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Editors: Eva Seeley and Ayden Greschak Edition 7 3-17-2021

missions. Seek signs of ancient life and

Michigan Reports 635 New Cases of collect samples of rock and soils. On
Covid and 6 New Deaths on Saturday February 21, the Rover sent its first picture
February 13th back down to earth. The picture was of the
By:Natalie Moody rover falling onto the alien planet, Mars. On
On Monday, January 11th, the state began the rover there are Supercams, laser
rolling out more vaccines to people over 65. micro-imager, ultraviolet spectrometer, a
In Michigan, every country is in charge of subsurface radar, zoomable panoramic
setting up appointments. Most countries cameras, oxygen producer, and a weather
have said they don't have the supply station. Some of these items help the rover
necessary, both pharmaceutical companies get around and some of the other tools are to
are working to make and ship them to every help collect samples like dirt. Perseverance
state. On February 17th chief medical Dr. got its name from a Virgina middle school
Joneigh Khaldoun said the state’s positivity student, Alexander Mather. NASA held a
rate was 3.9%, the lowest rate of new “Name The Rover” contest and out of all
infections tracked by Michigan health 28,000 entries, Alexander’s name,
officers since October. She also announced Perseverance, won. On the “belly” of the
that Michigan is at 113 cases per million, rover laid the Mars Helicopter, Ingenuity.
down 85%. Additionally only 5.2% of Ingenuity’s mission is to fly 2 or more times
hospital beds are used for COVID-19 in 30 days.
NASA​, NASA, 18 Feb. 2021,
patients, down 79% from December.
FOX 2 Detroit​, FOX 2 Detroit, 15 Feb. 2020,
Girl Scouts Go Digital with Cookie Sales
This Year Amid Pandemic
Mars Rover Perseverance
By: Lillian Brewer
By: Riley Avery
​On February 2, 11-year-old Danity
Newest rover, Perseverance, landed on Mars
Valentine of San Diego, California, wrote
February 18, 2021 at 3:43 pm (eastern time
and presented a five-minute marketing pitch
zone). The rover landed in the Jezero Crater
by computer to members of a Girl Scouts
on mars. On July 30th 2020 the newest 10
San Diego committee. She used a Zoom
foot long Rover was launched to head to
program to meet with them on video. The
Mars from the CCAFS Space Launch
sixth-grader is honing her online sales skills
Complex 41. It was a seven month trip but it
after selling 1,040 packages of cookies in
finally made it. Perseverance was built in
2020 in the old-fashioned way she prefers
the Jet Propulsion Laboratory to complete 2
face to face. Girl Scout cookies are big productions that proudly displayed racial
business. More than 200 million packages pride. The main difference is that today's
are sold nationwide each year. In 2020, Girl artists are sharing their culture with a much
Scouts San Diego which oversees more than wider, more diverse and more receptive
20,000 girls in two counties sold 2.9 million audience. This offers them a significant
packages. The $15 million those local sales opportunity.
raised represents 68 percent of the local Beginning in the first decades of the 20th
council's budget. Girl Scouts of the USA, century, the Harlem Renaissance
began planning for a different cookie season represented an explosion of black pride
as the pandemic showed no sign of letting expressed through art. It stood as a response
up. They also haven't wheeled their treat to Jim Crow segregation: the web of laws,
wagons through the neighborhood. Girl practices, traditions and attitudes that
Scouts have been forced to use computers, reduced black Americans to second-class
phones and other ways to sell cookies in citizens.
2021. Door-to-door and booth sales are Overt racism was everywhere. Political
banned under the health restrictions put in leaders were either boldly supportive or
place in California and other states because powerless to stop it. Terrorist organizations
of the coronavirus pandemic. Health experts such as the Ku Klux Klan policed the color
recommend avoiding crowds to slow the line through violence. Black Americans
spread of the covid-19. So the Girl Scouts lived in fear of lynching — violent, deadly
are using social media, door hangers, Zoom mob attacks. This horror was implicitly
meetings, food delivery service and other accepted by white Americans who refused to
ways to connect with customers. punish the offenders.

