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First Term Examination – October 2018

Grade: 3 Duration: 3 hours

Subject: Mathematics Maximum Marks: 80

 Read the question paper carefully and attend all the questions.
 Write neatly and legibly.
 Do not over write or use white ink.
 Pay special attention to spellings.
 Read the answers before submitting the answer paper.
I. Fill in the blanks by choosing the correct answers from the brackets 15M
a) The Place value of 3 in the number 1346 is ____________________ (3 / 300)
b) The Face value of 7 in the number 7185 is ____________________ (7 / 7000)
c) A glass holds about 200 ____________________ of water (ml / l )
d) A wall is about 3 ____________________ long (cm / m)
e) What comes before 83 ____________________ (82 / 84)
f) The number that comes just after a given number is called ____________________
( Successor / Predecessor )
g) 9001 +1 = ____________________ (9000 / 9002)
h) 6738 −10 = ____________________ (6728 / 6748)
i) 9098 ×0 = ____________________ (9098 / 0)
j) 7 ÷1 = ____________________ (7 / 1)
k) In subtraction the bigger number is called the____________________
( minuend / subtrahend )
l) Two dozens bananas = ____________________ bananas ( 12 / 2 ).
m) The number which is left over after division is called the____________________
n) 8999 − ____________________ = 0 ( 0 / 8999 ).
o) 1111 × 1 = ____________________ ( 1111 / 1 )

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II. True or False 6M
a) The greatest three-digit number is 999
b) The result of multiplication is called multiplier
c) A sphere has no corners.
d) 1000+ 500 = 1500
e) 999 > 1000
f) Seven Thousand in figures is 7000
III. Match the following 4M
a) Subtraction Product
b) Addition Difference
c) Multiplication Quotient
d) Division Sum
IV. Solve the following 20M
a) Arrange the following in ascending order
i. 1657, 3789,1987,1269
b) Arrange the following in descending order
i. 8765,8745,8790,8732
c) Write the number name for the following numerals
i. 8765
ii. 1456
d) Write the numerals for the following number names
i. Three thousand four hundred sixty-five
ii. Nine thousand two hundred three
e) Compare the following using <,> or = sign
i. 543 ____________________ 2456
ii. 9876 ____________________ 8976
f) Circle the greatest number and underline the smallest number
i. 3298,3245,3267,3212
g) Write the successor and the predecessor of the following number
i. 6000
h) Write the expanded form of 4067

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i) Round off the numbers to nearest Tens
i. 2389
ii. 1982
j) Write the place value and face value of 0 in 7083
V. Solve the following 20M
a) Add the following numbers
i. 2391 + 1795
ii. 3423 + 1234
b) Subtract the following
i. 3458 − 2316
ii. 5684 − 3426
c) Multiply the following
i. 412 ×4
ii. 146 ×30

d) Divide the following

i. 24 ÷ 3
ii. 36 ÷ 7
VI. Solve the following 15M
a) Divide 42÷4 using the long division method and check your answer.
b) Solve the following: 3809 + 4526 −1678 −2546
c) Aarav has a collection of 2956 stamps. His brother has 3850 stamps and his

sister has 2128 stamps. How many stamps do they have in all?

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