.01)]. In addition to these
The sounds used in Experiment 3 were identical to those used findings, none of the interactions achieved significance (all
in Experiment 2 with one key difference, the context sequence p C .217). The between-participants effect of Intensity
preceding each kappa-cell was composed of three tones that Direction was also not significant F(1, 31) = .88, p = .356,
transitioned in their intensity levels to conform to a single gp2 = .03.
spatial trajectory, either gradually increasing or decreasing A 2 (Intensity Direction) 9 4 (Intensity Difference)
across the entire sequence. In the increasing condition, the mixed ANOVA was used to compare mean relative CE
context tones were raised by 3 dB SPL per sound (46, 49 and scores across the levels of Intensity Difference for increasing
52 dB SPL, respectively). In the decreasing condition, the and decreasing intensity patterns. This analysis revealed a
context tones were successively reduced by 3 dB SPL per significant main effect for Intensity Difference F(1.99,
sound (84, 81 and 78 dB SPL) (see Fig. 4 for a diagram). 61.76) = 6.53, p \ .01, gp2 = .17. This effect was charac-
terized by a significant linear trend operating across the
Procedure intensity levels Flin (1, 31) = 10.507, p \ .01, gp2 = .253,
in which CEs shifted across the levels of Intensity Differ-
The procedure was identical to Experiment 2. The task was ence, from negative values at 3 dB SPL [M = -11.77
to attend to the timing of the two IOIs of the AXB (4.45)] to positive values at 12 dB SPL [M = 9.38 (3.23)].
sequence, classifying them as either short–long or long– The Intensity Direction 9 Intensity Difference interaction
short by pressing the SL and LS keys, respectively. was non-significant F(1.99, 61.76) = 1.162, p = .319,
gp2 = .04. In addition to these findings, the between-par-
Results and discussion ticipants main effect of Intensity Direction was also found to
be non-significant F(1, 31) = .31, p = .585, gp2 = .01.
The mean proportion of long–short responses in Experiment Another goal of the analysis was to determine how the
3 (see Fig. 2) were submitted to a 2 (Intensity Direction) 9 4 presence of context sequences may modulate the strength

Fig. 4 Task diagrams for

Experiment 3 depicting
coherent intensity context
sequences and the following
AXB sequences in both
increasing (grey circles) and
decreasing (black circles)

488 Psychological Research (2013) 77:480–491

of kappa effects. To accomplish this a series of ANOVAs

were run treating Sequence Type as a between-participants
variable composed of three levels (No Context, Null Con-
text, Coherent Context). Mean CE scores were compared
using a 3 (Sequence Type) 9 4 (Intensity Difference) mixed
The auditory motion hypothesis predicts under- and
overestimation biases to be inflated with the addition of a
coherent context sequence to an AXB pattern. The critical
finding was a significant Sequence Type 9 Intensity Dif-
ference interaction F(1.99, 177.44) = 4.09, p \ .01, gp2 =
.08. The source of this interaction, however, was not in-line
with the auditory motion hypothesis. It was found that kappa
effect strength was attenuated with the addition of context
tones prior to an AXB pattern regardless of whether they
were null intensity or coherent intensity sequences (see
Fig. 5). Post hoc comparisons were carried out on the mean
relative CE scores comparing Sequence Type at each level of
Intensity Difference. This analysis revealed a significant
difference between Sequence Type groups on patterns
exhibiting a 12 dB SPL Intensity Difference F(2, 92) =
6.26, p \ .01, gp2 = .12. This between-participants main
Fig. 5 Mean relative CE values (with standard error bars) across the
effect was characterized by the No Context group exhibiting
4 Intensity Difference levels (between tones A and X in the kappa-
the largest degree of overestimation bias [insert stats], fol- cell) for each of the three experimental conditions (No context
lowed by the Null Intensity [insert stats] and Coherent sequences, null intensity context sequences and coherent intensity
Intensity [insert stats] context sequence groups. None of the context sequences). CE constant error
other comparisons at the other levels of Intensity Difference
achieved significance (all p C .073). sounds can impact the perceived interval timing. When two
An additional 2 (Sequence Type: Coherent Context vs. sequential sounds were experimentally manipulated to be
Null Context) 9 4 (Intensity Difference) mixed ANOVA more divergent in their intensities, IOI durations were
on the mean CE scores revealed no significant interaction systematically overestimated. This result replicates previ-
between groups F(1.90, 108.21) = 1.22, p = .30, gp2 = ous work on the auditory kappa effect in which sound
.02. This finding suggests that the inherent properties of the frequency was the primary feature manipulated.
context sequence itself (null intensity vs. coherent inten- Secondly, the study expands on the present auditory
sity) are non-influential in modulating the effect, rather, motion hypothesis in finding that kappa effect strength is
that it is the mere presence of context tones itself that modulated by the presence of isochronous context
attenuate auditory-intensity kappa effects. sequences. The auditory motion hypothesis predicts that
To investigate the discrimination thresholds for Exper- coherent context sequences, which emphasize the spatial
iment 3, a 2 (Intensity Direction) 9 4 (Intensity Differ- trajectory of the kappa-cell, should enhance kappa effect
ence) mixed ANOVA was run on the JND scores (see strength over manipulations where no context tones are
Table 1). In this analysis, there was no main effect of presented. However, when intensity was the primary vari-
Intensity Difference on JND scores F(3, 93) = 1.45, able, the results ran contrary to this prediction. Both null
p = .234. In addition, the Intensity Direction 9 Intensity intensity and coherent context tones were found to reduce
Difference interaction was non-significant F(3, 93) = .34, the strength of the kappa effect. This effect appears to have
p = .794, and the between-participants main effect of occurred because the mere presence of context tones
Intensity Direction was non-significant F(1, 31) = .16, inhibited the extrapolation of auditory motion within the
p = .689. sequence. There are several reasons why this may have
occurred: (1) the intensity changes between the coherent
context tones were not salient enough for auditory motion
General discussion to be conveyed. This possibility, however, seems unlikely,
as the overall degree of intensity change conveyed within
The current study demonstrated that the amount of per- the coherent intensity context sequences were identical to
ceived intensity difference between sequentially presented those in the kappa-cell, which were capable of inducing

