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VOL. 5 APRIL 1951 No. 4

Evangelism In Jerusalem the Bible, and see which direction to Do you have members ,n your own
move. Shall we go to the right or the familly who need your interest in
By J. 0. Gibson
left? Just what is said about where them, and prayers For them. Go to
I am thrilled as I visit the various we are to begin. Our Saviour told them now, speak with them tactfully.
fields and find a growing interest in His disciples in the last words He Do this after you have spent much
Evangelism. Certainly we who spoke to them. These are His words, time in prayer. Be sure your own
"know the time" should stretch every "But ye shall receive power, after that heart is right with God so that He
_nerve to bring the message of "the the Holy Ghost is come upon you; can use you in leading your relatives
crucified, risen and soon coming and ye shall be witnesses unto me to God.
Saviour" to every one about us. The both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, When your own heart is right and
task before us is a collosal one. In and in Samaria, and unto the utter- you have worked for your own family,
•our own strength we cannot do it. most parts of the earth." Acts 1 : 8. then go to your brothers and sisters
With the power promised by God, This statement is a very familiar in the church. It is sad to say that
-through His Holy Spirit, all things one to all of us. The disciples were there are many hundreds, yes
are possible. beside their home town—Jerusalem. many thousands who come to our
Yes, the task is large. Many times In other words Christ gave the dis- Sabbath-Schools and yet they
with a large task we do not know tinct command to begin the evange- have never surrendered themselves
where to begin. If we do not know lism at home. How about you, fel- fully to God. It is sad indeed
then let us turn to our guide-book, low worker or fellow church member? to think that they may have

Persons in attendance at the annual meeting of The West African Union Mission Committee, held at Accra, Gold Coast, March, 6-15,
1951. Front Row—Left to Right: J. 0. Gibson, M. Duplouy, A. F. Tarr, G. A. Lindsay, G. L. Anniss, D. V. Cowin, D, L.
Chappell. Others behind front row: E. E, Hulbert, J. J. Hyde, H. S. Pearce, E. Keslake, Dr. J. A. Hyde, G. M. Ellstrom, H. J.Welch,
W. J. Newman in front, L. Downing, Dr. S. A. Nagel, G. N. Banks.

the opinion that they are ready to was recently planned among the now 37 schools with more than 2,2C0
meet God because they "go to members. The Week of Prayer read- pupils enrolled. The problems in.
church." ings were translated into the verna- the educational work are not easy to
God's servant, Sister White tells cular. Representatives from the surmount. Wise leadership and the
us that "there are not more than half churches were called together by blessing of God will certainly be
of the the youth who profess religion their district leaders in each district needed in the next year, if the mis-
and the truth, who have been truly for a two-day leaders revival. This sion is to continue it's strong work
converted. If they had been conver- followed a special meeting of the dis- through it's schools.
ted, they would bear fruit to the glory trict leaders. As a result of this In the Missionary Volunteer work
of God." Certainly we do not rea- special week of revival more than there has been a revival. The Afri-.
lize this or we would arise and work 150 new converts were brought into can brethren have taken hold of the
for our young people. Our Sabbath- the truth. In order to follow up this progressive class work with real en-
Schools are certainly the place to good beginning a lay workers' insti- thusiasm. In one large investiture
bring our friends, but how sad if we tute was held near the end of the year. at Agond in which we were privileg-
bring them to Sabbath-School and Eighty-four laymen came in for study. ed to have the presence of Doctor
then do not lead them all the way Nearly all of the European staff un- K. J. Reynolds, 462 persons were in-
through baptism and :nto the church. der the direction of Brother J. C. vested in the various classes. It
"The object of the Sabbath-School Vetter contributed to the institute as might be of interest that this includ-
should be the ingathering of, souls. well as many of the African leaders. ed both litera. es and illiterates. Al-
There should be much persoral work These laymen greatiy appreciated tog( tl er the tol al for the year show-
done in the Sabbath-School.—"Cot n- what was done for them and they set ed 852 invested. There are now ten.
sels on Sabbath-School Work," page personal goals totaling 1,5C0 new c c n- Master Comrades, seven of which
61. "Let us begin our work 'n Jeru- VeTIS for 1951. Let us pray that God were invcs ed at the College. These
salem,—right in our own village. will help them to reach their goals.: teachers should be able to give
The Bible does not say that all Eab- Another contribution to ti_e soul strong leae:ership to the Missionary
bath-School members will to saved. saving campaign was the seven camp- Voluneer work as they go out to
It says, "He that believeth and is meetings held during the year. The their fields.
