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1. Investigating and minimizing lean waste through value stream mapping in ALMEDA
garment floor. ...................................................................................................................... 5

1,1 Back ground of the study .......................................................................................... 5

1.2 Problem statements ....................................................................................................... 7

1.3 Objective ...................................................................................................................... 8

1.3.1 Sub objective.............................................................................................................. 8

1.4 Research Methodology ................................................................................................. 9

1.4.1 Primary data collection .......................................................................................... 9

1.4.2 Secondary data collection ...................................................................................... 9

1.4.3 Methodology .......................................................................................................... 9

1.5 Limitation of the study .............................................................................................. 9

2 Literature review ............................................................................................................ 10

2.1Lean manufacturing ................................................................................................. 10

2.2History of lean manufacturing ................................................................................. 10

2.3 What is lean? ........................................................................................................... 10

2.4 Wastes in Lean Manufacturing ............................................................................... 11

2.4.1 Types of Lean waste ............................................................................................ 11 Overproduction ................................................................................................. 12 Waiting.............................................................................................................. 12 Transportation or conveyance ........................................................................... 12 Over processing or incorrect processing ........................................................... 12 Excess Inventory ............................................................................................... 12 Defects .............................................................................................................. 12 Excess Motion................................................................................................... 13

2.5 WHAT IS VSM ...................................................................................................... 13

3 data analysis ................................................................................................................... 13

3.1 Cutting department analysis .................................................................................... 14

3.2 Sewing department.................................................................................................. 15

3.3 Finishing department .............................................................................................. 17

3.4 Current value stream mapping ................................................................................ 19

3.4.1 Current waste in different section ........................................................................ 20

3..4.1.1 Inventory .......................................................................................................... 20 Transportation ................................................................................................... 22 WIP ................................................................................................................... 25 Waste of motion ................................................................................................ 27

3.5 FUTURE VALUE STREAM MAPPING .................................................................. 28

4. Conclusion .................................................................................................................... 29

Reference .......................................................................................................................... 30

Table 1 matrix table .......................................................................................................... 14

Table 2 knitted dye shipment format ................................................................................ 14
Table 3 cutting lead time table .......................................................................................... 15
Table 4 sewing lead time table.......................................................................................... 16
Table 5 finishing departemnt lead time table .................................................................... 18
Table 6 propsed and existing layout ................................................................................. 23
Table 7 actual production.................................................................................................. 26

Figure 1 current value stram mapping .............................................................................. 19

Figure 2temporary storage ................................................................................................ 20
Figure 3 cutting inventory ................................................................................................. 21
Figure 4 finished garemnt inventory ................................................................................. 21
Figure 5 bundle ready shift B............................................................................................ 22
Figure 6 bundle ready shift A ........................................................................................... 22

Figure 7 existing layout .................................................................................................... 22
Figure 8 propose layout .................................................................................................... 23
Figure 9 WIP in sewing .................................................................................................... 25
Figure 10 future value stream mapping ............................................................................ 28

chart 1 methodology ........................................................................................................... 9

chart 2 proposed and existing time for temporary storage ................................................ 20
chart 3 total inventory between departments .................................................................... 21
chart 4 propose and existing layout analysis..................................................................... 25
chart 5target production @60 ........................................................................................... 26
chart 6The production lead time for one pieces ................................................................ 27

Project title

1. Investigating and minimizing lean waste through value stream mapping in

ALMEDA garment floor.
1,1 Back ground of the study
In the garment industry there are so many value added and non-value added activities
during the whole production flow from trim to shipment of the product. These non-value
added activities somehow or the other affect the whole process flow of the industry These
activities should either be eliminated or should be improved by implementation of
innovative and more user friendly processes. Then finally the best process should be taken
and should be standardized across all the units.
Waste is unnecessary for any kind of industry because it raises the manufacturing cost of
products. For the customer waste is anything that cannot create any value. By effective lean
production system, it becomes possible to decline the generation of wastes and increase the
productivity in any industries. So, it became very significant to identify lean wastes and its
effects on productivity and manufacturing cost of products. According to lean
manufacturing these wastes overproduction, more waiting time and bottlenecks, over
transportation, excess inventory, more processing (re-works), excess motion and defects. (
Wilson, L. (2009)) These lean wastes could not contribute in adding value of different
Lean is the systematic approach to identifying and eliminating waste through continuous
improvement in the apparel industry. Lean manufacturing is an operational strategy to
eliminate waste and non-value oriented towards achieving the shortest possible cycle time
by eliminating wastes. In order to minimize non value added activates and different waste
in Almeda knitting production we have to investigate through lean manufacturing tools.
Through the implementation of lean, the garment sector can reduce costs, as well as
increase customer responsiveness through reducing several types of waste from the
production process. Customers demand quality products and on-time delivery. Lean
practices can fulfill these requirements by reducing lead-time as well as manufacturing

