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PERSONAL / SOCIAL / EMOTIONAL Concept: Animals Term: 3 PHYSICAL: Fine Motor

Make your own sensory “ecosystem” Weeks: 3-4 Sensory ecosystems that have manipulatives

Fishing boats “dramatic play” Small world play

“milking the cow” dramatic play “rescue mission” (getting the animals out of ice)
Making a pet rock and an ecosystem to go with it
“shearing a sheep” sensory experience Playdough (creating animals)
Making animal track artwork
Which animal is in the box? (Covered box with different textured Building a “cage” for zoo animals (pop-sticks & playdough)
animals in it) Making an animal fossil and painting it
Measuring the different animals
Putting animals in ecosystems Exploring “fizzing chicken eggs” (bath bombs with a chicken egg inside)
Water dropping (giving the animals water)
Farmer Mick incursion
Making macaroni snakes
Animal rescue (using wool and a container)
Making/ painting backdrops to use in the block corner (e.g., A
farm) Making handprint animals
Making animal fossils (playdough)

Puppet show (using animal puppets) Categorizing animals by colour Making an “ocean in a bottle”

“round sheep up” (balloons as “sheep” and a container as their Making an edible frog life cycle “feed the baby animals” activity

Building their own terrarium “Dinosaur dig” sensory bin
“collecting eggs” from a hutch (dramatic or a real experience)
Making food for animals
Cleaning muddy animals sensory bin Dancing snakes’ experiment

Jelly sensory experience (getting animals out of the jelly) SPIRITUAL / MORAL
Animal paw print painting

PHYSICAL: Gross Motor Giraffe spots science experiment

Finger painting (ocean)
Animal sleep meditation for kids:
Salt, glue and water colour paint “snake” experiment
Animal walk
Colour a chameleon (glass jar with a chameleon drawn on it, pipettes and food dye)
Monkey ladder (using floor ladders) Animal yoga for kids:
How do artic animals stay warm in icy water? Science experiment
Digging up animals in the sand pit
Elephant toothpaste science experiment Painting large carboard animals (done by all the students)
“Shearing” a sheep shaving cream

Ice and salt experiment (animals will be stuck in the ice) Learning how to care for animals (class pet)
Hopscotch (using animal names instead of numbers)

Shark buoyancy Reading children’s literature that emphasises caring for animals:
Different sized block obstacle course (mountain goat jumping)
“animal care” by Amy Adeney, “Before you where mine” by
Using songs to get children to act like animals Static electricity- butterfly experiment Maribeth Boelts, “charlotte’s web” by E.B. White, “Animal Rescue”
by Patrick George.
Dramatic play with animal costumes Create your own ocean in a jar
Using mindful stories about animals when a child needs to calm
“dinosaur” workouts Making your own “tide” pool down:

Follow the animal tracks obstacle course Jelly fish in a bottle (inquiry)

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