baptized shall be raved." Mark 16 : mission has established a policy of
not holding a few large campmeet- The year 1950 marked the first
16. Let us have revivals, descis 'on full year in which the mission had
days, and enroll those "in the valley ings but rather a larger number of
smaller campmectings in new un- strong lcade: ship to. carry on the
of decision" into Baptismal class( s,
entered places or in places where our Colporteur work. Brother David-
prepare them thoroughly and then
work is weak. The estimated atten- son from Jamaica had a group of
see them baptised into God's Rem-
dance on a count by the companies fourteen full time colporteur s whose
nant Church.
and estimated visitors was 9,350 ad- sales for the ye ar amounted to £3,536.
herents and 6,130 vis:tors or a total The mission appreciated the help of
Gold Coast Mission Report, of 15,4E0. Brother D. L. Chappell from the
1950 Not only were many new com- West African Union who ass:steel in.
panies united with us but many of the very fine colporteur institute in
By H. J. Welch
the old ones are becoming strong December. A large number of
As we look back over the record and ready to carry on as fully organi- colporteuts left for the field :n good
for 1950 in the Gold Coast Mission, zed churches. During the year seven spirits dete:mincd by the help of
we thank God for His many bit ssings. churches were organize d making a God to spread the message through
We, in the Gold Coast, are looking total of thirty organize d churches in the min.( d page and thus bring many
forward to the finishing of the work the mission. The churches organized to Christ.
among the nearly 5,C00,13C0 souls were at the following places: Boan'n, Under the faithful leadership of
within our territory. During the Juaben, Obouasi, Sekodamasi, Afa- D. J. Clarke the Gold Coast Mission
year 1950, 1,002 souls were hart's( d manaso, Bedomase, and Bofikuma. was able to exceed all previous re-
into full fellowship in the church. Under the faithful leadership of cords in Ingai hering. The We st Afri can
The net gain in baptized member- Brother J. C. Vetter, a number of ad- Union had set a goal for the field of
ship was 804 raising the total mem- vances were made in the educational £1,450. The Gold Coast Miss:on,
bership of the mission from 2,238 as work. Visiting teachers were employ- however, place d its goal at £2,CC0.
of January 1, 1950 to 3,042 as of ed to inspect the schools and to keep Each distr c, 'n the miss:on had its
December 31,1950. the mission in close touch with the own goal and in almost every case
This increase it baptised member- work of each school. A number of . exce:cle d :he goal set. The figures
ship and the still greater gain in the non-Advent:st teachers have been re- ) now show for the mission a tctal of
number of adherents in the hearer's placed with our own S. D. A. mem- £2.4E6. 10.3.
and baptismal classes was made pos- bers. As a result we now have nearly The S. D. A. Seminary at Bekwai,
sible by the programme of evange- 100% S.D.A.t eachers in our schools. the training school for the mission,
lism carried out through the field. In Forty-six percent of our teachers are has made progress during the year.
harmony with the General CeInfer- trained, most of them having received „ There was a nice interest in student
ence recommendations a strong revival their training at Bekwai. There are , enrolment and a good spirit on the

part of both students and teachers. West African Union, the General bush paths. At 8.00 p.m. in the
One of the more gratifying features Conference and the new Division. darkness of night, the group of
of the school programme was the The Gold Coast is a large field Share Your Faith Members came
strong evangelistic spirit manifested and there are many problems and on the compound, singing the
in the school. Brother A. M. Moyer many opportunities. Tremendous songs of Zion. Yes, weary in body
has enthusiastically promoted evan- areas are yet untouched by our work. trom the 18 miles trek, but refreshed
gelism and has given a great deal of We thank our Heavenly Father for in soul. Twelve precious hours were
his time to going out with the stu- the progress that has been made spent preparing souls for the king-
dents helping them conduct their during the last year and solicit the dom of God. The group consisted
-efforts. Pastor J. K. Amoah was a prayers of our brethren for God's of: Tr. Asamoah, Tr. Tato, Opoku
very able assocate with him. As a blessings on the work for this new Johnsen, Joseph Boateng, Okrah
result of the work of the students year. Obempong, Ernest Boadu, Philip
and teachers eight additional com- Aboasu, Ntim Wilson, Emmanuel
panies have been raised up in the sur- Bekwai "Share Your Faith Boadi, Edward Wilson, Thomas
• rounding towns during the year. Ango, William Brown, Joel Kamara,
Before the close of the year Miss Trek" Alfred Campbell, Daniel Cudjoe,
Joyce Mohlmann was called from By A. M. Moyer and A. M. Moyer.
