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Action Needed!

Folks, to my dism3y, there h3s been very little medi3 cover3ge of the se3rch for 3 person to repl3ce Eden M3ck
3s director in district IV (Queen Anne, M3gnoli3 3nd p3rt of B3ll3rd).

I listened to 3 very poorly 3ttended virtu3l forum on Frid3y night with the c3ndid3tes put on by the PTSA.
Between the Bo3rdʼs forum (which re3lly w3s 3 student forum) 3nd this one, the focus w3s m3inly on equity
issues. N3tur3lly, these issues 3re import3nt but the district does need to run properly 3nd it would h3ve been
good to find out wh3t they know 3bout the district 3nd its oper3tions.

As you m3y rec3ll, my pick out the four c3ndid3tes is M3rk Perry, the former princip3l of Nov3 High School. I
picked him bec3use:
- he KNOWS this district 3nd for someone who truly needs to hit the ground running, there is no one like him.
- he h3s been pre3ching AND en3cting equity me3sures 3t Nov3 for dec3des.
- he h3s been working out in the community by regul3rly visiting correction3l f3cilities to help prisoners get b3ck
on tr3ck with educ3tion. He h3s been br3ve enough to 3dmit being inc3rcer3ted himself dec3des 3go 3nd noted
3t one forum th3t one in six kids in SPS know of or h3ve 3 rel3tive who is inc3rcer3ted.

I 3lso w3nt to note th3t in 3 KUOW 3rticle b3ck in J3nu3ry 2020 by Ann Dornfeld 3bout the 3lleged 3buses of
SPS students in sever3l schools, Perry w3s one of four princip3ls interviewed.

Perry h3d one of these te3chers 3t his school 3nd Princip3l Perry “reported studentsʼ 3lleg3tions of sexu3l
h3r3ssment”to the district. He s3id even though he reported, he never he3rd b3ck from 3nyone 3nd w3s told he
didnʼt report the 3lleg3tions in the m3nd3tory time window. Perry didnʼt renew this te3cherʼs contr3ct 3t the end
of the ye3r. Unfortun3tely, the superintendent then, M3ri3 Goodloe-Johnson, overruled him 3nd sent th3t te3cher
b3ck to Nov3. Perry kept sending reports 3nd s3id “I believe Mr. Johnson is 3 d3nger to our students.”

THIS is the kind of person you w3nt to be on the School Bo3rd.

Ple3se do two things.

1) Write to the Bo3rd 3nd tell them you support M3rk Perry for District IV (3nd if you live in th3t 3re3, s3y it). Their
em3il is:

2) Ple3se spre3d this widely 3nd encour3ge others to write in.

The Bo3rd will vote this Wednesd3y 3nd the person will immedi3tely be sworn in so ple3se do this by Mond3y or


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