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CG important topics in each unit

Unit 1

1. Describe about working of CRT monitor.

2. Difference between raster and random scan system.
3. Bresenham’s and DDA Algorithm line drawing algorithms(problems).
4. midpoint circle algorithem.
5. boundary-fill and flood-fill algorithms.

Unit 2

1. Matrix representations of Translation, scaling, rotation, reflection and shear

2. Transformations between coordinate systems. (y=mx+c)
3. window to view-port coordinate transformation.
4. Sutherland –Hodgeman polygon clipping algorithm.

Unit 3

1. Bezier curve and B-Spline curves.

2. Bezier and B-Spline surfaces.
3. Basic illumination models.
4. Polygon rendering methods.

Unit 4 (Similar to Unit 2, but this unit is for 3D)

1. 3D Translation, rotation, scaling, reflection and shear transformations.

2. View volume and general projection transforms and clipping.

Unit 5

1. Key frame systems.

2. Motion specifications.
3. Back-face detection.
4. BSP-tree methods and area sub-division methods.

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