America and is at the present time On Sabbath morning October 7 Are School Teachers Idle
• doing excellent work as a teacher in at 8, o'clock, thirteen College
the college and as &rector of the In Evangelism?
students, two staff members and
-work for girls. the writer left the compound by By J. I. Ogbonna
The college is definitely attempt-
foot on a "Share Your Faith Pro-
ing to strengthen its curriculum along gramme." The villages visited were I am indebted this day for the
practical lines. A small group of boys Pepedan, Dwumako, Wiaso, An- privilege of making comment on
is being trained to be printers. All kasi, Sanfu, and Kwamang. The my experiences in the work entrusted
students are working daily in one of group was heartily welcomed at to all teachers. It seems that
the work departments and a real at- each village by the elders. Of the have not been taking effective re-
tempt is made to make this work as six villages, tive have Adventist cords of my evangelism in the
-educational as possible. Beginning churches. The one village Dwu- schools I have been teaching. Re-
students all study agriculture. Ad- mako not having a church asked cently I received word that the
vanced students are now being given that we return and give them our workers were entitled to do so.
n course in Building, Planning and full message. For two years I have been at this
Construction. place. I have viewed with great
In the programme presented and keen interest the fact that
A strong campa'en has been put Christ was the central theme, and
on throughout the field to get the by the will and might of God,
each member of the group took many children with noble characters
churches to improve their buildings. part. At each village, the group
Assistance ha. been given to a large marched about singing hymns to in this school, have been converted
number of churches. During the to become Adventists. This con-
year thirty-three new churches have version is through religious in-
been completed or nearly completed. struction of the everyday school
Many others have been redecorated toThe rung of a ladder was never meant
rest upon, but only to hold a man's activities and also through the
or have large improvements made foot long enough to enable him to put the J.M.V. meetings.
to them. other somewhat higher. I am sorry that I cannot put
Tithe quotations have been trans- down all their names. I promise
lated into the vernacular and are be- to enlist the names of the last ones,
ing read each Sabbath int he churches. gather the people. After the usual namely: Amos Agedee and William
As a result of this and other greetings, "Mo a modo Nyame," Olua whose parents, refused to pay
promotion there has been a good in- (We are marching to Zion) was their school fees because the children
crease in the tithe and the offerings. sung to open the programme. left them in their Sunday keeping.
The total tithe has amounted to Following the prayer, the writer Of course, after my right approach
14,546 . 15 . 7 or £2 per baptized gave a brief introduction. The with the parents, they were re-
member. The total of all offerings subjects presented began with the corniled and have • begun to pay
sent to the Union is £8,671 . 8 .10 True God, then followed by Creation, again for the young lads. These
or nearly £4 per baptized member. and through the story of Re- children• are doing well in their
In addition to this the members. demption. It truely was soul refresh- school, church, and J.M.V. acti-
raised over £1000 . . 0 for the ing to the group of students and vities.
Bekwai Senior School. staff members as well as to those A good many of the children
• We would not close this report who heard the message. have promised and are willing to
without giving credit for the help The forest jungles re-echoed the become Adventists, as early as
that has been rendered to us during songs of glory as the group marched possible,—but the strong holding
the past year by the brethren of the from each village along the narrow hands of their parents could not

allow them to please themselves, that we might more fully receive in our lives that has any relationship.,
only. However, I have strong hope Him and enthrone Him in our lives. to Jesus Christ. Our lives are now
that those children will in no dis- Paul assures us of God's plan to manifest to angels and to men_
tant days become Adventists. So to work in us (Phil. 2 : 12-13) "for that we are rising up to full strength
your prayers will help to solve this His rood pleasure." We cannot: 'n the Lord to bring to completion
problem. This obviously assures make, of ourselves alone, any changes the ministry which the Saviour gave
every individual worker in this within. God does not expect this: in His great commission.
Adventist field that teachers are How can we do less in the light
not idle in evangelism. I have gy, .•RMIEMINO
of the great upsurge of the forces
achieved n o thing, practically, THE QUIET SABBATH of evil with their determination to
because there are many workers "Sweet hours of calm and quiet" put an end to the exaltation or
who have won many souls, more When stormy passions cease. Christ before men? How can we
than myself. And earth -worn, weary toilers think of the tremendous price paid
May our God enrich every worker Foretaste eternal peace
for the souls of men and hold
with His blessings, both physiLally, "0 gentle time of stillness anything back of ability or posses-
That brings to hearts forlorn
mentally, and spiritually to carry The joy that aye attendeth sion that Christ Jesus may be
onward the Great Advent Message The quiet Sabbath morn. fully glorified in the completion of
enshouldered on us throughout our the great plan of salvation?
lives. This is our hour—let us not miss.
of us for He knows that it is just the mark or fail to fulfil all that
The Urgency of Our Need as impossible for us to accomplish God would have us do for the great
as it is for a leopard to change unsaved multitudes.