Johnson,Fred."Why black culture thrives alongside rampant

Valliere, Jarrod. "Girl Scouts go digital with cookie sales racism."​​,
this year amid pandemic." ​​, 22 Feb. 2021, re-thrives-amid-racism/id/55242/.
860/. What Video Games Can Teach You
By: Riley Avery
Why Black Culture Thrives Alongside
Rampant Racism Do your parents say that games aren’t good
By: Lillian Brewer for you? Well here’s some things to prove
While this may seem odd, it's actually a that some games are good for you.
modern twist on something we experienced Among Us- Among us teaches you to never
in the early 20th century, during the Harlem trust strangers. It teaches you to never trust
Renaissance. Black artists back then strangers because people lie to protect
responded to clear racism with cultural themselves so they won’t lose the game.
Minecraft- Minecraft teaches us to be slithering around the beach, they burrow
creative and build things. into the sand and use their little flappers to
Fortnite- Fortnite teaches us teamwork and navigate the beach. Their natural predators
that even if you fail or lose multiple times, are creatures such as crabs and squid. They
you should always get back up and keep avoid predators by simply going back into
trying. Eventually, practicing over and over their shells and hiding until the threat has
again will lead you to great success. given up.
ROBLOX- ROBLOX is a platform where
anybody can create their own game to teach
you about history, animals, building, and
much more. ROBLOX can also teach kids
about real world coding.

Bobbit Worm
By Kayden Fahey- Anderson
The Bobbit Worm is a worm that "Bullia Digitalis."
lives in the Atlantic Ocean but is also found Wikipedia,​ WIkipedia,
in the Indo Pacific, it lives in coral reefs it is
usually found in sandy and muddy places in New Method to Trace Ancestry Back
the ocean. Eunice aphroditois is what it's Thousands of Years
called by marine biologists but it's normally By:Sarah Ingram
called the Bobbit Worm, sand striker and Throughout the years we have come
trap jaw worm. The worm can range from up with many ways to trace ancestry. This
10 centimeters to 10 feet, it's body is year we found a new way to trace ancestry.
covered with a deep purple to black This way to trace ancestry is called CRI
exoskeleton.. The lifespan of E. aphroditois Genetics. You can take a test and get it back
is believed to be three to five years. to find your results on your ancestors. You
can use this way to find out about lost long
siblings and other cool facts. A few people
have tried this and found out many things
they did not know about their past.
​ SA Today: New method
CRI Ancestry Test. Advertisement.​ U
Traces Ancestry Back Thousands Of Years​, GENETICS DIGEST,

