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Erika Anne M.

In an atrial septal defect, there's an opening in the wall between the atria. As a result, some oxygenated blood from the left atrium
flows through the hole in the septum into the right atrium, where it mixes with oxygen-poor blood and increases the total amount of
blood that flows toward the lungs.
Signs and Symptoms can include:
Cyanosis may accompany other symptoms affecting the heart or respiratory system including:
 Chest pain
 Difficulty breathing
 Leaning forward when sitting to breathe more easily
 Rapid breathing (tachypnea) or shortness of breath
 Use of rib cage muscles in an attempt to breathe more easily
 Squatting (young children)
 Fatigue
 Swelling of legs, feet or abdomen
 Stroke
 Heart murmur, a whooshing sound that can be heard through a stethoscope

If ASD persist, blood flow Increased blood flow at

Few blood flow in LV (left Increased pressure at the left
continues from LA (left atrium) the right side of the
ventricle) side of the heart
to RA (Right atrium) heart

Flows right back to LA and Too much blood goes to the

CYANOSIS repeat the cycle lungs
Normally the heart's left side only pumps blood to the body, and the right side only pumps blood to the lungs. In a person with
PDA, extra blood gets pumped from the body artery (aorta) into the lung (pulmonary) arteries. If the PDA is large, the extra blood
being pumped into the lung arteries makes the heart and lungs work harder and the lungs can become congested.
Blood flow from increased Decrease pressure in Additional blood recirculates
pressure in aorta pulmonary artery through lungs

Increased work load on left side

Recirculates through LA to LV
of the heart (LA enlarges)

Increased pulmonary vascular

congestion and resistance

Signs and symptoms may include:

 Fast breathing, working hard to breathe, or shortness of breath. Premature infants may need increased oxygen or help breathing
from a ventilator.
 Poor feeding and poor weight gain.
 Tiring easily.
 Sweating with exertion, such as while feeding.

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