By L. K. Dickson May we be an awakened ministry
its spots. and people in this hour of our
The unusually critical days through Our part is to be truthful to
visitation. Let us, both leaders and
which the world is now passing, God and to come to Him in Christ people, seek God now for such
wherein the peace of the world and tell Him of our real situation a revival of spiritual power and
seems balancing on a knife-edge, and need. He would have us re- missionary zeal that every life will
reminds us of the imperativeness veal by our own confession to Him be aflame for God and every church
of pressing evangelism in every that we know, as best we can, our an evangelistic agency in its every
corner of the earth. Every means own weak attitude of heart and plan and programme.
at our command must now be life toward Him and the things
brought up to swell the forces of of God.
good for the salvation of the lost. This must receive His help. In
But how far beyond us is the Acts 5 : 31 we are reminded that Every "Signs" Subscriber a Baptismal
need before us! How much we are God gives repentance and remission Prospect
reminded of our spiritual feebleness of sins. All this is done by God
before the mounting demands of working in us, when we will to The publishers and promoters of "Signs of
receive His help. We must now the Times" regard every subscriber's name
our soul-winning work. placed on its files as a sacred trust. They,
In every field, church, and insti- seek Him for enabling power within. therefore, feel duty bound to exhaust every
tution among us, there must come He will bestow that power when resource at their command in an endeavour
the revival that will not only awaken we arise in faith and act. We to lead each subscriber, along the path to.
within us our responsibility and must act in faith believing not only baptism and church fellowship.
our need, but will lead us under that He has the power, but that To attain this worthy objective a five—
the deep movings of God's Holy He will put within us that power point programme has been established for
every individual subscriber to the "Signs."
Spirit, that we may measure now that we lack. Just to the measure Briefly outlined, it includes the following
with the waiting task. that we believe, will power be giv(n. steps :
Someone has said, "God will do "He that cometh to God must 1. Fifty issues of "Signs" delivered direct
just as much for us as we let Him believe that He is, and that He to the address of the subscriber during
do in us." But how often we is a rewarder of them that diligently the year.
simply think of what we want God seek Him." Heb. 11 :6. 2. An attractive and urgent invitation to,
to do for us without paying much There is reason to beleve that enroll in one of our Bible correspondence
attention to haVng Him to do were we what we should be before courses.
much of anything in us. God, the results of the efforts we 3. A transcript of names and addresses•
The magnitude of the great task now are making would be multi- of "Signs" subscribers provided for our
before us appalls us. The gigantic plied a hundred fold. This bears ministers and evangelists for well-organized,
effective personal visitation.
forces against us dismay us. The close study by each one for himself.
opportunities now opening challenge What a tragedy it is if we are 4. Preceding expiration date each sub—
scriber receives an attractive, urgent re—
us, and we cry out, "How much retarding the reaping of the harvest newal appeal.
we need God to do for us!" by our own unsatisfactory attitude
5. United daily prayer within the walls.
Let us then diligently seek Him and spirit in God's work! of the Signs publishing house for the read-
that He might do great things This is a time when all of us ers of "Signs."
within us. Let us open our hearts need to examine carefully everything

Strengthening the fellow workers makes them to be Living God, which, though they
favourably inclined towards the truth. may not bear comparisons with what
Scattered Witnesses in is happening in the South, yet they
In Kano, the Moslem city and the
Northern Nigeria citadel of Islam with imposing mos- are tokens of earnest labour and
Ey R. 0. Wosu que and sky towering minarets to answers to prayers and encourage-
help carry Kano-wide the voice of ment to labour on in the unusually
Our field of labour in the North the Muezzin calling the adherents of difficult North Nigerian Mission
Nigerian Mission includes such large the effete religion to worship, we field. Pray for us and for the work,
pagan areas as Jengre, Jos, Bukuru have 12 Sabbath-School members, while we attempt greater things for,
and Kwakwi, and such big centres five of whom are baptized. These and expect greater results from, the
and unentered Moslem cities as meet for Sabbath services and for Lord.
Kano, Zaria, Kaduna, Nafuche and their week-day meetings in one Mr.
very many others not metioned here. Nwokoafor's only room which serves
Weihave named these few places as him and his family as sitting-room The Church Services
they will serve our purpose now for and bedroom alike. There are scores In the absence of a minister, the
writing this. of others, doubters, who have not elder is responsible for conducting
Words are inadequate to describe yet joined them. the services of the church. If it is
how difficult it is to work in these During four days stay with them impossible for him to conduct the
areas where the Moslem influence brother J. 0. Nwokoafor, my host services himself, he should arrange
over people is the strongest, and pa- and a church member of zeal and for someone else to do so. An.
