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Colegio Gimnasio Campestre San Sebastin

Homework of the Week

>English Subjects


July 16th to 18th

Tuesday (English)

>Teacher: David D Avila

Wednesday (Social/ English)
-Draw these sentences in your English notebook: a) I was listening to music b) She was playing a guitar c) They were eating hot dogs.

Monday (Science/ English)

-Draw images to represent the sentences in your English notebook: a) This is my book b) Those are my candies c) That is my toy d) These are my jeans. -Draw images about these kinds of ecosystems, in your Science notebook: a) Desert b) Ocean c) Forest -Consult and write in your Science notebook: a) ten abiotic elements b) fifteen biotic elements -Draw images about these kinds of pollution, in your Science notebook: a) Noise pollution b) Visual pollution c) Thermal pollution

Thursday (Math/ English)


-Print in a piece of color paper (letter size) the image about your favorite famous person.

-Write a list about the most recognized Canadian people (10) with their corresponding jobs, in your Social notebook.

-Consul and draw five images using the Tangram chips in your Math notebook.


-Write ten sentences using possessive pronouns in your English notebook.


-Write ten sentences about Tag Questions, in your English notebook.

-Write a list about the most recognized Canadian people (15) with their corresponding jobs, in your Social notebook. -Write a list about the most recognized Canadian people (20) with their corresponding jobs, in your Social notebook.

-Cut a Sudoku game from a newspaper or magazine, paste it in a color piece of paper and solve it. -Consult and print and paste two exercises about Abstract Reasoning Tests in your Math notebook.

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