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Notes for Lesson 1-4: Properties of Real Numbers

Equivalent Expressions – Two algebraic expressions that have the same value for all
values of the variable(s)

1 - Using the Commutative and Associative Properties of addition and multiplication

Words Numbers Algebra

Commutative Property - You 27  72 ab ba
can add numbers in any order 3 9  9 3 ab  ba
and multiply numbers in any
Associative Property - When 68 2 abc abc
you are only adding or  (6  8)  2  ( a  b)  c  (ab)c
multiplying, you can group
any of the numbers together.  6  (8  2)  a  (b  c)  a (bc)
7 45
 (7  4)  5
 7  (4  5)

2 – Other Properties of Real Numbers

Additive Identity Adding zero does not change the a+ 0=a 5+0=5
value of the number
Multiplicative Identity Multiplying by 1 does not change a∗1=a 5∗1=5
the value of the number
Zero Property of Any value multiplied by zero is a∗0=0 5∗0=0
Multiplication zero
Multiplication Property of Any value multiplied by -1 is the −1∗a=−a −1∗5=−5
-1 opposite of the value −1∗−5=5

Writing Equivalent Expressions using the properties

4  9  25
9  4  25 25  48  75
9  (4  25) 48  25  75
9(100) 48  100 1
900 148 410  58  90 2

6 xy 8m
5 (3 n) ( 4 +7 b )+ 8
y 12mn
6x ∗4
∗y 3n
( 5∗3 ) n ( 7 b+ 4 )+ 8 1 ∗m
15 n 7 b+(4 +8) 6 x∗1 ∗1∗1
7 b+12 6x

Deductive Reasoning – The process of reasoning logically from given facts to a conclusion
Counterexample- An example showing that a statement is false

Take the statement For all real numbers a and b, a∗b=a+ b

This is false because not all values give you the same result when you add or multiply them.
A counterexample would be 5∗3≠ 5+3

Another would be For all real numbers ( a+ b ) +c=b +( a+c)

This is true because of the commutative and associative properties.

For the following statements use deductive reasoning to determine if they are true or false. If false give a

A) j∗k =( k +0 )∗j True

B) m ( n+1 )=mn+1 False

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