cycle time. Now, many countries have started to practice lean tools in the garment industry
and observed tremendous improvement (Mazany, 1995)
The major purposes of the use of lean production are to increase productivity, improve
product quality and manufacturing cycle time, reduce inventory, reduce lead time and
eliminate manufacturing waste. To achieve these, the lean production philosophy uses
several concepts such as one-piece flow, kaizen, cellular manufacturing, synchronous
manufacturing, inventory management, pokayoke, standardized work, work place
organization, and scrap reduction to reduce manufacturing waste (Russell and Taylor,
This research is an attempt to identify the applicability of one of the most important Lean
Manufacturing tool called “Value Stream Mapping (VSM)” in Almeda garment production
A value stream is all the steps, both value added and non-value added activates to complete
a product from the beginning to the end
In this study value stream mapping has been done in a specific product in knitted garment
value stream has been done in current state and non-value added activity was separated.

1.2 Problem statements
Waste is unnecessary for any kind of industry because it raises the manufacturing cost of
products. In ALMEDA production floor also they have lean wastes of “TIMWOOD”.
These wastes cannot be dedicated it is not visual for ours eyes but increasing the lead time
of the production and it also increase the production cost of the product. Which leads to
increase non-value added time simultaneously decrease the value added time. if they
investigated and minimizing those wastes we can reduce the production time and
production cost in order to investigated and minimizing I have to use one of lean too
“VALUE STREAM MAPPING” of the products The Target is to minimize those wastes
in the production floor and investigating the lean waste also to minimizing lean wastes by
using leans tools.

1.3 Objective
The main aim of this project is to investigate and minimize lean waste through value
stream mapping in ALMEDA kitted production floor

1.3.1 Sub objective

 To reduce production time of the product
 To reduce the production cost of the product
 To improve the method and productivity of garment department through waste
 To better visualizing the production lead time of knitting department

1.4 Research Methodology
Data collection method
1.4.1 Primary data collection
 Observing and by asking different departments
 Interview
1.4.2 Secondary data collection
The secondary data includes the extensive study, with the help of published and
unpublished articles, journals and books, of the various Lean tools and their
implementation in different industries.
1.4.3 Methodology

• Gathering different literature review on lean manufacturing concept and

M tools in other industry and Garment industry

• General observation the product flow

• Select a garment to be mapped
• Mapping the current state of the product
• finding and analysing type of waste
• Draw future value stream mapping
chart 1 methodology
1.5 Limitation of the study
The study has been conducted in ALTEX textile plc in knitting garment for a polo shirt
style and its done on lead time of production starting from knitted fabric temporary storage,
cutting, sewing and finishing department. to examine the waste level and the present study
has taken into observations one single time.