@t4r1. "Bobbit Worm - Monsters in the Tropical Ocean." ​Bobbit UM Planetarium Shows From Your Living
Worm - Monsters in the Tropical Ocean,​ Steemit, 17 Mar. 2018, Room
ocean-9a5e5c439aef9. By: Kamryn Michelz
The University of Michigan Museum of
Surfing Snails Natural History is offering free virtual
By: Ethan Hinton planetarium program shows for you and
With the scientific name of Bullia your family. You can go to the edge of the
Digitalis, the surfing snail is possibly the solar system, and learn about planets and
most interesting sea snail ever. Instead of constellations with this pretty cool education
event, while in your living room, or 14. Ponyboy lives with his two
anywhere in your house. brothers, Darry and Sodapop.
Ponyboy is constantly being jumped
The dates thus far are, March 4th, March by a group of Socs.
11th, March 18th, and March 25th. More 4. Lavender Brown from ​Harry Potter.
dates will be added in the future to the Potterheads all know the character
website. who is obsessed with Ron Weasley.
Bruckner, Meredith. "You can now enjoy free U-M planetarium We understand that she didn’t
shows from your living room." , ANN ARBOR , always treat Hermione with the most
now-enjoy-free-u-m-planetarium-shows-from-your-living-room/#// amount of respect. She was a very
eager member of Dumbledore’s
Most Underrated Book Characters of all Army and first sorted into Gryffindor
Time. in Harry’s year. After getting her
By: MaKayla Moore heartbroken by Ron she would later
1. Kreacher from ​Harry Potter​. fight by his side in the Battle of
Although Dobby is my favorite Hogwarts, where she is attacked and
house elf. Kreacher falls close killed by Fenrir Greyback.
behind. Kreacher is the house elf for 5. Ernie MacMillan from ​Harry Potter.​
the Noble House of Black, he is a Ernie plays a bigger part in the books
very loyal and faithful house elf. than the movies. We watch Ernie
Although Sirius and Kreacher do not grow up alongside Harry Potter, Ron
get along, Kreacher still stays loyal Weasley, and Hermione Granger. In
to Sirius’ mother. Hermione told his second year when The Chamber
Harry, “he’s loyal to people who are of Secrets is opened, he is one of the
kind to him. I’ve said all along that many to believe that Harry is the heir
wizards would pay for how they treat of Slytherin. He yet comes to his
a house-elf.” Kreature senses and does the right thing and
would later lead an army of house joins Dumbledore’s Army and fights
elves at the Battle of Hogwarts. in the Battle of Hogwarts.
2. Ginny Weasley from​ Harry Potter. 6. Zeilie from ​Children of Blood and
Ginny is a smart, funny, and creative Bone. ​ I know Zeilie can be harsh,
character. First off, Ginny was speaking when it’s better she kept
possessed by a Horcrux when she her mouth shut. Getting involved
was just in her first year. Ginny later with the princess’s jailbreak. But it is
would later join Dumbledore’s Army going to help her in the near future.
in her fourth year. The books give 7. Draco Malfoy from ​Harry Potter​.
Ginny so much light and flaws, but Draco has had his rough patch but he
the movies turn and make the smart, had no choice against being a Death
creative, and funny Ginny we all Eater. He fought in the Battle of
know and turn her life upside down. Hogwarts alongside the Death Eater.
3. Ponyboy Curtis from ​The Outsiders. Draco spent his 5th year figuring out
Ponyboy goes through life the hard how to use the Vanishing Cabinet.
way. Ponyboy is a Greaser and Draco also was forced to kill Albus
Greasers are on the poorer side of Dumbledore but Snape was there
things. Ponyboy lost his parents at after making an unbreakable vow to
Narcissa Malfoy to protect Draco at passes through the object), absorbed (it is
all costs. taken into the object) or reflected (it bounces
8. Severus Snape from ​Harry Potter​. off of the object). In the case of shattered
During Snape’s first year at
glass, countless uneven surfaces now exist.
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and
Wizardry, he grew to be immediate When light strikes these irregular surfaces, it
enemies with Sirius Black and James reflects and scatters, bouncing off in all
Potter and was a constant victim of directions. This is also true of snow. Each
bullying. Snape became a member of flake is a tiny ice crystal that varies in shape
the Death Eaters alongside a bunch and structure. A crystal is a solid where the
of his fellow Slytherins. Snape later atoms and molecules are arranged in a
would redeem himself by joining
The Order of the Phoenix. Snape repeating pattern ​. So when all visible light
would later go on to kill Albus bonuses off snowflakes, we see white.
Means, Tiffany. ​Why is snow white?,​ edited by Live Science,
Dumbledore during the Battle of the newsela staff, 16 Jan. 2021,
Lightning Struck Tower. Snape
would also fight in the Battle of c5d96d34-fa76-4006-bc1f-f7c2de5484dc
Hogwarts, where he is killed by Lord
Voldemort, thinking that Snape was The Texas Power Outages
the new rightful owner of the Elder By Josephine Brinker
Wand, but in Lord Voldemort's plan Over the month of February the
it was in Harry Potter’s ownership. United States had set new winter records.
Lord Voldemort states in ​Harry
Potter and the Deathly Hallows, “​ States like Texas have reached a whole new
The Elder Wand belongs to the level of cold. On average Texas coldest
wizard who killed his last owner. temperature is 58 degrees fahrenheit. Texas
You killed Dumbledore Severus.” low was -23 degrees fahrenheit. Millions
suffered through the night of February 15
Why Snow is White without power as a massive winter blitz sent
By Joephine Brinker temperatures plunging. The winter storm
Snow is made up of frozen water, but closed grocery stores and caused widespread
if you turn on a faucet or open the freezer, outages. With little certainty of when power
you'll notice that liquid water and ice usually would be restored, thousands were left
appear colorless. This is because When light facing another night in brutal, potentially
strikes a smooth flat surface like glass or ice, life-threatening conditions. Meanwhile,
its visible rays generally pass straight politicians were angrily blaming the state's
through. Visible rays are the range of light electricity grid operator. At least 10 deaths
that humans can see. Our eyes can only see have been linked to the disaster. Hundreds
objects when light waves are reflected off of of people who live on the streets were being
or absorbed by them, which is why glass, directed to seek life-saving refuge at
water and some ice often appear clear. When shelters. With all these things many Texans
Light reaches an object a few things could made the most of it like building their first
happen the light could be transmitted (it
snow men, sledding and enjoying winter Homework Tips for Jr High Students
temperatures. By: Samantha Hartway
Tribune, Texas. "Power outages leave millions of Texans desperate In school homework can be a
for heat and safety." ​newsela,​ edited by newsela staff, 24 Feb.
2021, struggle to get done on time sometimes. Sometimes you can't get it done because
maybe you have to go somewhere after
Why People Don't Like Cats school or you have an after school activity.
By: Samantha Hartway Also you had some other homework to get
Cats are known for being the most done and after you had to study for a test.
hated pet in the world. From their sharp The point is that sometimes we don't have
claws to the morning meowing forcing you time for homework or we are very busy.
to feed them or just making them wake you My first homework tip is don't wait
up at 2 in the morning. But why are cats the until the last minute to do your homework.
most hated pet in the world? You can do it at home or during A.A.A. If
Cats are known for scratching you have an after school activity then maybe
everything including furniture, carpet, and you can do it before or after the school
even people. They do this for many reasons activity.
like to mark their territory. A way to keep Ask your teacher if you can have
your cat from scratching the furniture. Cats extra time to do your homework. That can
are also known for biting things such as help if you have something to do after
people and animals. Cats bite so they can school or if you simply tried your hardest
protect themselves from predators. Some and still need more time. But remember,
people don't like cats because of their after school activities are extracurricular and
scratching and biting but they do it to protect if you are not able to handle both, maybe
themselves. you should just focus on the school work.
People don't like cats because of My third homework tip is making
allergies. Cats can sometimes cause study cards. If you have a test or a quiz that
allergies. Some people hate cats because could help you study. It's also an easy way
they are hard to understand. For example to study instead of just reading the study
your cat might let you pet them bet then the guide.
next second they will me mean and bite or My last homework tip is to ask for
scratch you. help. You should always ask for help if you
Picture by samantha hartway don't know how to do something. It will
make it easier for you to get better grades.
Dogecoin and How Their Stocks May Be The last sandwich is a deluxe crispy
Going Up chicken served on a potato roll and is topped
By: Ayden Greschak with shredded lettuce, roman tomatoes, and
The stock of dogecoin is currently racing in mayo.
popularity for a number of reasons from 1
memes to the increase of price and many
other reasons the list goes on. many of the
sales are increasing from what started as a
meme is now getting better sales every day.
Back in 2013 the meme of a dog also well
known back then as doge was a well
rounded meme for entertainment. By the end
of the year we might be looking at 10 dollars 2 3
maybe lower from how unlikely it is to be
bought. Most retailers are The Shake Shack made a new limited time
going to buy it when or if it sandwich. It is a gochujang-glazed crispy
hits high value such as 100 chicken sandwich seasoned with toasted
to 500 if it ever gets there. sesame seeds and topped on coleslaw.

