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DLP No. Learning Area Grade Level Quarter Duration

Learning Competency Code:
Explain the roles and functions of local government HUMSS_PG12-IIa-
unit. b-2
Key Concepts Understanding Local Governance
1. Objectives
Knowledge Discuss the roles and functions of local government unit
Skills Design a graphic organizer that will show the roles and functions of local
government unit.
Attitude Share the importance of a functional local government unit through
Values Display cooperation in designing the graphic organizer
2. Content Roles and Functions of the Local Government Unit
3. Learning Resources Visual aids, reference book, multimedia presentation
4. Procedures
Introductory Activity

1. Unlocking of words
 Roles,functions,,Autonomous
2. Drill of the different levels of local government units
3. Presentation of the lesson and objectives

Activity 1. Discussion of the roles and functions of the local government unit
aided with multi-media presentation
2. Collaborative Output
 Group the students into small groups
 Let each group design a graphic organizer that will
show the roles and functions of the local government
 Post their output on the board and let the student
explain their works.
Analysis  What do you feel about the activity?
 What are the roles and functions of the local
government unit?
 Why is it important that the local government should
function well?
Abstraction Based in your observation,how does the local government unit function in
your locality?
Application Cut out articles or news clippings about issues on local government roles
and functions.
Assessment Rubrics for the presented graphic organizer
 Accuracy 5
 Presentation 5
 Clarity 5

Assignment Prepare 5 questions for an Interview regarding the performance of the

local government unit in terms of its roles and functions.
Concluding Activity

Name Cynthia G. Glipa School LURAY II NHS

Position / Designation SST - III Division TOLEDO CITY
Contact Number 09367531868 Email Address

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