2 Literature review
2.1Lean manufacturing
2.2History of lean manufacturing
After World War II, Japanese manufacturers were faced with the dilemma of vast shortages
of material, financial and human resources. The problems that Japanese manufacturers
were faced with differed from those of their Western counterparts. These conditions
resulted in the birth of the “lean” manufacturing concept. According to Rameez and
Inamdar in the 1950’s Toyota Motor Corporation created Toyota Production System (TPS),
then it formatted a new kind of management concept 'Lean thinking'(1)
2.3 What is lean?
Lean Manufacturing can be defined as "A systematic approach to identifying and
eliminating waste through continuous improvement by flowing the product at the demand
of the customer." Taiichi Ohno once said that “Lean Manufacturing is all about looking at
the time line from the moment the customer gives us an order to the point when we collect
the cash. And we are reducing that time line by removing the non – value added wastes”
(Ohno, 1988).
Lean manufacturing is a set of tools and methodologies that aims for the continuous
elimination of all waste in the production process which is a system for improving
productivity and product quality. Laconically more value with less work. Lean
manufacturing is a manufacturing philosophy that shortens the time between the customer
order and the product build or shipment by eliminating sources of waste. Another way of
looking at lean is that it aims to achieve the same output with less input- less time, less
space, less human effort, less machinery, less material, less costs. Japanese manufacturers’
re-building after the Second World War was facing declining human, material and financial
Lean always focuses on identifying and eliminating waste and fully utilizing the activities
that add value to the final product. From the customer point of view, value is equivalent to
anything he is willing to pay for the product or service he receives. Formally value adding
activities can be defined as: activities that transform materials and information into
products and services the customer wants. On the other hand non-value adding activities

can be defined as: activities that consume resources, but do not directly contribute to
product or service. This non-value adding activities are the waste in Lean Manufacturing.
Waste can be generated due to poor layout (distance), long setup times, incapable
processes, poor maintenance practices, poor work methods, lack of training, large batches,
ineffective production planning/scheduling, lack of workplace organization etc.
By eliminating wastes in the overall process, through continuous improvements the
product’s lead time can be reduced remarkably. By reducing lead time organization can
obtain operational benefits (enhancement of productivity, reduction in work-in-process
inventory, improvement in quality, reduction of space utilization and better work place
organization) as well as administrative benefits (reduction in order processing errors,
streamlining of customer service functions so that customers are no longer placed on hold,
reduction of paperwork in office areas, reduction of labor turnover). (Ohno, 1988).
2.4 Wastes in Lean Manufacturing
When thinking about wastes, there are three types of activities that should be defined within
organizations (Ana R., 2008):
a) Value adding activity: those activities that, in the eyes of the final customer, make a
product or service more valuable. A value adding activity is simple to define; industries
can ask themselves if they as a customer would be happy to pay for it.
b) Necessary non-value adding activity: those activities that, in the eyes of the final
customer, do not make a product or service more valuable but are necessary, in the
event the existing supply process is radically changed. Such waste is more difficult to
remove in the short term and should be a target for longer term or radical change.
c) Non-value adding activity: those activities which, in the eyes of the final customer,
do not make a product or service more valuable and are not necessary even under
present circumstances. These activities are clearly ‘wastes’ and should therefore be the
target of immediate or, at least, short term removal.
2.4.1 Types of Lean waste
The waste can be categorized into seven types which is commonly referred to as the “Seven
wastes” “TIMWOOD”. Taiichi Ohno suggests that these account for up to 95% of all
costs in non – Lean Manufacturing environments. These wastes are:

11 Overproduction – Producing more than the customer demands. There are two types
of Overproduction (Shingo, 1989):
 Quantitative – making more products than needed.
 Early – making products before needed.
Overproduction is highly costly to a manufacturing plant because it obstructs the smooth
flow of materials and degrades the quality and productivity. Overproduction manufacturing
is referred to as “Just in Case” whereas Lean Manufacturing is referred to as “Just in Time”
(McBride, 2003). Waiting – Whenever goods are not being moving or being processed, the waste,
waiting occurs. Typically, more than 99% of a product’s life cycle time in traditional mass
production is spent in idling. This includes waiting for material, labor, information,
equipment etc. Lean requires that all resources are provided on a just-in-time (JIT) basis –
not too soon, not too late by linking processes together so that one feeds directly into the
next and can dramatically reduce waiting. Transportation or conveyance – Moving product between processes does not add
value to the product. Excessive movements and handlings can cause damages and can lead
to reduction in quality. Materials should be delivered to its point of use. Lean requires the
material be shipped directly from the vendor to the location in the assembly line where it
will be used. This is called Point-Of-Use-Storage (POUS). Over processing or incorrect processing – Taking unneeded steps to process the
parts. Some of the more common examples of this are reworking, inspecting, rechecking
etc. This is due to poor layout, poor tools and poor product design, causing unnecessary
motion and producing defects. Excess Inventory – Any type of inventory (raw material or in process or finish
goods) does not add value to the product and it should be eliminated or reduced. Excess
inventory uses valuable floor space and hides problems related to process in capabilities.
Excess inventory results in longer lead times, obsolescence, damaged goods, transportation
and storage costs, and delay. Defects – Defects can be either production defects or service errors. Having a defect
results a tremendous cost to organizations. In most of the organizations the total cost of