Chicken Wars
By: Mia Stade
The fast foods of america are back in
what they would call a “Chicken War”.
This consists of a variety of fast food Next the KFC sandwich is a quarter
restaurants coming out with new chicken pound on a brioche bun that has a double
items. McDonalds, KFC, Shake Shack, and breaded piece of chicken, double thick cut
Taco Bell have all created a new crispy crinkle pickles, and can include spicy or
chicken menu item. They did this in hope to regular mayo.
grab the chicken centric success of Popeyes
and Chick-fil-a customers.
McDonalds has created three new
sandwiches the first one is a crispy chicken
on a roasted buttered potato roll, and crinkle
cut pickles.
Their second one is a spicy crispy chicken
served with a spicy pepper sauce, crinkle cut Taco Bell wasn’t going to miss out
pickles, and a toasted potato roll. on the chicken war so they created a crispy
chicken taco. They have created a crispy most viewed YouTube channel in the United
chicken taco. This is a crispy chicken piece States and second most viewed channel in
marinated in jalapeno buttermilk, then the world. Cocomelon has 106 million
seasoned with bold Mexican spices and subscribers and 94.5 billion views.
rolled in a crunchy tortilla chip coating. The real question is why do babies
Then is served with a buttermilk sauce and love Cocomelon? Babies like Cocomelon
served on their “puffy bread”. This is because they are drawn to bright flashy
available spicy or mild and on the spicy they colors because of how their vision is still
have added jalapeno slices for those who developing. The bright colors are easier for
like the heat. babies to see. They are also easily distracted
and with everything moving in the
Cocomelon show holds their attention
longer by constantly redirecting their focus.
Those are pretty much the reasons why
babies love Cocomelon.
Booth, Jessica. ​romper ​, 4 Jan. 2020,
"It’s Here! Shake Shack’s New Korean-Inspired Chicken
Sandwich + Menu." ​Shake Shack,​ 5 Feb. 2021, in-38055145.
EVER." ​KFC,​ 7 Jan. 2021,
By Jacalynn Pung
detail/Vertical+Content_3-CW/KFC-Chicken-Sandwich. A little girl named Brooklyn Brown
"Chicken Fans, Mark Your Calendars: New Crispy Chicken
Sandwich Arrives at McDonald’s Next Month." ​McDonalds​, 4 Jan. loves to collect crayons, she is 5 years old
2021, and lives in Michigan. She is in kindergarten and has juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.
Valinsky, Jordan. "Taco Bell joins the chicken wars with a
new taco." ​CNN Business,​ Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis is where all the
-chicken-sandwich-taco/index.html. joints swell up and it makes it hard to move.
Pomranz, Mike. "Taco Bell's New Menu Item Is Both a Crispy Brooklyn’s arthritis is sometimes better and
Chicken Sandwich and a Taco." ​Food And Wine​, 22 Feb. 2021, worse. She knows what it feels like to be in
Cocomelon the hospital and how boring it is there. She
By Kayden Fahey-Anderson is donating crayons to kids at the children’s
Cocomelon also known as hospital. So far there are 2,639 packs
“ThatsMEonTV” from 2006-2013 and collected. Her idea started when her teacher
“ABCkidTV” from 2013-2018 has now asked the kids in her class to think of ideas
switched names again to “Cocomelon”. to help the community. The hospital has
Cocomelon is an American Youtube channel coloring pages and paper for the kids, but it
and has been a Netflix series since June costs too much to buy crayons for every kid
2020. Cocomelon makes its own children's in the hospital. Brooklyn’s family has a
songs and occasionally uses traditional website for people to donate to the crayon
nursery rhymes. As of July 2020 they are the drive.