gans of various languages and of the good heart, I went round with him except:on to this is the communion
most primitive kind, and corruptions to very many homes inviting mem- service. When an ordained minister
and other factors which lead away bers and outsiders for a series of cannot be present, the elder should
from Goe , abound. Bible studies. The response was conduct this himself. Only ordained
All over Northern Nigeria we have favourable, and the studies and the ministers or ordained elders holding
apostates and semi-apostates includ- plan were successful. God worked office are qualified to have charge
ing workers sent as co 1porteurs, who, with us and for us. One young man of this solemn ordinance.
because of time and place influence, who had once left the truth took his In the absence of an ordained
are either entirely indifferent or are stand once more in favour of it. pastor, it is always customary for the
halting between two opinions. Since the effort the brethrtn there elder to arrange with the president
But God has not left Himself with- have written reporting that four of the conference or the superinten-
out witnesses. In Nafuche, Kano persons have enlisted for baptism. dent of the mission field for the
and Kaduna there are some import- At Kaduna, the political head- administration of the rite of baptism
ed S.D. A. members from the South quarters of the Northern Region, to persons desiring to unite with his
who have taken their stand for God with forcibly impressive and massive church.
and the truth, in spite of seducing buildings of Government institutions, The local elder cannot perform
forces. there is not a single building or the marriage ceremony. Only the
We have succeeded in organizing even a chosen site to represent the ordained ministers may do so. In
these faithful few into groups in all important message we preach. some countries even ordained mini-
different centres to form united fronts But there again we have a few wit- sters cannot perform the marriage
in their respective areas. Our per- nesses. Brother J. I. Erondu a col- ceremony witho u t being legally
sonal contacts with them are few porteur, leads a group of ten Sabbath registered.
for lack of men and means. We do keepers, whom I exhorted to conse- The pastor or elder and other
however exhort them mainly through crate themselves to God and to fill officers of the church should co-
regular missionary letters, sending the whole place with the Truth for operate fully with the mission officers
them Sabbath-School supplies and this time. Since the visit, one bro- and departmental secretaries in carry-
free periodicals, and also visit them ther, a Government employee has ing out all local, union, and General
occasionally. been exempted from duty on the Conference plans. A very im-
At the latter part of the third quar- Sabbath. portant feature of the elder's work
ter of this year, our president Dr. J. Five miles beyond Kaduna town- is to foster our foreign missions'
A. Hyde instructed me to visit all ship, one brother who is new in the work. A kindly, tactful attitude
our scattered Ibo believers in the far faith and unbaptised, while pursue- on the part of the elder will do
Northern Nigerian. During the trip ing his trade as a tailor, finds time to much to encourage liberality on
which lasted for about two weeks I expose the erroneous teachings ofthe the part of the church membership,
had the privilege of baptizing our so called Jehovah's Witnesses and to both in the regular church services
earnest, zealous and faithful brother witness for Jesus amongst the inha- and in the Sabbath-school offerings.
S. 0. Ekeleme of the Nigerian Rail- bitants of Gwari, to natives and The elder himself should be a
way, Nafuche. He is allowed Sab- foreigners alike. tithe-payer. All church officers
bath off duty. He has been instru- Next time if we are given the should be tithe-payers. The elder
mental in leading a sister of his to a chance to do so, we will present can do much to encourage members
fair knowledge of the Advent Mes- some victories won here, and some to pay a full and faithful tithe.
sage, and his influence among his turnings from paganism to serve the (Continued on page 8.)

The Fruits of Fifteen Upon reaching home, the man

JESUS, DISPENSER OF HAPPINESS remembered the tract, and both he
Months Labour and his wife read it through and
By J. A. Baidoo "Jesus was the fountain of healing mercy
for the world; and through all those seclud- then re-read it. Noting within it
I was transferred from Kumasi, ed years at Nazareth, His life flowed out an offer of more literature, they
the capital town of Ashanti, to in currents of sympathy and tenderness. wrote and were soon versed in the
Mampong, on the 3rd July, 1949, to The aged, the sorrowing, and the sin- doctrines of this message which
burdened, the children at play in their
relieve Pastor Mensah who in turn innocent joy, the little creatures of the they accepted with all their hearts
got his transfer to Agona, Ashanti, groves, the patient beasts of burden—all and were baptised. That was just
the first main headquarters of the were happier for His presence. He whose the beginning of their story. They
Adventists Mission in the Gold word of power upheld the worlds, would were wealthy people and lived in a
stoop to relieve a wounded bird. There
Coast. was nothing beneath His notice, nothing city of some 3,000,CCO inhabitants.
This town is generally compara- to which He disdained to minister."— Next, they bought thousands of
ble to the garden city of Ashanti, "Desire of Ages," page 74. tracts and employed two office girls,
for it is second to it in all aspects. having them go through the large
Pastor Mensah continued with city directory to copy out of it the
me for nine good days in which disperse by the rains which also names and addresses it contained,
period he got the chance to intro- continued to 8.15. This minimized mailing to these the tracts they had
duce me to the eminents and the attendance of the invitees, yet purchased. This man has also given
commons for their co-operation. chairs were brought from outside thousands of pounds to missions.