defects is often a significant percentage of total manufacturing cost. Repairing of rework,
replacement production and inspection means wasteful handling time, and effort. Excess Motion – Any motion that employee has to perform which does not add
value the product is an unnecessary or excess motion. Unnecessary motion is caused by
poor workflow, poor layout, poor housekeeping, and inconsistent or undocumented work
A VSM is a simple diagram showing every step involved in the material and information
flows needed to bring a product from order to delivery and is therewith indispensable as a
technique for visually managing process improvements. Mapping a process gives a clean
picture of waste that inhabit flow (Rother M. and Shook J 1999.)
Value Stream Mapping (VSM) is a tool of lean manufacturing that helps to understand
the flow of material and information as products make their way through the value stream.
The value stream includes the value adding and non-value adding activities that are
required to bring a product from raw material through delivery to the customer. In other
words, Value Stream Mapping is an outline of a product's manufacturing life cycle that
identifies each step throughout the production process. It represents a visual information
of material flow for a particular product family (anonymous)

3 data analysis
In Almeda textile p.l.c in kitted department from temporary fabric storage up to finished
department huge inventory and high lead time between the departments so decide to
analyses the lead time through one of lean manufacturing tool called “value stream
mapping “by choosing one product or style

Step 1 select the product to be mapped – by using simple matrix to identify the product
they use the same process in knitting section
Process steps
Cut Band knife Fusing Embroidery Printing Washing Finishing

Polo t-shirt x x x Family A x

V –neck T- shirt x x x
Body x x Family B x
Singlet x x x
T-Shirt x x Family C x x
Table 1 matrix table
Step 2 choosing the product based on this product family I choose a polo shirt pr family A
because of highest volume production also they
Step 3 understanding a polo shirt production flow from cutting up to wear house
Step 4 separating each activates performing in each departments
Step 5 collecting a process data in each department that contains the information
 Cycle Time (C/T). Rate at which a part or product is completed by a process.
 Changeover Time (C/O). Amount of time to switch from one product type to
 Every Part Every (EPE). Measure of batch sizes and changeover cycles.
 Available Work Time. Per shift of a process (in seconds, minus break, meeting,
and cleanup times.)
 Number of Operators. Required personnel for a process.
3.1 Cutting department analysis
In order to truck down the lead time I started from kitted dying room to finishing as we
know Almeda textile Share Company integrated manufacturer.
Knitted dye shipment format
Batch no 21 GSM 190 Transporting time
Order no 153 Gray width 94.95
1:30 – 1:37 AM
Customer Guna Quantity 427.6 K.G
As the knitted
Transported date May 23/ 2016 fabric comes from
Transported time 1:30 AM

Table 2 knitted dye shipment format 14

kitted dye they store in the temporary storage in the
cutting room from for 48 hours
Activates Distan No of Starting and Min Operation Transportatio Inspection Delay Storage
ce in operat finishing n
meter ors time
Temporary May 23- 3135
storage May 25
Transporting 103 2 4:00-4:02 2
machine set up 4:02-4:03 1
loading time 2 27:21 00:2
spreading time 2 4:05-6:24 139
per batch
Waiting time 6:24 -6:26 2
Marking 1 6:26-6:28 2
checking and
Inspection 1 6:28-6:29 1
cutting 6:29-6:55 26

Straight knife 1 15
Transporting 10.8
Band knife 1 10
Waiting 6:55-7:02 7
Inspection 2 10
Bundling 3 7:02-7:37 35
Inspection 3 15
Transportation 2
Table 3 cutting lead time table
3.2 Sewing department
In order to know the cycle time, I should start from the temporary storage in sewing up to
final inspection lead time of the products

Transportation time from cutting to sewing temporary storage 1:34 minute
Table 4 sewing lead time table

