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TASK 1: Work with your partner. Ask and answer the following questions.

1. Do you have a lot of friends?

to be honest, I have a lot of friends but I only have a few close friends who are always
ready to listen to my problems. We are well-matched. Thus, the time when we are together, are
2. How often do you see your friends?
We are quiet busy at work, but We enjoy each other’s company, so we try to arrange to
together avery month. We live and work very close to each other, so it’s easy for us
to meet up.
3. Is there anything special about your friends?
oh, now we are working on different fields. I think there are a lot of special things. For
exampe, my best friend can singer as well as a singer. Her voice is the same as Le
Quyen's voice. And my other friend can draw an unbelievable portrait of somebody with
only one pencil.
4. For how long do you know them?
We've been close friends since we were in our kindergarten. We studied together until we
went to the university. But we all studied in Ha Noi, so we met every often.

week 2:

1. How can people become famous?

I think, nowadays, It's easy to become famous.Someone, who's exceptionally
talented or leaves a major influence on social network would be famous with the
assistance of the media.
2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of becoming a celebrity?
Being a celebrity or simply being famous has its own advantages and
disadvantages. Celebrities get special treatment wherever they go. Being well-
known generally means being richer, they make a lot of money and having luxury
lifestyle.However Celebrities have no privacy. People will follow them all the time
and even intrude their privacy to get the most private information of their personal
3. What influences can famous people have on the society?
Nowadays, celebrities have an extremly influence on our world’s society.
Young people often look up well- known people and they would like to follow
what celebrities said or did. Naturally, the influences of celebrities can be either
positive or negative. I hope celebrities will set a good example on world’s social
4. Should celebrities be a role model for children to look up to?
Yes, of course. Whether we like it or not, whether it is for better or worse,
celebrities in the world are absolutely role models. They influence children,
teens, and even adults in countless ways. Therefore, it's important for these
individuals to set a good example for children and teens to avoid creating
week 3

1. Do you have any unhealthy habits?

Well, actually do. I often stay up late to watch TV. Thus, I wake up late in the morning. It
is the reason why I always forget my breakfast.

2. What do you do to stay healthy?/ In what ways do you try to stay healthy?

There are something to do to stay healthy. first, Diet: I prefer cooking at home rather
than eating out. secondly, Rest We need sleep to stay energized, healthy and strong.
Exercise should be fun to stay healthy.

3. In your opinion, what is more important, eating healthy food or doing exercise?

I think that both eating healthy food anh doing exercise are extremly to be healthy. If I
have to choose, I would choose eating healthy food because nowaday we eat to much
unhealthy food.

4. Is it easy to keep fit where you live?

Well, where I live, there are many stores where sell fast food which is my favour.
Moreover, There aren't any play grounds or gyms near my house.

5. What part of your lifestyle would you most like to make healthier?

Well, I would like to improve my sleeping habits. I often lack of sleep because I haven't
managed my sleeping time .

6. Are you careful about what you eat?

yes, of course. When I buy food, I often care about the original of the food, the expiry
date in the product

7. How important is a healthy lifestyle for you?

I think it is extremly important. A healthy lifestyle can help me to be productive after a

long day hard working.

8. Do you eat much junk food?

No, I harly eat junk food because I often have stomachache after eat fast food. Thus when
I eat out with my friends, I only eat a small amount.
Week 4
1. Where do you usually get the news from?
- There are variety sources which we can get news from, and I commonly get news from
TV and facebook. But I totally believe in news program on TV, news from social
networks for entertainment and reference only.
2. Do you read magazines? Which ones?
I sometime read magazines which include articles about fame, fashion and foods which
are my favour.
3. Do you often read a newspaper?
I hardly read newspaper because of it's boring. I prefer watching news progamme than
reading. The videos are always eye-catching.
4. In which kinds of circumstances do you usually listen to the radio?
Well, I used to listen radio when I was on a bus. Some time, I listened about traffic, music
or culture in somewhere. I really like listen radio on bus because it helps me to forget

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