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Name: _______________________________________________


Solving Equations
Mark Scheme and Examiners Report
Time: 31 minutes
Total marks available: 31
Total marks achieved: ______
  NB: A couple of parts of questions have been deleted from the question sheet .
  Total marks available has been corrected!

Examiner's Report


It was disappointing that a third of Higher Tier candidates could not gain full marks for collecting like terms
in part (a) of this question and that 8% scored no marks at all. The most common errors seen were + 3y
or 6x + − 3y or collecting x + 5x as 5x2 or 4y − y as 4.

The performance in solving an equation in part (b) was a little better with a quarter scoring one mark for
expanding the bracket and about a half gaining full marks for the correct solution, although some were not
able to complete the division correctly and gave an answer of 1 or 7⁄-7 . A few gave the answer embedded
in the equation and were penalised.


In part (a), many candidates used incorrect signs when attempting to collect the x's on one side and the
numbers on the other, 3x and −1 were common. This was a standard question and candidates at this
level should be performing much better; this is a topic in algebra that needs more practice.

Part (b) was very well done by the majority. The most common route was to expand the brackets. Some
of those that divided by 4 first made errors.


In part (a) most candidates were able to gain a mark for either multiplying out the brackets or dividing
through by 3. Too many then had problems isolating terms.

In part (b) a minority of candidates identified multiplication by 5 as the first step. The difficulty in dealing
with a negative y term was evident, with many choosing to ignore the negative sign.

The majority of candidates made an attempt at this question and most managed to gain the first mark for
multiplying out the bracket. Many, though, were then unable to rearrange the equation correctly. Common
errors were to add 8 to both sides before multiplying by 3x or to subtract 3x from the RHS. Some
candidates who did multiply both sides by 3x to give 32x − 8 = 10 × 3x then subtracted 3x from 32x.
Those who did get as far as 32x − 8 = 30x usually completed the solution to x = 4 and gained full marks. A
few candidates slipped up when multiplying out the bracket (e.g. 24x or 36x) but then rearranged correctly
to get two marks.

Those candidates who were able to attempt part (b) often gained the first mark for using a common
denominator of (y + 3)(y − 6) or y2 − 3y − 18. Many of the candidates who used the correct denominator
gained the second mark for dealing with the numerators correctly. At this stage the subtraction was often
written as two separate fractions. A very common error was to then simplify 2(y − 6) − (y + 3) to y − 9. It
was a shame that some candidates with the correct answer lost the accuracy mark because they went on
to do further incorrect algebra. Inappropriate cancelling was a feature of many candidates work.


Both parts were generally well answered. Candidates had been well drilled in how to solve equations.

In part (a), a few could not expand the brackets correctly but often were able to solve their resulting

In part (b), most students could carry out balancing operations although sometimes with a lack of care.

Although this was well answered, the most common error in part (a) was in the expansion of 4(y − 7); 4y −
7 being a popular wrong expression. In part (b), many candidates made an incorrect first step which
prevented any credit given. P − 3 = 4t was a common error. Some chose to divide by 4 initially but failed
to divide all terms by 4 and so gained no credit.

In part (a) there were many correct responses and the vast majority of candidates scored at least 1 mark
for the intent to remove the brackets, which was often correctly done. The main error was in not
processing both sides of the equation in the same way, perhaps with negative sign errors.
In part (b) there were some correct solutions, but many were unable to resolve the fractions in order to
move towards a correct solution. Weaker candidates simplified the left hand side to 3h+6 from which they
could not proceed. Some found a common denominator, usually 6, but the numerator on the left hand
side often contained errors, usually 3(h+7)+2(2h−1). A significant number of responses did not contain
brackets. Generally it was found that most candidates did not clear the fractions as a first step, but
worked with fractions until the very end of their solution. Again processing problems resulted in unforced

Mark Scheme


  Working Answer Mark Notes

  (a)          6x – 3y    2    M1 for an
(b)   7x + 14 = 7 x = –1 2 attempt to
or    combine
x+2=1 terms in x or
7x = –7 terms in y
eg 5x + x(=
6x), 4y –
7y(= – 3y)
A1 for 6x –
3y oe M1 for
the bracket
or an attempt
to divide both
sides by 7
e.g. 7x +14
or x + 2 = 7 ÷
7 oe
A1 cao


  Working Answer Mark Notes

  (a)   (b) −7   8.5 2 2 M1 for an
attempt to
get xs on
one side or
terms on one
A1 cao M1
  for an
attempt to
divide each
side by 4 or
an attempt to
expand the
bracket eg 4
× x – 4×5
A1 for 8.5 oe


  Working Answer Mark Notes

  (a) 3x – 6 = x + 6.5 3 M1 for 3×x –
    (b) 7   –3   3×2 (=3x – 6)
2x = 13   2 –   or x⁄3 + 7⁄3
y=1×5 2 seen
M1 for
method to
isolate the
terms in x or
the number
terms on
sides of an
A1 for 6.5 oe
M1 for
intention to
multiply both
sides by 5 (to
give 2 – y = 1
× 5)
A1 cao



Question Working Answer Mark Notes

  (a)     6p – 15 = 21 6   3  M1 3 × 2p –
(b)       6p = 36 OR   3 × 5 or 6p -
2p – 5 = 7   4.5  3 15
2p = 12 M1 "6"p -
  9x - 11 = "15" + "15" =
5x +7 21 + "15"
9x - 5x = 7 + A1 cao
11 OR
4x = 18 M1 2p – 5 =
21 ÷ 3
M1 2p - 5 +
5 = 5 + "7"
A1 cao M1
method to
isolate either
the term in x
or the
term e.g 9x –
5x – 11 = 5x
– 5x + 7 or
9x = 5x + 18
A1 4x = 18
or –18 = –4x
A1 4.5 oe



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