Discoveries of the Ocean

By: Remy Kook
Lynnae Quick, A geophysicist
studies matter, energy of planets, moons,
and how the ocean works. Lynnae works at
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in
Greenbelt, Maryland. Lynnae uses tools like
satellite data and what she already knows
about the area to make a model of the ocean.
Lyanne grew up in Greensboro, North
Shamus, Kristen J. ​Kindergartner with arthritis starts crayon drive Carolina, and found her way to the sciences
to help other sick kids,​ Newsela, 18 Jan. 2019, through a high school biology course, she
rch_id=5a1accfb-95ef-415c-a81f-58ab8b987c51.Shamus, Kristen wanted to become a zoologist but decided
J. ​Brooklyn Brown, 5, of Huntington Woods, Michigan, is
surrounded by the crayons she has collected for sick children. She not to. Lyanne got a masters degree in
has juvenile rheumatoid arthritis and wanted to do something to physics after graduating from Catholic
help other kids.​ 2019, Photograph on website, Newsela.Shamus,
Kristen J. ​Brooklyn Brown loves to color. She has juvenile University of America. Beyond what she
rheumatoid arthritis and is donating crayons to area children's researches, lyanne leads a program that
hospitals. Her hope is that the children there will be able to color,
taking the sting off.​ 2019, Photograph on website, Newsela.
gives undergraduates the opportunity to
work on NASA missions.``​Meet Lynnae Quick:
an investigator of ocean worlds." , Newsela, 18 Feb. 2020,
University of Michigan Reopens after
Poisonous Spider was Discovered 710/.