Psychological Research (2013) 77:480–491 489

auditory motion, (2) Anticipating the start of a kappa-cell research would be to test this hypothesis for intensity
following a context sequence could pose an additional change. The modified auditory motion hypothesis predicts
demand on attentional resources that may overshadow the that kappa effects will be strengthened by increasing the
processing of intensity change, thus reducing kappa effect total degree of pitch change across the AXB sequence. It
strength. Research on auditory stream segregation indicates may therefore be of interest to determine if the auditory-
that sounds are grouped according to perceptual similarities intensity kappa effect is also strengthened by increasing the
in their loudness (Thorpe, 1985; Thorpe & Trehub, 1989) degree of intensity change across the kappa-cell (In the
and frequency (Bregman, 1990). Auditory stream segre- current study intensity increased/decreased by a total of
gation based on frequency differences has been demon- 20 dB SPL across an entire AXB sequence).
strated as an automated process, resulting in separate pitch The experiments in this study have demonstrated that a
streams for alternating sounds differing by as few as 3 sequence of pure tones varying in intensity can bias dura-
semitones. Bregman (1990, pp. 126–127) further noted that tion judgments in a manner similar to pitch change. This
auditory stream segregation based on intensity difference indicates one major limitation of the auditory motion
(i.e., consciously discriminating a sequence of soft sounds hypothesis; it makes no predictions for interactions
from a sequence of loud sounds of the same frequency) between concurrently changing auditory dimensions (i.e.
requires selective attention, and is not automated. If audi- pitch and intensity scales) focusing entirely on variations in
tory motion is driven by perceptual grouping principles pitch distance. For example, if intensity and frequency
similar to those involved in stream segregation, a sequence variation were combined across an AXB sequence, it is
of intensity manipulated sounds may require controlled unknown whether shifting the saliency of change across
processes for auditory motion to arise. As a result, the one dimension (pitch [ loudness) over the other would
presence of context tones may be more disruptive in the result in participants switching from reliance on one
processing of auditory motion resulting from intensity dimension to the other when judging duration (frequency-
change than that resulting from frequency change. kappa [ intensity-kappa). There is already sufficient
Alternatively, even if attentional requirements are stable evidence to suggest that people combine intensity and
across the experiments, the presence of an initial context frequency information in forming motion-based expectan-
sequence separated by equal duration IOIs may improve cies. The Doppler illusion, for instance, is a perceptual
the discrimination of interval durations as the number of distortion where a change in the physical location of a
stimulus repetitions increase (McAuley & Jones, 2003; sound emitter induces illusory changes in the loudness and
Jones & Yee, 1993; McAuley & Kidd, 1998). While pitch of the accompanying sound. Research on the Doppler
auditory kappa effects for intensity change are similar to illusion has found that approaching sounds, despite being
frequency-based kappa effects, there is a discrepancy manipulated to decrease in frequency, are perceived by
regarding the prevalence of auditory motion. In the case of listeners as increasing in pitch (Neuhoff & McBeath,
frequency change, the generation of auditory motion-based 1996). The auditory motion hypothesis therefore should
expectancies is likely an automated process. In the case of take into account the possibility that kappa-cells congruent
intensity change, auditory motion is driven by selective with the Doppler illusion, simultaneously increasing in
attention, and can be disrupted when attention is diverted loudness and pitch, may give rise to imputed-motion more
away from variations in loudness by the rhythmic nature of readily resulting in stronger kappa effects. Similarly,
the pattern. To test this possibility, auditory motion via Neuhoff, McBeath and Wanzie (1999) demonstrated that
intensity change could be reinforced prior to the presen- an increase in sound frequency is accompanied by an
tation of a kappa-cell using a continuous, changing inten- increase in loudness, while a decrease in frequency
sity tone exhibiting no rhythmic structure (J. Neuhoff, accompanies a perceived decrease in loudness. It is there-
personal communication, November 21, 2011). fore plausible that pitch kappa effects are determined, in
part, by perceived variations in intensity change.
Current neuropsychological and neuroimaging research
Future directions for the auditory motion perspective has demonstrated strong evidence for common cortical
metrics representing spatial and temporal dimensions
The most current version of the auditory motion hypothe- (reviewed by Oliveri, Koch, & Caltagirone, 2009). For
sis—the modified auditory motion hypothesis (MacKenzie, example, the right hemisphere posterior parietal cortex has
2007; reviewed by Hoopen, Miyauchi, & Nakajima, 2008) been linked to the integration of spatio-temporal informa-
proposes that increasing the saliency of change within a tion (Coull & Nobre, 2008). Current evidence suggests that
sequence (by increasing total pitch interval size) will allow inferring the velocity of a moving object over an occluded
motion to be more readily imputed into a sequence, thus interval is associated with activation in regions of the
increasing kappa effect strength. A future direction for this posterior cerebellum (O’Reilly et al., 2008). Further

490 Psychological Research (2013) 77:480–491

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