ALMEDA TEXTILE P.L.C Customer Guna Size L Color

KNITTING GAREMENT Style no M-09 Bundle 10 Date
No Activates Machine Operator Starting Finishing Time (min )
time time
1 Waiting Table 4:00 4:02 2
2 Front body folding Manual 2 4:02 4:06 4
3 Front body mark Manual 1 4:06 4:08 2
4 Waiting Table 4:08 4:09 1
5 Press placket Iron 2 4:09 4:22 13
6 Waiting 4:22 4:23 1
7 Back yoke o/l 3TH O/L 1 4:23 4:30 7
8 Back yoke attach SNLS 1 4:30 4:37 7
9 Waiting 4:37 4:39 2
10 Placket attach SNLS 3 4:39 4:57 18
11 Waiting 4:57 4:59 2
12 Boxing SNLS 3 4:59 5:17 18
13 Waiting 5:17 5:19 2
14 Shoulder attach 4TH 1 5:19 5:21 3
15 Waiting 5:21 5:22 1
16 Sleeve Heming CS 1 5:22 5:26 4
17 Waiting 5:26 5:27 1
18 Collar attach SNLS 2 5:27 5:39 12
19 Waiting 5:39 5:41 2
20 Collar Heming 3TH 1 5:41 5:50 9
21 Waiting 5:50 5:52 2
22 Piping shoulder to MH 380 1 5:52 5:56 4
23 Waiting 5:56 5:58 2
24 Placket top stich SNLS 2 5:58 6:10 12
25 Waiting 6:10 6:11 1
26 Sleeve attach 3TH 2 6:11 6:20 9
27 Waiting 6:20 6:21 1
28 Side seam 3TH 2 6:22 6:29 7

29 waiting 6:29 6:30 1
30 Bottom Heming CS 1 6:36 6:42 6
31 Waiting 6:42 6:43 1
32 Button hole B.H 1 6:43 6:50 7
33 Waiting 6:51 6:52 1
34 Mark button attach Manual 1 6:52 6:59 7
35 Waiting 6:59 7:01 2
36 Button attach B.A 1 7:01 7:08 7
37 Waiting 7:08 6:09 1
38 Trimming Manual 3 7:09 7:14 5
39 Inspection Manual 1 7:14 7:21 7
194 min per bundle
Per bundle Per pieces
Total cycle time 194min 19.4
non value added minute 24min 2.4 min
Necessary non-value 25min 2.5 min
adding activity
Value added minute 170 min 17 min

𝑛𝑜𝑛 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑒 𝑎𝑑𝑑𝑒𝑑 4.9

 𝑛𝑜𝑛 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 𝑎𝑑𝑑𝑒𝑑 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒% = 𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑐𝑦𝑐𝑙𝑒 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝑥100% = 𝑥100 = 25.25%
𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑒 𝑎𝑑𝑑𝑒𝑑 14.5
 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑢𝑒 𝑎𝑑𝑑𝑒𝑑 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 % = 𝑥100=19.4 = 74.75%
𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑐𝑦𝑐𝑙𝑒

3.3 Finishing department

Transportation time from sewing to finishing department 1:00 minute
Activates No of operator Time
Picking 2 00:00:15:00
Adjust to feeding 2 00:00:25:23
Pressing Machine 00:00:20:00
Waiting 01:15:23
Folding 2 00:00:35:34
Waiting 01:14:56
Insert to plastic 2 00:00:15:45
Waiting 01:12:56

Plastering 2 00:00:10:00
Waiting 03:01:33
Cartooning 1 00:00:20:14
Total time 00:09:04:84
Value added time 00:02:21:16
Non value added time 00:06:43:68
Table 5 finishing departemnt lead time table

3.4 Current value stream mapping

current value stream mapping marketing

production planning and control

Fabric suppliers

cutting sewing finishing

c/t time minute 1.94 c/t time minute 17 c/t time minute 1.72
working h/r 7.33 working h/r 7.33 working h/r 7.33
no of operater 14 no of operater 34 no of operater 11
no of shift 1 no of shift 1 no of shift 1
actual tiime in min 255 actual tiime in min 194 actual tiime in min 9.47
# quantity 665 # quantity 10 # quantity 1pc