By: Eva Seeley

Dog Stuck On Ice for Four Days
On Monday February 20th a brown
By: Mariah Shemwell
recluse spider was found in the library. The
A dog now named Alfonso, was stuck on a
U-M Public Affairs spokeswoman Kim
patch of ice on the Detroit River for four
Broekhuizen wrote “As the name implies,
days and survived.
they are reclusive and bites are extremely
On February 21st the rescue of a dog who
rare. Recluse spiders usually stay in
was stranded on ice for four days was
mechanical spaces, tunnels and other
coordinated by ​LaSalle Fire Services in
hideaways. We apologize for the
inconvenience to the university Ontario, BASF Corporation, and others​.
community.” As of late brown recluse Patricia Trevino, with the River Rouge
spiders have been discovered in 22 states. Animal Shelter, claimed to have watched the
Bruckner, Meredith. ​U-M undergraduate library reopens after dog from land as it floated on an ice patch
poisonous spider scare​, Community News producer, 14 Apr. 2021, down the Detroit River. At one point the dog
ergraduate-library-reopens-after-poisonous-spider-scare/#//. was chased farther onto the ice by a coyote
It's still unknown who the dogs owner was the world being different from themselves.
or how he got onto the ice in the first place People in the community deserve respect,
but the one year old Alfonso is now for they are just as human as all of us.
Discriminating them basically says that you
adoptable after being taken care of at the
want things to go your way only. In most
Woodhaven Animal Hospital as he was cases, people would use religion as an
suffering from frostbite on his paw pads, excuse to discriminate against members,
dehydration, and pancreatitis thanks to the though, that’s not all that valid. Be you, be
whole ordeal. Though it is a miracle the yourself, and you’ll be happy with it in the
poor pup survived out in the harsh winter, end! Remember that people believe in you,
people are still trying to figure out how it no matter who you are.
Mauger, Craig. ​Group launches petition campaign to ban bias
happened but it is believed that not being against gays in Michigan,​ The Detroit News, 7 Jan. 2020,
groomed, causing matted fur due to his fur unches-petition-campaign-ban-gay-bias-michigan/2831388001/.
type, saved his life.
Egyptian Boat Crash Leaves 9 Dead
By: MaKayla Moore
On Monday February, 22, 2021, A
boat on an Egyptain Lake near Alexandria,
at least 9 people are dead and several others
are missing. The vessel was carrying at least
20 people from the same family, when the
Durr, Matt. ​​,
vessel sank on Lake Mariout. As of Tuesday
Mlive, 21 Feb. 2021, February 23, only seven of the members are alive, five of which are injured. But the
prosecutor general said the owner of the
boat, who was on board with the family, had
Group Launches Petition Campaign to been arrested. People say, the boat was
Ban Bias Against Members of the overloaded and was driven in bad weather
LGBTQIA+ Community in Michigan conditions. Among the dead were three
children and two women. Rescue workers
By: Seicho Robinson are still working to find at least 5 missing
A group known as Fair and Equal Michigan people. The children were from 1 to 4 years
has launched a petition. Though, this is no old.
ordinary petition, for this is one to ban bias
and discrimination against members of the
LGBTQIA+ community! Though, has this
come too late? Shouldn’t have gender
identity and sexual orientation be recognized
earlier than January 2020? Former State rep.
Mel Larson says that it is “long past the time
to recognize sexual orientation and gender
identity.” Many people agree with this!
People of the LGBTQIA+ community are
just as equal as anyone else, and anyone
who says otherwise probably can’t handle
Rescuers and towns people are gathered and waiting winds and waves cause ice to get stuck on
the Great Lakes shore and form ice shelves
if the weather stays cold enough for long
enough the ice shelf will expand with water
still flowing beneath it. The water
underneath the ice shelf will eventually
Beautiful Lake Mariout erode the ice creating a hole through the
during a warm day. bottom of the ice and any water that comes
For scuba divers to return to the surface of Lake Mariout
out will immediately freeze causing the
volcano shape. The longer ice volcanoes sit
at the shore the bigger they get, at times they
can even get bigger then a person.
Eventually water from waves and wind will
crash towards the bottom of the ice volcano
and come out like lava on a real volcano.
​Post, Washington. "Ice volcanoes: Strange eruptions of beauty
The vessel after the boat capsized on Lake Mariout. around the Great Lakes." , Newsela, 26 Feb. 2021,
Clayton, James. ​Five of the seven survivors found by rescuers have
been taken to hospital​. 2021, , BBC.
Sinclair, Leah. ​Lake Mariout.​ 2021, , private collection.
The boat capsized on Lake Mariut, near Alexandria.​ 2021, , Cow Breeds
euronews, Alexandria,. By Mia Stade
Clayton, James. "Nine die after boat carrying family capsizes in
Egypt lake." Domestic Cattle: Jersey: These cows are completely
brown and like all cows have the biggest
0capsize%20is%20not%20known,​ BBC, eyes. They are one of the biggest milk
producing cow breeds.
MAGDY, SAMY. "Egypt officials: Death toll from lake shipwreck
climbs to 9."
HNhRHTbYGg9yTUBOhFhWieW_Fg​, Yahoo! Sports. , 23 Feb.
guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLm Angus: These cattle are usually used
for meat their range of color is between a
black and red cow, but are often black
Ice Volcanoes in the Great Lakes genetically. Although they may have a
By: Remy Kook splotch of white on their heads or face.

