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Film review

"The Kite Runner" is a drama film about a broken friendship, an attempt to correct
past mistakes and atone for guilt. This world famous one-part film was created in
2007 and is based on Khaled Hosseini's highly acclaimed novel, which has won the
Borders Original Voice Award and the San Francisco Chronicle Book of the Year
The plot focuses on two boys Amir and Hassan friendship. Growing up in Kabul,
Amir and Hassan are inseparable friends. The main thing that ruins their
connection is their character differences – Hassan is brave, self-sacrificing and
Amir is too cowardly and selfish. When the war in Afghanistan starts Amir leaves
the country and goes to America. As an adult living in California, Amir remains
haunted by a childhood incident in which he betrayed Hassan's trust. The film
reaches a dramatic climax when the main character learns that the Taliban has
murdered Hassan and his wife, Amir returns to his homeland to learn the fate of
the couple's son. “The Kite runner” is full of suspense and breathtaking. In order to
reflect the feelings of the characters, the movie colors are cold, gloomy and the
music is sad and slow. Special effects such as kites represents freedom and
exhilaration. There is a twist at the end when Amir says to Hassan's son: "I would
do everything for you" just like Hasan had said to Amir in their childhood. That
saying shows that the main idea of the movie is that the greatest value in life is
doing good deeds to others.
Amir – the protagonist of the novel who is guided by wrong values in the
beginning, but later he tries to discover the path of truth. Hassan is a naturally
intelligent boy, but because of his social class as a poor ethnic Hazara, is illiterate
and seen as inferior in Afghan society. Baba - Amir's and Hassan’s father. He
works hard and doesn't let anyone's doubts stop him from achieving his goals, but
he sticks to his own strict moral principles and is often strict with Amir. Rahim
Khan is Baba's closest friend and business partner. He is a close friend of Amir and
gives him attention and support when needed. The problems that this film presents
are parent-child relationship, racism and ethnicity, atrocities of Afghanistan war,
improper government policy and sexual violence.
Although I expected “The Kite runner” to be boring and predictable, I found it
meaningful and engaging. I do not regret spending 2 hours watching this movie
and would recommend it to others.

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