3135 1200 1179

non value added time 5514 99.58%

1.94 17 1.72
value added time 20.66 0.37%

2.5 Unavoidable 2.5 0.05%

total lead time 5537.16

4.714285714 1.8 1.77 total lead time per pices 40.9543

Figure 1 current value stram

2 mapping 19.4 9.47

3.4.1 Current waste in different section
The observed data and the current state map of the processes revealed some wastes in the
flow. I assessed the company’s current practice towards wastes analyzed the percentage of
the major wastes in sewing, cutting and finishing process.
3..4.1.1 Inventory: In cutting section, there are 2 days of inventory of fabrics and at the
beginning of cutting process, there are almost 1 days of inventory before supplying the
bundles to sewing section and there are about 1 days of inventory remain in the stock before
supplying to the finishing section. Those three sections retain a large amount of inventory
which is a waste of inventory which is about 99.58% of total lead time.

Figure 2temporary storage

When the raw materials received from dying department they store the fabric for 3135 min
just as inventory 56.8%. in Almeda they use 2 days for relaxation time of the batches when
come directly from dying department. I have to minimize the relaxation time in to 24 hours
(1140 min) the other time is unnecessary inventory that increase the production of lead-

proposed and existing time

time Linear (time )

3500 3135
time in (MIN)

1500 1140
existing proposed vsm
time 3135 1140

chart 2 proposed and existing time for temporary storage

Figure 3 cutting inventory

Which exceeds maximum capacity of cutting section as a result extra pieces of garment
stored. The processing of fabrics which are daily requirement of cutting section is not
received by sewing section it delays 1200 min 21.76%. as we see the current waste in

Figure 4 finished garemnt inventory

In finishing room have a huge inventory 1179 min 21.38%

Total inventory time =cutting +sewing +finishing

total inventory time between departemntes

57% sewing cutting
22% sewing

finishing finishing

chart 3 total inventory between departments

In sewing also, they have extra inventory they have two shift shift A and shift B. they have
low management skill for inventory. For example, if shift A start producing a one style
product and if the working time reach then the production will be weight until the next day.
The other shift they continue their own inventory the inventory they divided between shifts

Figure 6 bundle ready shift A Figure 5 bundle ready shift B Transportation
 The distance between knitted cutting and the temporary storage (106m) is waste it takes
almost 2 minutes.
For one batch fabric they take = 2 minutes
One shift spreading target per Shift= 7.72 batch
1 batch = 2 min
7 batch =? 14min
=14mint/one shift x 2 =28 mint/2

Figure 7 existing layout

Proposed layout

Figure 8 propose layout

Material transportation Distance in M No of labors Time

Existing layout 106 M 2 2min

Proposed layout - - -
Table 6 propsed and existing layout

 One batch cut led fabric is spreading two times with each 65 lay by the ratio 3:1, so one
spreading plaice is out of small component for 3 bloke cutting panel, then the operator
moves for 3 times from block cutting up to band knife and from band knife up to control
panel. For one batch fabric cutting and operator moves from block cutting up to control
panel is 12 times. The spreading table length is 30M. For calculation those one
movement lose time is 0.86mint, so for one batch lose time is 10.32mint.
One shift spreading target per Shift @90 %( Batch) = 7 batch
So one batch wasting time = 10.32mint =7 batch x 10.32 mint
7.7 batch =? 1 batch
=79.67mint/one shift x 2 =159.35mint

3.3 Existing layout

Automatic spreading machine

Manual spreading Waiting table

Inspection and bundling table
reject table

Proposed layout

Automatic spreading machine

Band Band
Inspection table bundling knife
Waiting table
reject table
Manual spreading

Layout analysis
Existing layout
 The distance between the automatic spreading table and inspection table is far almost
 The band knife man they move three times for one batch of fabric almost they take on
the transportation 10:32 min
 High material handling transportation
Proposed layout

