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Student Perceptions of Respiratory Care


1. Please rate your perceptions of the value of physiotherapy in the management of patients with cardio-respiratory problems by
ticking in the appropriate box. (Please tick)

Of no value Of great value

2. Do you have an intention to specialise in cardio-respiratory care? (Please tick)


3. Would you ever consider specialising in cardio-respiratory care? (Please tick)


4. How competent do you feel to treat individuals with cardio-respiratory problems? (Please tick)

Very competent Not at all competent

5. In relation to other clinical specialties, how competent do you feel to treat individuals with cardio-respiratory problems?
(Please tick one box only)

(a) More competent to treat cardio-respiratory problems

(b) Less competent to treat cardio-respiratory problems

(c) About the same

6. Please rate the following influences on your attitude to cardio-respiratory care by giving each a score between 1 and 4 where 1 =
has the most influence and 4 = the least influence? (Please give each category a different score)

(a) Clinical e xperience

(b) Universi ty

(c) Expert r ole model

(d) Other

Please state

7. Please indicate to what extent each of the contexts described in question 6 influenced you either positively or negatively.
(Please tick all categories)

Negatively Positively

(a) Clinical experience

(b) University

(c) Expert role model

(d) Other

Physiotherapy January 2003/vol 89/no 1

8. Do you think the Clinical Interest Group (Association of Chartered Physiotherapists in Respiratory Care) has anything to offer in
terms of your development in cardio-respiratory care? (Please tick)


9. Please rate your opinion of the potential value of physiotherapy in the following clinical areas. (Please tick)
Of great value Of no value

(a) Cardio-respiratory PT

(b) Musculoskeletal/ Sports

(c) Neurological PT

(d) Geriatric PT

(e) Pediatric PT

(f) Gynecological PT/ women


10. How does the present career structure influence your attitude towards cardio-respiratory care? (Please tick one box only)

(a) Has a lot of influence

(b) Has some influence

(c) Has no influence

(d) Not aware of career structure

If you answered (a) or (b), does this influence make you feel positive or negative towards respiratory care?

Positive Negative

Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire.

Physiotherapy January 2003/vol 89/no 1

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