The first Sabbath-school reported to meet the requirements of the One single gift he made amounted
the membership of 169 souls includ- attendance. to over £487. All this was accom-
ing those from Krobo three miles The topic for the Sabbath was plished and more too, because our
from here. At my usual rounds, "The Camp-meeting." Appropriate colporteur had a tract to give away.
I came to know that our believers quotations were reported and we It certainly pays us well to see
are business-minded and less inter- closed the service by singing "Re- that our colporteurs have tracts for
ested in evangelism. vive Thy Work 0 Lord." free distribution. It is a divine
As one man cannot shoulder the Since the second week in Febru- plan and exactly what God has
direct command from above, I kept ary this year the church has been instructed us that we should do.
to prayers for the Holy Spirit to constrained to action by the love of In "Colporteur Evangelist," on page
stir them to action so as to re- Christ. S'nce then, not a Sabbath 87, we read, "The canvasser should
lease those in bonds of sins. We passed without writing from four carry with him tracts, pamphlets,
now feel that the prayers are ans- to ten new names. and small books to give to those
wered, for each one of us senses The present membership in town who cannot buy." What a privilege
the need of converting others to is 186, Krobo 63. The fruits of the is ours of having a part in that
the fortified fold by giving some Bible fifteen months' labour is thus 79. divine plan.
talks on Sabbath afternoons. People are now interested in the
The n'ght of the recent 13th Bible Truth in both this town and A Way to Strong Faith in
Sabbath will ever be remembered the neighbouring villages, seeking
by the townfolks for that marked God
to follow the true light. By Mrs. E. G. White
the occasion of the forth-coming May the Lord lead us all to
camp-meeting. At 2 a.m. precisely cast the net into the right place "Many are sad and discouraged,
the bell was tolled and within a for more fishes to be presented at weak in faith and trust. Let them
very short time the company was the wedding of the only Son. do something to help some one
in action singing round the town, more needy than themselves, and
with myself as a leader and Brother they will grow strong in God's
Ntim the local church leader as a strength. Let them engage in the
herald. The first song was "Lead The Power of A Tract good work of selling our books.
kindly light amid the encircling By L. H. Davidson Thus they will help others, and the
gloom." The melody made people One Sunday morning a part-time experience gained will give them
to rush out to be sure of the songsters, colporteur was out looking for souls, the assurance that they are God's
for the local church had not got the that he might lead to the Master's helping hand. As they plead with
benefit of part singing. Seeing the feet. That is the object that is the Lord to help them, He will
interest of the people Brother Ntim uppermost in the mind of all guide them to those who are seeking
broke out in a linquittic tone ex- faithful colporteurs. He noticed a for The light. Christ will be close
plaining the meanings of the hymns, well dressed gentleman standing near beside them, teaching them what to
especially that of "The Best Friend his parked car and felt impressed say and do. By comforting others,
to Have is Jesus," and then invited to offer him a tract. This he did. they themselves will be comforted."
them to attend the Sabbath service The man accepted it and put it NOTE: Those interested in sell-
at 9 a.m. immediately into his pocket. It ing books, in growing strong in
The singing continued to 5.25 was a tract on the "Seal of God God's strength, should contact their
a.m. and was eventually forced to and the Mark of the Beast." Mission Superintendent at once.

Report of The Voice of risons with 1949 will be of interest. which are still out in the isolated
Prophecy, 1950 Tithes and offerings from students parts of this great territory.
low that whereas £125: 8: 10d
By E. E. Hulbert. was received in gifts from students Agona District Camp-
The year 1950 was a year of in 1949, during 1950 the sum of meeting December, 1950
".13y C. E. Mensah.
further progress in the work of 1197: 17: 6d was received. In
the Voice of Prophecy. Enrolments addition to this we received a Before sunset Friday afternoon,
and gifts and tithes from students gift of i70 from a lady in U. S.A. most of the Campers had arrived
were both higher than in the pre- The tithes from students in- at Mampong Ashanti the place of
vious year, and broadcasts were creased from £22: 3: 6d in 1949 to the encampment and were marching
initiated on two of the redifusion £55: 18: 7d in 1950. This was partly through the streets with their tune-
centres in Nigeria. due to an earlier introduction of the ful songs, that thrilled the inhabit.