In the winter you can see formations

called ice volcanoes in the Great Lakes.
While they look like real volcanoes they are
not actually hot. They only exist in
extremely cold waters. Because of the
weather conditions required for them to
form they do not last very long. Strong
Brown Swiss: The brown swiss is a "Cattle Breeds." ​The Cattle Site​,
black colored cow with a creamed color s/#:~:text=Aberdeen%20Angus%20cattle%20are%
muzzle. Their more profound name is 20naturally,yield%20with%20nicely%20marbled%
Braunvieh. Brown Swiss are used for milk;
they are usually more popular when wanting
to make cheese. Happy Chinese New Year!
By: Olivia Herman
Have you ever heard of Chinese New
Year? “​Chinese New Year is the most
important holiday in China. In 2021,
Chinese New Year will begin on February
12. Tied to the Chinese lunar calendar, the
Wild Cows: holiday was traditionally a time to honor
Bison: These animals can be household and heavenly deities as well as
domestic or wild. When I say domestic I am ancestors. It was also a time to bring family
talking about the fact that humans feed them together for feasting” says the History
and they are in enclosed fencing. Bison Channel website. In 2021 it is the year of the
typically have a larger head and neck than
Ox. There are 12 “signs” to cycle through.
cows and are highly likely to have horns
small or large. They have shaggy fur but The rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake,
their skin isn’t as loose as cows skin. Bison horse, sheep, monkey, rooster, dog and pig
are genetically related to cattle or cows but are all of the zodiac animals. Each year it is
are different from one. different.
This year Chinese New Year began
on February 12 this year. Chinese New Year
is mostly celebrated in East Asia. The first
Chinese New Year was about 3,500 years
ago. Chinese New Year is a holiday that
marks the first new moon. In some Asian
Yak: A yak has a long coat that can countries Chinese New Year is One of the
almost reach the ground. They have a dense most important holidays of the year!
under coat to keep them warm in the winter. Chinese New Year can also be known as
They use their horns to dig under snow for Spring Festival aor Lunar New Year. Spring
food and for various uses of defence. Festival is a 7-day long festival which is the
most colorful annual event.
Here are some things about the year
of the Ox. If you are born in the year of the
Ox you are a hard worker who is very
intelligent and reliable, you never demand
"List of cattle." ​Britannica​,
praise. In 2021 the zodiac animal is ox, the
element is metal and it’s yang. The violence to come his way, he stands happy
difference between yin and yang is yin is a with himself regardless. The coming out of
negative/feminine principle in nature and Elliot Page should inspire many transgender
yang is a positive/masculine principle in and non-binary youth to be happy with
nature. Men born in the year of the Ox are themselves no matter what others say.
reliable and trustworthy, and women born in Though, Page also makes it clear that there
the year of the Ox are gentle and calm. Most still remains the discrimination towards
compatible animal signs with Ox are the trans people and it’s cruel. All trans people
Rat, Snake and Rooster, but the least deserve to be accepted into society.
compatible are Goat, Horse and Dog Sblendorio, Peter. ​‘Juno’ star Elliot Page comes out as
transgender​, New York Daily News, 1 Dec. 2020,
according to

