3bse - B - Abarsolo, Louie - Module 1. Sec 1 & 2 Act.

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Name: Abarsolo, Louie L.

Yr/Crs/Sec: 3BSE - B Filipino Date: 3/4/2021

Teacher: Renee Jane A. Ele

Module 1 Activity:

Section 1. Please answer the following questions:

1. What is the role of Science and Technology in your life?

Science and technology have a very important role in my life. It's been with me, and I've been
used to it since from the very beginning when I came to life. Like everyone else, It has been my
partner, a friend, a tools, an equipments, a teacher, a mentor, and a weapon towards all these
that I have in life. For instance, this is my asset that makes life better and easier.

2. What are the moral, ethical and existential dilemmas brought about by S&T? present in a

The following are the moral, ethical, and existential dilemmas brought by S&T.


Class Dojo and Classroom Surveillance Nowadays, most of the youths, their
happiness depends on gadgets.

The Harpa Safe Home Proposal Many people don't believed on their own
abilities, instead they depend on internet.

Predatory Journals Many people can't live without social media.

AI and Gamification in Hiring Many people feel less if they don't have social
media account.

The pseudoscience of skincare. Many people would choose to have virtual

friends, than a real one.

Grinch Bots

Many people give importance to virtual world

than the reality.

Project Nightingale Many people have been blinded by social

media, and any online and mobile games.

Student Tracking Software

The Corruption of Tech Ethics

Deep Fakes

The Citizen App

Social Credit Systems


The Textalyzer


The Robot Priest

Emotion-Sensing Facial Recognition

Google Clips

Sentencing Software

The Rise of Robot Friendship


3. Submit Exercises 1 and 2 of Module 1 Section 1.

Exercise 1. Reflection (Individual Activity)

Instructions. Find an image that depicts an issue or problem in science and technology. Then,
answer the following questions.
Source: : https://www.google.com/search?
 What is the issue or problem depicted in the image?

Transportation is one of the greatest invention of human in the history. It makes almost
everything accessible so as life becomes easier. However, with all these good things, there also
comes bad things due to the number of transportation that runs everyday. Theres almost
millions of different transportation running in the world every minute of everyday and all these
are releasing energy and smoke which causes global warming, and climate change. According to
study, transportation is one of the largest contributors to climate change.

 2How does this particular issue or problem impact the well-being of humans today?

We have been experiencing global warming and climate change. There is a long period of
drought and the other way around. As result, there comes scarcity of humans basic needs such
as food and water. Eventually, numbers of lives will die.

 Why is it important for people to study and learn about STS as an academic field,
especially in addressing the issue or problem depicted in the image.

It helps us learn and realize the good and bad, negative and positive of whatever that is brought
by science and technology to our lives and the world. It also helps us to determine the cause
and effects of transportation in our well-being. As well as the solution of this timely issue
presented in the picture, and the proper use of any invented by science and technology like
following the given instructions.
4. Give and submit the key points in the article Lewis Wolperts The Medawar Lecture 1998 Is
Science Dangerous?

Lewis Wolperts The Medawar Lecture 1998 Is Science Dangerous?

Key points:

 The idea that science is dangerous is deeply embedded in our culture, particularly in

 Science is not the same as technology.

 There is a fear and distrust of science.

 There is anxiety that scientists lack both wisdom and social responsibility and are so
motivated by ambition that they will follow their research anywhere, no matter the

 Scientists are repeatedly referred to as ‘playing at God’ while scientists are blamed
for despoiling the environment and making us live in a high risk society, it is only
because of science that we know about these risks, such as global warming and
bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE).

 The media must bear much of the responsibility for the misunderstanding of
genetics as genetic pornography which is, unfortunately, widespread pictures and
stories that titillate.

 A serious problem is the conflation of science and technology.

 Much modern technology is now founded on fundamental science.

 Reliable scientific KNOWLEDG is value-free and has no moral or ethical value.

 Dangers and ethical issues only arise when science is applied in technology.

 Ethically issues can arise in actually doing the scientific research, such as carrying out
experiments on humans or animals, as well as issues related to safety, as in
genetically modified (GM) foods.

 Science cannot predict what will be discovered or how these discoveries could be

 Whatever new technology is introduced, it is not for the scientists to make the moral or
ethical decisions.

 The way scientific knowledge is used raises ethical issues for everyone involved, not just


 Eugenics movement, which is the classic immoral tale of science.

 Scientists can abuse their role as providers and interpreters of complex and difficult

 Modern eugenics aims to both prevent and cure those with genetic disabilities.


 Mary Shelley could be both proud and shocked. Her creation of a scientist creating and
meddling with human life has become the most potent symbol of modern science.

 Cloning carries a high risk of abnormalities as numerous scientific studies on other

animals show.

 Scientific innovation has outstripped our social and moral codes.


 Politics depends on rhetoric, opinion and conflict.

 science is a sphere of knowledge and understanding, politics is a sphere of opinion.

 The main reason is that the better understanding we have of the world the better
chance we have of making a just society, the better chance we have of improving living

Section 2.

Assignment. If I were an inventor

1. What is your invention? What does it do?

 A robot, It detects and reads human mind, and sees the past and the future to come.

2. How is your invention similar to or different from existing tools or technologies in terms of

 Robots are no longer new to us. Even from last decade, theres already an existing
robots that help people make things happen. This my own invention is quite different
from what we usually hear. This robot has the ability to read human mind, and detect
any negative thoughts and actions that are going to happen. It can also see the past
events, and the future to come.

3. Why is there a need for this invention? How will this invention make the world a better
place to live in?

 The main reason why I invented this thing is that to avoid and minimize any incident
brought by human, and of course to avoid those people especially in politics who have
hidden agenda. Finally, to have a peaceful, safe and sound living.

Source : https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1569503/

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