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Analyzing Darwin’s Words

Elizabeth Zhong
Katerin Feng
Kelly Chu
Jennifer Huang
William Qiu

1. On what did Darwin base his conclusions about where species come from?

● Darwin based his conclusions on evidence about their embryological relations,

geological succession, geographical distribution, and other facts.

2. Name three of the other scientists Darwin mentions and describe how they
influenced his work.

● 1. Mr. Wallaces. He also arrived with almost exactly the same general conclusions
that Darwin has on the origin species.
● 2. Charles Lyell. He sent it to the Linnean Society, and it is published in the third
volume of the journal of that Society.
● 3. Dr. Hooker. He knew Darwin work- the latter having read my sketch of 1844.

3. What does Darwin plan to discuss in Chapter 1? How does this apply to the origin of

4. What does Darwin plan to discuss in Chapter 2?

He planned to discuss the Struggle of Existence in Chapter 2.

5. Who inspired his ideas in this chapter?

6. What does Darwin plan to discuss in Chapter 4?

He planned to discuss the Natural Selection in Chapter 4.

7. How does Darwin say natural selection affects a population?

8. What is Darwin’s position on fixity of species?

9. Name at least three things that you can agree with Darwin about.

10. Name one thing that you disagree with Darwin about.

11. Name one weakness of Darwin’s work.

12. Name one strength of Darwin’s work.

Evidence of evolution.

13. Darwin and Chambers believed in God, but they viewed Him as someone who
worked in the world through the laws of science without being personally involved.
Comment on this view of God from a biblical perspective.

14. What was Darwin's source of reliable truth for his ideas about the origin of life?

15. Analyze the authority for Darwin’s ideas from a biblical perspective.

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