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Name : Ni Putu Diah Setyadewi

Class : 6D
NIM : 1812021017
Prose Fiction

1. What types, categories and characteristics does a “Can-Can” short story have?
- The type of this short story is Flash Fiction. It is because this story has 300 until
1000 words in it.
- The categories of “Can-Can” short story by Arturo Vivante took a fictional story
which has social-psychological genre. It can be observed by looking the
faithfulness of the family life as the social themes. Moreover, this short story
considers in psychological by looking the character’s feeling, who is the husband,
confuses with his feeling and emotion.
- The characteristics of “Can-Can” short story can be seen by 5 elements, there are:
a. The characters
a) Mr. Fix-it is a man who has married and already had children. He also
cheats with another woman, who called Sarah. Therefore, he is very
irresponsible husband. However, in his meeting with his cheating, he
felt confuse with his feeling and thought his wife when she did can-can
b) Wife is a woman who is a can-can dancer. She has already known
about his husband cheating but she kept silent and did a smart way to
make his husband confuse. While her husband wanted to meet his
cheating, Sarah, she did can-can dance and showed her white legs. Her
smart way makes his husband confuses with his feeling.
b. “Can-Can” short story have an interesting plot because it is rather bit close to
our reality. A man who has already married and has children went to cheat his
wife that made him wanted to leave his house. Suddenly, in his meeting with
her cheating, he remembered his wife at home. He found himself thinking of
his wife that surprised him greatly.
c. The setting of this short story took a situation of the family life and how the
husband cheated on his wife also wanted to leave the house. The place of this
story took in Mr. Fix-it’s house and also a café which is a place for Mr. Fix-it
meet his heating, Sarah.
d. The theme of “Can-Can” story is social themes which is related with our
social life theme (family)
e. The conflict of this story started when Mr. Fix-it wanted to meet his cheating,
Sarah. His wife has already known about his cheating and made her dance
“Can-Can” to make his husband realized that his wife is still beautiful and
also, they have already had children.
2. As an immature reader, what will you gain by reading this short story? Will your
demand be fulfilled?
As an immature reader, I will gain how a harmony family life by reading this short
story. However, after reading this story, my demand cannot be fulfilled because this
story doesn’t confirm what I need or want about how a harmony family life.
3. What about a mature reader?
As a mature reader, I can take a relationship with our real-life. Sometimes, there are a
faithfulness family which has a father cheats on other woman and leaves children or
home just for another woman. I also interest with the wife in that family while she did
can-can dance to make her husband realize that there was still his wife who kept
loving him although he cheated on other woman.

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