​Painted Rocks for Texas

By Jacalynn Pung
During the pandemic, Chris Penny
liked to go to the nature park in Texas. He
loves how peaceful the park is. One time
Happy Chinese New Year 2021 Wallpaper, Pictures | Year of Cow
2021​. 2020 , Private Collection, N/A. when he was walking he spotted some
HISTORY​, A&E Television Networks, 3 Feb. 2021,
painted rocks along the trail. He thought that they were a nice addition to the park. He
Ho, Fefe, and Chloe Chiao. ​Year of the Ox​, Chinese New Year, figured out that a man named Ron Olsen
painted them with his children. Chris
​ Elliot Page, Coming Out! thought that it was such a great idea that he
By Seicho Robinson painted some with his daughters. He told
As of the first day of December in 2020, people that if they wanted to paint rocks and
Elliot Page, who is “Juno”’s star, and who send them to him, he would pay for the
also played in “The Umbrella Academy” shipping and put them in the park for them.
plus many other shows, has come out of the Soon the park had more than 1,000 painted
closet as a transgender male. Through rocks. One day he came home and there
inspiration and support, Elliot has finally were 11 packages on his porch. He sorted
gained the courage to tweet out. through them with his daughters. People
“I want to share with you that I am trans, my painted the rocks all kinds of different ways
pronouns are he/they, and my name is some painted them like their favorite
Elliot,” is part of the tweet. He makes it characters and others different animals. One
known that he loves himself and his person even painted one as a giant
discovery and strives to support others. And tic-tac-toe board! Chris says that the rocks
though he is scared and worried about the have really transformed the park. He walks
through and posts pictures of them on
facebook. He says that anything you can Times Herald reporter Bryce Airgood in an
name is out there at the park. email, “The safety of our people and our
communities remains our highest priority,
and Dana has implemented safety protocols
across our facilities globally. This includes
increased cleaning, requiring facemasks,
limiting visitors, offering access to hand
sanitizers, and maintaining social distancing.
We strongly disagree with the findings of
MIOSHA and have filed an appeal of this
Free, Cathy. ​Art rocks transform citation.”
a Texas park during pandemic​, Newsela, 9 Dec. 2020, Complete Maintenance & Cabinetry
Inc. was issued its citation in December for
Penny, Chris. ​These painted rocks will be placed along violations at a Troy work site. Total
a trail in Parr Park in Grapevine, Texas. People started sending penalties, including other workplace
art rocks to the Texas park during the pandemic.​ 2020, Photograph violations, were $5,360, according to the
on website, Newsela.
Penny, Chris. ​Chris Penny's daughters, Julia and
press release. The company was fined
Sophia, play tic-tac-toe with painted rocks.​ 2020, Photograph on $2,800 for violations of COVID-19
website, Newsela. workplace safety requirements: lack of
preparedness and response plan, failing to
St. Clair County Businesses Being Fined train employees on COVID-19 control
By: Raegan Majcher strategies, lack of social distancing, and lack
Two St. Clair County businesses are of face coverings when workers could not
being fined for not following the COVID-19 consistently maintain six feet of social
workplace safety violations directed by the distancing. Company owner Norbert Pruss
Michigan Occupational Safety and Health explained to Times Herald reporter Bryce
Administration. According to the Michigan Airgood that he provides employees safety
state press release, Dana Incorporated, equipment like masks, but they refuse to use
located in St. Clair, and Complete it. He expressed that his employees are
Maintenance & Cabinetry Inc., located in young adults and should be responsible
Algonac, were among 16 businesses issued without having to be reminded. He said
violations for failing to protect workers and there is also a superintendent on work sites
take safety precautions. every morning taking temperatures and
Dana Incorporated was issued its going through the list of symptoms with
citation in January. The company was fined employees. Pruss as well as many other
$4,000 for violations of COVID-19 workers believe the citations are unfair and a
workplace safety requirements: failure to lot of the regulations are unnecessary for
require face coverings when social their line of work.
distancing could not be maintained, not
Airgood, Bryce. ​Two St. Clair County businesses fined
contacting the local health department when for COVID-19 workplace safety violations,​ Port Huron Times
three known positive COVID-19 cases were Herald , 19 Feb. 2021,
detected at the workplace, and not ty-businesses-fined-covid-19-safety-violations/4512185001/.
maintaining a record of employee
COVID-19 training/daily health screenings.
Jeff Cole, the company’s spokesperson, told
Square Watermelons players, on and off the court. Mat Ishbia,
By: Olivia Herman now the CEO of United Wholesale
Have you ever heard of square Mortgage, 1998 Spartan basketball walk-on
watermelons and wondered if they are real? and 2000 NCAA champion recently made
Well they are real! In Japan they put the the largest cash donation from one person in
watermelons into square molds and then let the university’s history.
them grow. Japanese farmers need to think Twenty million dollars of the
of a new way to make watermelons not roll donation will help change the face of
all over the ground. They also put them in Michigan State, expanding the football
the boxes so they don’t grow too big. If you center and improving the auditorium, locker
would like to buy one they retail for $82 rooms, and dining halls. There will be a
USD. You can also square squash, tomatoes, significant expansion of the Spartans’
cucumbers and pumpkins. If you want to athletics facilities. It is also expected that
grow a square watermelon then you're in there will be an altar to the look of the
luck because it's not that hard to grow them! middle of the campus, just south of Spartan
All you need to do is grow your own Stadium.
watermelon just a little and then have your Ishbia wanted to leave a lasting
glass mold ready. Once the watermelon has legacy, not for himself but for Hall of Fame
begun growing vines it’s ready to go into the coach Tom Izzo, whose name will now be
mold. After the melon has grown three on the building. Ishbia also made a donation
inches in the box you can take it out because of $2 million to the Spartan Life Fund,
it will continue growing in a square shape. which helps MSU alumni connect with
companies looking for employees. Another
$2 million is going to MSU’s Men’s
Basketball Excellence Fund to be used at the
discretion of the head coach to support the
Spartan football coach Mel Tucker
remarked that facilities show a commitment
to excellence. He stated that Mat’s gift will
make a profound impact on the program and
is a statement that Michigan State is
relentless about excellence, both on and off
Abbas, Safdar Safdar Abbas. ​How to Grow Square
Watermelons – Urban Farmer’s Guide.​ 2013 ,
the field, in their pursuit of championships.
Private Collection, N/A. Solari, Chris. ​Former walk-on Mat Ishbia donates $32
Tilley, Nikki. ​Gardening- Know How ​, Gardening- million to Michigan State for new football building​, Detroit Free
Know How , 16 Nov. 2020, Press, 4 Feb. 2021,
n/grow-square-watermelons.htm. 02/04/michigan-state-football-basketball-mat-ishbia-donation-tom-
izzo-mel-tucker-facilities/4390156001/.Hermes, Grant. ​Former
Michigan State University Gets a $32 Michigan State University basketball walk-on donates $32 million
to school​, Click On Detroit , 5 Feb. 2021,
Million Donation
By: Raegan Majcher -state-university-basketball-walk-on-donates-32-million-to-school/.
Michigan State University athletics
received $32 million in a major donation
from one of its most successful basketball
By Ayden greschak



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