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Patrick Aaron A. Sanvictores Ms.

11924551 MultiGen

Reflection Paper

The prompt given was to watch "On the Basis of Sex," I have heard good reviews about this film, but never came
around to see it, which is why, as a multi-cultural and gender studies student, I was excited to watch the movie to gain more
insights. I was pleased to find out how many scenes highlighted the topics we discussed in class. It gave me so many insights,
lessons, and perspectives about how much power is present in fighting for what you believe.

"On the Basis of Sex" takes place in 1950s America-a time when women were expected to be housewives rather than
pursuing a career, even more, so a law career. In the beginning, we see a sea of young male hopefuls entering Harvard law
school. Still, the shot quickly pans out to the protagonist of the movie, Mrs. Ruth Ginsberg. A young wife and mother determined
to be the best student despite the harsh misogynistic patriarchy plaguing Harvard. As a person living in the present time, two
scenes, in particular, made me quite upset. The Harvard dean, Mr. Erwin Griswold, gave a speech that was specific to one
gender. In his speech, he gave traits of what a Harvard man should have, knowing that there are is a small group of female
students amongst the male. At the Dean's dinner, Mr. Griswold asked each of the female students to present "Why they are
occupying a position that could have gone to a man." Each of the women gave brilliant and honest answers, but this didn't please
the Dean, Mrs. Ginsberg said, “My husband, Marty, is in the second-year class. I'm at Harvard to learn more about his work so I
can be a more patient and understanding wife.” This answer pleased the dean. After being deliberately ignored by the professor
to accommodate the responses of the other male students, Mrs. Ginsberg had a chance to answer. While answering, her
classmate would interrupt and be disrespectful until she told him to stop. After giving her answer, the professor asked her, "Is
that an answer, Mrs. Ginsberg, or a filibuster?" It was upsetting because these scenes show how inferior women were back then,
each of them earned their place at Harvard. Yet, they do not receive the level of respect that their male counterparts. Instead of
empowering and praising them for their achievements, they are ridiculed and shamed for pursuing their dreams of attaining a law
career. However, this did not phase Mrs. Ginsberg, with her determination, wit, and support from her husband, Martin, she was
able to graduate top of her class. This, however, does not guarantee a Mrs. Ginsberg a job. She struggles to find work in any firm
because she is a woman, but this doesn't stop her. If anything, it made her even stronger and determined.

Fast forward to the 1970s, an era of social reform. Ruth Ginsberg gets a job as a Gender Biases in law professor.
Although, she loves enlightening her students, Ruth knows she can still be that spark of social reform. While at a dinner party,
Martin's statement "How the Government taxes its citizens is a direct declaration of a country's values," correlates to what was
plaguing America and a foreshadowing too is about to happen to her. An opportunity came when Martin presented Ruth a case,
Charles Moritz, a bachelor tasked of caring for his ageing mother. He has been denied a tax deduction since he is a man. Cases
like Mr. Moritz' are unique because it tackles male based discrimination. It challenges the laws established over the years that
assume that men are always the breadwinners, while women are the heads of the household. Mrs. Ginsberg grabbed the
opportunity, given that the judging panel would entirely comprise of males, Ruth knew that a case involving a male would be a
reasonable leeway to present discriminating law that is based on gender. The journey wouldn't be easy; many of her colleagues
and idol have rejected her propositions. Ginsberg also had to balance work with family life; having a teenage daughter with a
strong personality would often mean that conflicts would arise between the two. However, these conflicts made the two stronger
than ever. When Ruth and her daughter experienced catcalling, Jane, the daughter, stood up to the cat callers. It shows that \the
new age brings along fearless women. While Ruth is studying and preparing herself to face the panels, we see Martin doing the
household chores such as cooking and rearing the children, In a time where men did not believe they should be doing "female
jobs,” Martin is an example of a man who forgoes the pressures of traditional gender roles and does what's best for the family.
Having prepared and her family's one hundred percent support behind her, Ruth sets off to face the panel of judges and people
who seek to oppose her cause. They started weak because of the pressure of the situation, which is why they asked to cut their
proposition time. The opposing side used outdated presumptions and stereotypes in their argument. They proceed in mocking
Mrs. Ginsberg, calling their movement "radical social change.” Regrouped and recharged, Ruth used their attack as an
advantage; By stating the trials and tribulations that women faced throughout the century, she said that times are indeed
changing and that the legacy of discrimination based on sex must be eradicated since the laws are not parallel to what the
people are fighting for. The outdated laws are not only obstacles to the aspirations but barre them from opportunities based on
presumptions of their abilities. These powerful statements prove how much power laws have and how they can influence the
outcomes of the future.

After watching "On the Basis of Sex," there were several lessons we studied in class, became significant themes in the
film. Feminism defined by the Oxford dictionary is the belief and aim that women should have the same rights and opportunities
as men. We can see that the time period in which the film takes place (1950s - 1970s) shows us a clear example of how
gendered power create patriarchal privileges that provides opportunity for only one gender. Throughout the film, we see those
struggles manifested through the hardship that Mrs. Ruth Ginsberg had gone through to achieve her goals, from institutional
misogynism in Harvard, sex discrimination in finding a job, rude and pointless remarks made by her opposers, She remained
steadfast and strong throughout the whole process. feminism also talks about the process of attaining equal rights for both
sexes; In the film, we see how Ruth breaks down traditional gender norms by presenting a case that features a male seeking a
care taker’s tax deduction. By taking on a case that sheds light at an unusual topic, Mrs. Ginsberg was able to meet in the middle
expressing how toxic and outdated laws create a divide among the genders.It is refreshing to see how a woman can reach her
dreams with full support from her partner. In other films, usually women have to make the tough decision whether to chose her
career over her family/partner, however, this was not the case for "On the Basis of Sex" Throughout the whole movie, despite the
gender norms back then, Mr. Ginsberg has shown tremendous support for Mrs. Ginsberg, despite hurdles along the way, helping
each other with their tasks, cheering each other on, and doing chores despite the social stigma. By cheering her on, allowed His
wife to shine. Its a great reminder for everyone that with the right support system, anyone can achieve anything they put their
heart into.As a queer person the biggest take away for me was when Mrs. Ginsberg mentioned “Protests are important, but
changing the culture means nothing if the law doesn’t change!” The fight for equality has been a struggle because there is a
communication barrier between the government and the people of the community. As much as we try to assimilate and protest, if
the law does not protect my rights then it’s pointless, therefore if I follow the example of Mrs. Ginsberg, by being vocal and
having the same determination like her, I will be able to help my community.


Edwards, S. (2018, December 26). On the Basis of Sex Shows Us an Empowering Love Story Worth Rooting For. Retrieved
October 28, 2019, from

Bao, J. X. (2018, December 4). ‘On the Basis of Sex’ Highlights Gender Discrimination, Then and Now. Retrieved October 28,
2019, from

Becker, M. (n.d.). Patriarchy and Inequality: Towards a Substantive Feminism. Retrieved October 28, 2019, from

Definition of Feminism: Oxford Dictionary


On the Basis of Sex Movie Script written by DANIEL STIEPLEMAN

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