Unfortunately we must add that subject of tithing in the lessons. ants and aroused their curiosity.
early this year our broadcasts in The total tithes and offerings year From the opening to the closing
• Ibadaa were suddenly discontinued. by year also shows a gain from services of themeetings the members
It seems that with the British £147: 12: 4d in 1949 to £253: 16: wowed keen interest in the study
Broadcast:1.g Corporation taking 2d in 1950, which, with the gift of the Word of God and were
over broadcasting, and the influence from U. S. A. totals £323: 16: 2d. punctual in their attending. Special
• of the Christian Council of Churches This equals just over three quarters prayer was held on Sabbath
in Niger:a, our broadcasting work of the total cost of postage for the morning for the presence of the Lord
is not likely to gain a strong hold. year. and the out-pouring of His Spirit
The figures in the following table STUDENT :•ESPONSE upon His remnant church.
will show that the Bible School An analysis of the returns gleaned Brethren D. J. Clarke, A. M.
work has grown considerably during from the student report blanks Moyer, J. A. Mensah, J. A. Baidoo
the last year. returned from the field may be and the District Leader gay. inspir-
of interest. We gave f,gures from ing sermons at their appointed
Total Enrolments. 10,000 the beginning of the Bible School, times.
Active list 31st December. 3,790 which are based on 1479 student An M.V. programme was con-
Completed course during year. 1,931 reports returned from the fields. ducted on Sabbath afternoon by
Total Baptisms Reported. 17 Altogether we have snt 4.000 or the two Senior Schools, Agona and
more reports, but many of these Assamang, which was followed im-
The small number of baptisms have not yet been returned. mediately by house to house preach-
is due, we believe, not to lack of Interest.-184 very good, 74 good, ing. The churches were divided
baptisms, but to failure in receiving 118 fair. into groups with lay members
reports from the fields of baptisms Sabbath.-350 believed the leading. Eight souls were won and
of candidates who were Voicc of seventh-day is the Sabbath, 99 are many others showed marked interest
Prophecy students. keeping it, 99 are attending church in the message.
As, we did not commence keeping service, 47 attending Sabbath- Brethren J. C. Vett• r the Gold
records of the source of enrolments school, 18 are members of the hear- Coast Miss'on M.V. Secretary and
until after the first two thousand ers class, 22 are members of the Pastor J. K. Amoah came in from
had been enrolled in 1950, we Baptismal Class. Bekwai on Sunday morning in
arc not able to give the total figures Follow up.-174 are hav'ng Bible good time for the M.V. route
of the source of enrolments for studies, 11 have joined the Hearers march. 400 strong were the M.V.
the whole year. However, the follow- Class, 932 are impossible to follow up enthusiasts who paraded the town
ing are the totals of enrolments 214 are already S.D. A. members. headed by the Master Comrades.
for the various countries for the It should be partcularly noted Before the Thanksgiving Service four
year. that the figures given indicate the young men were invested as Friends
Gold Coast 4943 enrolled interest only of those who have and two as Companions.
Nig, ria. 4868 enrolled been contacted by workers, and are The d'st'nqui shed guests that
Seirra Leone 38 enrolled based on the worker's reports. What attended the Thanksgiving Service
Liberia. 149 enrolled is the interest of those 922 who were Nana Mamponghene, his elders,
French Togoland. 1 enrolled cannot be followed up, mostly the Distr:ct Commissioner and the
Ivory Coast. 1 enrolled because of lack of workers, or of the clerks in the various Government
TOTAL 10,000 nearly 2,500 on whose names we Departments.
It will be noted that Gold Coast have not yet received reports? We The 7000 persons in the audience
and Nigeria are almost equal in believe that many of them would that gathered there dispersed feel-
enrolments. prove to be good contacts if it were ing that the blessing of the Lord was
FINANCIAL REPORT possible to follow them up. with them and with the desire to
• The Balance Sheet will give de- Let us pray the Lord of the har- be among the great company that
tailed figures of income and expendi- vest that He may send forth reapers no man can count, who will follow
ture during 1950, but a few compa- to gather in the precious sheaves the Lamb every where He will go.

serve as the Superintendent of Ivory Coast from all parts of the Union. They should
BREVITIES Mission. He, with his family, is busily be large enough to be nicely seen in de-
engaged, just now, in movi ig from the tails. !:et us have them at your earliest
East Nigerian field to their new home. convenience so we will be able to send
We hope that soon the new bungalow in them on to the Division. Be sure to ex-
Miss A. S. Nuka arrived in Accra 2nd Abidjan will be completed. plain each picture in some manner. I
April to assist in the Un;on office while thank you for the Division and the G .C.
Miss Rosa Muderspach is on leave. After Brother D. L. Chappell has been placed for what you are planning to do about
this time she will join the stall of the in charge of "Press Relations" in our this matter. Send your pictures to the
iNigerian Training College. Union. Be sure to let him know all of M.V. Department of the Union.
the news and also of your success in using
the public press. He stands ready to help
We wish to express our deepest sym- you in your newspaper work. Use the Pastor J. 0. Gibson is now travelling in
pathy to Miss Muderspach and to her Press to the best advantage at all times. the entire Union and is meeting with the
family in the recent death of her mother. Do not forget to send to your papers field committees of each mission as he
many articles about our delegates to the studies the work ia each place.
