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Colegio Universitario de Limón

Carrera: Inglés como Segunda Lengua

I Partial Test 20%
Professor: Michael Soto.

Name Ana Cristina Bustos Gutierrez 24-02-2021 Date:

Total Points 43pts PTS OBT______ SCORE: _______ Percentage:_______

I Part Multiple Choice.

Indication: Mark the option that best fit with the answer according to the audio.
23 pts

1. What did Marta do after leaving school?

a. She got a job.

b. She went to university.

c. She started her apprenticeship.

2. How did she find out about the apprenticeship?

a. from a friend

b. from a university job centre

c. from a magazine

3. How many departments does she work in each year?

a. three

b. four

c. five

4. Which department is she working in at the moment?

a. administration

b. services

c. environment
5. How often does she attend lectures?

a .one day a week

b. two days a week

c. three days a week

6. How many apprentices attend her lectures?

a. four

b. twelve

c. fifty

7. Which sentence is NOT true about her plans for after the apprenticeship?

a. She must work for the company for four years.

b. She is interested in working in planning.

c. She would like to work in Indonesia.


8. 1How long has Tom lived in Brighton?

a.1 year

b.2 years

c.3 years

9. How long has he lived in his flat?

a.1 year

b.2 years

c.3 years

10. What does he like about the city?

a. the sea

b. the events

c. the nightlife
11. What does he dislike about the city?

a. the crime

b. the poor transport

c. how dirty it is

12. How does he get around the city now?

a. bike and skateboard

b. bus and skateboard

c. skateboard and car

13. Which is his favourite place to eat out?

a. a restaurant in the city centre

b. a café near his office

c. a café by the sea


14. Nicolas met Kevin at primary school.

a. True

b. False

15. Nicolas and Kevin often went swimming together.

a. True

b. False

16. Nicolas and Kevin were both good at their schoolwork at primary school.

a. True

b. False

17. Neither Nicolas nor Kevin enjoyed playing sports.

a. True

b. False
18. Kevin enjoyed going to the gym at secondary school, but Nicolas didn’t.

a. True

b. False

19. Nicolas doesn’t see Kevin very often these days.

a. True

b. False

20. Charlie and Nicolas have similar personalities.

a. True

b. False

21. Charlie liked Nicolas because he was similar to his parents.

a. True

b. False

22. Charlie and Nicolas both finished relationships at about the same time.

a. True

b. False

23. Charlie and Nicolas play computer games and racquetball together.

a. True

b. False
II PART Complete:

A) Indication: You are going to hear a conversation between a hotel

receptionist and a customer who has come to make a booking. An example
has been done for you. 20pts.

Hotel Information

Example answer  
Name of accommodation: (0) Carlton Hotel

Length of stay: 3 nights

Ages of children: (1)  nine and twelve

Rooms available: Two en-suites at £270

Price inclusive of: (2)  everything

Payment method: credit card

Name: Michael (3)  Fiansby

Date of birth: (4)  fiften , ten ,1968


Address: 273, Stanton Court, London.

Post code: (5)  C2D5jb

Telephone: 08773 (6)  879456

Transport Options

Mode of Cost Arrangements Travel time to

Transpor town

Taxi Pick up from the hotel 10 minutes

(7) £ 
12,Pound or 15

Bus Walk down Oak 15 minutes

min walk dow roa
Tree (8) 
£2 per person

Walking -------- (10)  15minutes

Walk through
30 minutes


B) This part of the test is a monologue i.e. one person speaking. You may hear
one or two other people speak, but it will mainly be one person.

11. The company expanded in

A 2000

B 2007

C 2014

12. The number of permanent staff is

A 75

B 90
C 150

13. Most volunteers join the program

A in Winter

B in July

C when it is best for them

14. Time Abroad receives all its income from

A partner organisations

B volunteers

C the govenment

Volunteering Activity

English experience
Assisting with English Greatly enhance the (16)   of
thousand of children and adults
conversationn gram


Promoting sustainable local organic
and Farming
food sources and - focus on (18)   farming practices
- educating local communities
(17)   farming

- Helping the vet hen people - Amazing insights into the country
sick animals
- See a lot of fascinating animals
bring (19) 
- Joining the vet on home visits
- Develop a better 20)   of the
difficulties in the country

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