 The distance between the automatic spreading table and inspection table is almost
reducing in to 1M
 The band knife man they can easily get the fabric from both side automatic and manual
spreading machine
 It minimizes the transportation time into for one movement is decreased into 0.25
minute and for batch 12 x 0.25 = 3 minute / batch
 It also minimizing the material handling transportation

proposed and existing layout analysis

12 10.32
8 7
4 3
2 1
existing proposed
time 10.32 3
distance 7 1

time distance Linear (time ) Linear (distance )

chart 4 propose and existing layout analysis WIP
Sewing section
 In Almeda they use progressive bundling system so they increase the WIP between
operators. And the SMV of polo shirt to finish from the start to finish they take almost
19.4 min. that means it including non-value added activates so the WIP between

Figure 9 WIP in sewing

SMV= 17 min

No of operator = 33
Working hour = 440min
Total available minute =no of operator * working min
= 33 X 440
= 14520 min
Target production @ 60 = total available min /SMV * 60%
= 14520 /17 X 0.6
= 512.4 pic/ per shift
SMV including non-value added time = 19.4
Target production @ 60 = total available min /SMV * 60%
= 14520 /19.4 X 0.6
= 449 pic/ per shift
Actual production of line 28

Day May 23 May 24 May 25 May 26 May 27 Average production

Actual production 460 450 455 463 464 2292/5 =458.4pc/shift
Table 7 actual production

target production @60

600 512.4
458 449

100 17 19.4
smv with out non value added smv including non value added time

target production @60 smv actual production Linear (target production @60 )

chart 5target production @60

𝑒𝑥𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 − 𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛

𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒 = 𝑥 100
𝑐𝑢𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛
512.4 − 458
𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒 = 𝑥 100
Production rate =11.87%

From this result if changing the production system from progressive bundling system in
to single piece flow system it increases the production rate up to 11% of the production.
Productivity of labor
productivity =
Existing productivity = x 100 = 13 pcs
Proposed productivity = x 100 = 15.549 pcs
33 Waste of motion

In knitting cutting department, the operator performs as the way he desires. They don’t
have standard operator procedure. Waste of motion is a significant factor within the seven
wastes identified, and every effort should be made to remove it from the production
process. This will increase efficiencies while making work easier for all involved.
Movement is not necessarily work, but it costs in time and money. In order to reduce we
have to Develop standard operating procedures. And we have to train the operator based
on standard operating procedure.
The production lead time for one pieces

the production lead time for polo shirt

existing proposed


chart 6The production lead time for one pieces


future value stream mapping


production planning and control

Fabric suppliers

single pice flow

system we can
reduce the non
value addad tome

e the cutting sewing finishing
c/t time minute 1.94 c/t time minute 17 c/t time minute 1.72
working h/r 7.33 working h/r 7.33 working h/r 7.33
no of operater 14 no of operater 34 no of operater 11
no of shift 1 no of shift 1 no of shift 1
actual tiime in min 233.019 actual tiime in min 194 actual tiime in min 9.47
# quantity 665 # quantity 10 # quantity 1pc
1140 1200 1179
non value added time 3519 99.58%
1.94 17 1.72
value added time 20.66 0.37%

2.5 Unavoidable 2.5 0.05%

total lead time 3542.16

1.714285714 1.804511278 1.772932331 total lead time /pcs 35.436015

1.96 17 9.47
Figure 10 future value stream mapping

4. Conclusion
From this research is to study the lean manufacturing principles and understand the current
demand of the knitted department. In this study the suitable lean tools and principle are
used to analyzed the (TIMWOOD) waste through VALUE STREAM MAPING and which
minimize the process wastages such as work in progress(WIP), through put time, change
over time, transportation, production space and loss of productivity in ALTEX P.LC. The
problem of higher WIP is addressed through single piece flow principle. In addition to this,
VSM can indirectly supports for minimizing the working area transportation, through put
time, setup time, and waste of motion.
From this study 99.58% of the production lead time is spent in unnecessary inventory from
this result it also increases the production cost and production lead time. if minimizing the
unnecessary inventory and other waste it minimizes the production lead time and it also
increase the productivity of the company.
In this study, flow of value, waste and waste sources in the value stream was tried to
clarified by using value stream mapping. The current state was analyzed and ideas for
improving system performance were proposed. Value stream mapping should be repeated
periodically in order to achieve better system performance with continuous improvement
view. And if we use different lean tools like single piece flow system, takt time , Kanab
and total productive maintenance we can increase the productivity and also we can
minimize the production cost of the garment .

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