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It Doesn’t Have To Be A Chore To Eat Healthy

Green Me makes eating healthy as easy as possible. They do all the work, all you have to do is

By Ashley Smart

With the start of 2021 just behind us many people are tackling or getting ready to tackle their
New Year’s Resolutions. That could be understood as a way of saying “something didn’t go the
way I wanted so let’s change that this year”, meaning you now have a fresh start.

That’s definitely a great mindset to start the year off in, but according to U.S News
approximately 80% of people drop their new year’s resolutions by the second week of February
and many don’t even make it that long! Why is that though? There are tons of answers to that
question. Whether it is “I don’t have the time”, “It costs too much” or maybe you learn “it’s just
not for you” which is completely fair. More often than not though, the answer is “It’s hard”.

Of course it’s going to be hard, there is so much that goes into a goal. For example, say your goal
is to go to the gym four times a week, there is so much planning that goes into just getting there.
You need to make sure that it fits into not only your schedule but your significant others,
childrens, and pets schedules and that you have everything you need. That may be signing up for
a gym membership, or getting gym equipment. All that won’t matter, if once you get there, you
don’t even know where to start. No wonder people give up, it really is hard, or maybe to an
extent we are just lazy.

Wouldn’t it be so much easier if someone was willing to do all the planning, preparations and
even execute it partially for you? That’s exactly what Green Me is all about. They make it so
easy for you to eat healthy without having to completely change your life around.

Green Me was created by a man named Brent Hirshi. Brent at the time, was overweight, pre
diabetic, and sleeping with a CPAP machine to help with his sleep apnea. He was looking to get
healthier and change his diet and lifestyle. He learned from reading books by Dr. Joel Fuhrman,
that if you want to change your life significantly, you should be getting 80-90% of your calories
from plants.

Starting January 1st of 2014, Hirshi was committed to consuming a pound of leafy greens
everyday. Not knowing what a pound of leafy greens looked like, he realized it was much larger
than he thought or expected it to be. His wife suggested that he try to blend it, but the idea of a
green smoothie was a bit scary, especially with the large amounts of greens he was including in
it. After adding a ton of fruit and a ton of juice, Brent was able to get a pound of greens everyday
and that equaled about 80 ounces of smoothie. For the first time in his life he was full, and he
knew that this was going to be sustainable because he was giving himself the nutrients his body
needed. “The most incredible thing about it was, I became a new creature. After consuming so
much goodness every morning and afternoon, it changed my desires, my cravings, my appetites
and my behavior” Hirshi shared about his experience.

Brent, loving to share when something works for him, decided to tell his friends and family
about his outcome of this process. With this being a cause and effect situation, it was working for
his friends and changing their lives just like it did his own. The sad truth is, for a few people, if
he wasn’t blending it and bringing it to them (even if they were completely sold on it), “... they
would go to the closest fast food restaurant and get a soda instead because that’s what is easy,
it’s what they love and it makes them feel good for the time being.”

The original idea back in 2014 was to bring individual smoothies to people in their corporate
offices all over Utah County, and that is how the business began. The first account he landed was
Money Experience Summit, aka MX. Ryan Caldwell, the CEO of MX, fell in love with this idea
and approached Brent and told him he would love to purchase a smoothie for every single one of
his employees a week, and he has done so every week for the past seven years. Green Me’s
business motto of Smoothie as a Service actually came from Caldwell himself. Among Hirshi’s
other accounts is the BYU Athletic Department, where every athlete that wants a smoothie gets a
smoothie everyday. Brent says that “The reason we are able to do some of these amazing things
is because of our why.” It is the fact that their smoothies are made with all good products solely
for the health of people’s bodies.

Now, thanks to the pandemic, Green Me was able to change their focus towards not only
delivering to office buildings but to customers houses as well. They have a process where they
freeze fresh smoothies and deliver them to homes, where the customer is able to keep them in
their freezers. All they have to do is transfer a smoothie to the fridge the night before, and the
next morning it is as if it was just barely blended.

Green Me delivers as far north as Kaysville, as far south as Payson, as far east as Midway and as
far west as Eagle Mountain. So if you are interested in eating healthier and changing your
lifestyle, hop on over to where you can sign up for a subscription for
delivered smoothies, or you can head to their store front location in Orem, Utah and grab your
smoothie there. If you are looking to learn more, there is space in the store front dedicated to
educating customers on Green Me’s smoothie making process and anything written by Dr. Joel
Fuhrman is always incredibly educational.

Now is the time to take back control over your New Year’s Resolutions and Green Me is a
fantastic way to do that!

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