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good morning teacher and classmates today I am going to present my project my name is mayte

marines and I am going to talk to you about

the air pollution

There has been a lot of talk about this lately.. In 2019, another catastrophic record of global
warming was broken due to the increase in CO2 emissions, said the report of the United Nations
Environment Program. But this 2020 global emissions of carbon dioxide declined. I really hope that
these graphs will also decline for this 2021, so that I wish our planet could stop suffering.

The truth is that most of the particles that generate this imbalance come from human sources,
either when we drive our car, burn garbage, or when forest fires or human-caused fires occur.

that tare as a consequence the greenhouse effect, climate change, acid rain, displacement of species
from their habitat due to polar melt that are not capable of adapting or moving, run the risk of being
in danger of extinction, there is also an increase in illnesses and premature deaths caused by
diseases linked to air pollution, says a study published in the European Health Journal, if we raise
awareness, we would actually have a better lifestyle.I really don't know how people knowing this are
not empathetic.

In my opinion, you should budget for the construction of safe and affordable public transportation
systems,so that they can not use cars and can use other means of transport such as bicycles as it
would also help their health. invest in developing products made from sustainable sources of
renewable energy and stop wasting money on things that don't have to be a priority.because if the
place where you live is not fully protected and neither are you.

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