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Colegio Gimnasio Campestre San Sebastin

Homework of the Week

>English Subjects
Grade 5th 6th


February 11th to 14th

Tuesday (English) -Draw yourself and write ten verbs you like to do, in your English notebook. -Write five sentences about you in the English notebook.

>Teacher: David D Avila

Wednesday (Math) -Draw these kinds of angles in your Math notebook: right, acute, obtuse, and straight. -Write these numbers in letters: 19, 28, 33, 37, 46, 51, 66, 73, 77, 82, 88, 91, 183 and 682 in your Math notebook. -Write these numbers in letters: 19, 28, 37, 46, 51, 64, 66, 73, 82, 88, 91, 183, 492, 518, 862, 903, 972, 2,096, 4,980, 6,451 and 7,523 in your Math notebook. -Write these numbers in letters: 13, 24, 35, 46, 57, 68, 79, 80, 132, 243, 354, 465, 576, 687, 798, 1,432, 6,987, 8,752, 9,072 and 9,241 in your Math notebook. Thursday (Social) -Create a collage with Colombian icons or symbols in your Social notebook. -Create a collage with Colombian icons or symbols and write a description of one of them in your Social notebook. -Create a collage with Colombian icons or symbols and write a description of these ones: National Tree, National Animal and the National Flag in a piece color paper. -Create a collage with Colombian icons or symbols, and then write a description of these ones: National Flag, National flower, National Animal and then write a verse of the Colombian Anthem in a piece color paper.

Monday (Science) -Draw and color a cell in a piece of color paper and paste it against the classroom walls. -Draw and color a cell with five organelles in a piece of color paper.


-Draw and color a cell with eight organelles, then write the function of the nucleus and cytoplasm in a piece of color paper.

-Write a text about your vacation time in the English notebook.


-Draw and color a cell with eight organelles, then write the function of the nucleus, cytoplasm, ribosome, and mitochondria in a piece of color paper.

-Write a text about yourself and about your vacation time in the English notebook.

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