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Till left on fur-
lough the 19th of March. The leave time Paris Congress. It's a real opportunity
to tell the world about the Adventists. Pastor Welch conducted the Youths'
will be spent partly in England and partly Week of Prayer at the Ile-Ife Hospital in
in the U.S.A. with their son Garth. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Chapell are the April.
proud parents of a new son, Milton
Professor and Mrs. Bartlett left Free- Le-Roy, born 25th March. Pastor Gibson and G. L. Anniss met
town the 8th April for Nigeria where they with the field Committees in both the
will join the staff of the Nigerian Train- Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Anniss have just East and West Nigerian Missions early
ing College. moved to Accra from Ibadan, where in April.
Brother Anniss is now serving as the new
Following the action of the West West African Union Secretary-Treasurer. During the time of the recent Union
African Union Committee, authorizing meeting strong emphasis was given to
the M. V. Department to take delegates plans for greater evangelism in the fields
to the Paris Youths' Congress, The Gold Dr. W. Wagner and family returned to and this includes lay Workers' Institutes
Coast nominated Samuel Adusei as their Ile-Ife Hospital on the 12th March after in each of the fields as well as Teachers'
delegate. He is one of the first two Mas- spending their furlough in the U.S.A. Institutes. It is planned that a Woman's
ter Comrades in the Gold Coast field Welfare group for the Union will be de-
and won over 100 souls in 1950. We want each one to share in the pri- veloped and this will call for advice and
vilege of telling about the work in the counsel from our wives of both the Afri-
D. J. Clarke has been called to the West African Union Mission to the rest can and European leaders. Let us then,
West Nigerian field to serve as Secretary- of the people in the entire denomination. ladies, be thinking what we can do to
Treasurer. The Union Committee wishes us to do make our Womans' Welfare group most
this by sending a regular flow of articles, active and useful. Send your ideas to
Mrs. E. E. Hulbert and Miss B. Tur- reports, statistics, data, "Share-Your-Faith" the M. V. department.
till went on leave to England late in Feb. experiences, human interest stories, etc, etc
through the Union M. V. Department to
The Gold Coast Mission plans to hold the publications in the other lands and
a Workers' Meeting and Teachers' Insti- especially the homelands. This reporting
tute at Bekwai from the 30th April to the activity will be in addition to the work The Church Services
8th May. being done by Brother Chappell for the
Pastor P. E. Giddings and family left Public Press. All of this will call for (Continued from page S.)
on the 4th March to take their furlough many good clear, glossy pictures also.
in the States. They travelled by way of Please always try to send a good picture This can be done by a public
England. or two along with each article, story or
report. Pictures help to tell a story so presentation of the scriptural obli-
Reports from the field and the Training much better. gation of stewardship and by per-
Colleges and the Nursing School show a sonal labour with the members.
strong increase this year in the enrolments The General Conference and the Nor- Such labour should be carried on in
in the schools in our Union. thern European Division are calling for a tactful and helpful manner. Like
pictures of the work here in the West the church treasurer's relations with
Principal L. Downing and family left African Union. They want many good,
the field early in May to spend their fur- clear, glossy pictures of groups, buildings, the members in these matters, the
lough in the U.S.A. Brother Downing missionary activities, medical work, clinics, elders should be confidential. He
will spend most of the time taking ad- trips taken, natives at gospel work, Bible should not place in the hands of
vanced studies. studies, and other story telling pictures any unauthorized person information
Pastor C. D. Henri and wife are direct- regarding the financial relationship
ing the work at the Konola Training of any member to the church.
School during the absence of Principal
Giddings. She. In churches with a large member-
ship, it is advisable to choose more
A Tem ,erance Society for the Union than one elder. The burdens of
will be organized soon. Much needs to 74doent Atessertger
be done to tell the people about this office may be too great for one
matter of temperance. Official organ of the West African man, and they should be shared by as -
Union Mission of Seventh-day many as are required to do the
Your editors are urgently in need of
new and Up--To-Date "Share—Your— Adventists. work. In such event one of them
Faith" experiences. Please do send them P. 0. Box 1016, Accra, Gold Coast
should be designated as "first elder."
in to us at once. Thank you. The work should be divided among
D. V. Cowin - Editor
Pastor G. M. Ellstrom has accepted the elders in harmony with the
R. Muderspach - Assistant Editor
the invitation of the Union Committee to experience and ability of each.
Printed by The Advent Press, Ibadan, Nigeria.

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