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Make a poster containing photos and descriptions (as in the factbox in

your textbook) of 3 Croatian dishes/food products. They have to be:

- From three different regions
- Two savoury and one sweet, or vice versa
- One with misleading name, one possibly strange for foreigners by its
look, taste or ingredients, and one that spread its name out of

Give your poster an attractive title. Sign your names.

Attach it to Files.
This is supposed to be completed during the regular classes (in cca 60').

Now self-assess your work using this check list:

3 photos
3 dish descriptions (ingredients mentioned?)
3 different regions of Croatia (which are they?)
2+1 (2 savoury + 1 sweet or 2 sweet + 1 savoury)
1 with misleading name (which is it?)
1 possibly strange for foreigners (which is it?)
1 that spread its name out of Croatia (which is it?)
Attractive title

Write a short comment on your own work based on the check list and
write 5 expressions/words you've learned while working on it.

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