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All but one correctly describe vaginismus:

A. Pregnancy may produce a permanent cure
B. Usually common among virgins
C. Due to actual pain on contact with male sex
D. Anesthesia will not cure the condition
2. When a wounding agent produces communication between the inner and outer portion of the hollow organ, this
wound is known as:
A. Deep Wound C. Penetrating Wound
B. Perforating Wound D. Superficial Wound
3. When the wounding agent enters the body but did not come out, the wound is classified as:
A. Deep Wound C. Perforating Wound
B. Penetrating Wound D. Superficial Wound
4. Physical Injuries which develop on parts of the body when bone tissues is deep seated caused by forcible impact of
hard blunt objects are usually known as:
A. Abrasion C. Contusion
B. Hematoma D. Concussion
5. A post-mortem wound differs from ante-mortem wound is that:
A. The wound edges gape
B. The tissues around the wound are deeply situated
C. There are a lot of blood presents
D. There is no clothing of blood
6. How soon after drowning does the dead body float?
A. Within 24 hours C. After 48 hours
B. After 36 hours D. After 72 hours
7. Which of the following findings most strongly points to drowning as a cause of death?
A. Heat stiffening C. Cadaveric spasm
B. Cold stiffening D. Rigor mortis
8. Accidental death of young children by suffocation either from the pressure of the beddings and pillows or from the
pressure of the unconscious or drunk mother is called:
A. Battering C. Burking
B. Overlaying D. Mugging
9. Covering both nostrils and mouth with a pillow may caused death due to:
A. Traumatic asphyxia C. Asphyxia by mugging
B. Asphyxia by choking D. Asphyxia by smothering
10. Asphyxia by smothering with application of the materials usually handkerchiefs or other cloth materials to prevent
air to have access to the mouth or nostrils is called:
A. Gagging C. Burking
B. Garroting D. Mugging
11. A special form of strangulation with the assailant standing at the back of the victim and the forearm is applied in
front of the neck is called:
A. Throttling C. Mugging
B. Palmar strangulation D. Gagging
12. The following are post-mortem findings on strangulation:
A. Cyanosis of the face C. Subpleural and subpericardial hemorrhage
B. Right side of the heart is distended with blood D. D. Fracture of the clavicle
13. The following are post-mortem findings in death from asphyxia EXCEPT:
A. Lungs is engorged with dark blood C. Congestion of abdominal viscera
B. Congestion of the spinal cord D. Subpericardial petechial hemorrhages

14. Anemic anorexic death is due to a decreased capacity of the blood to carry oxygen as in:
A. Heart failure C. Drowning
B. Smothering and overlaying D. Carbon monoxide poisoning
15. In vehicular accident wherein there is shattering of the windshield glass, the multiple injuries found on the face of
the driver and front seat passenger is:
A. Lacerated wound C. Hematoma
B. Incised wound D. Abrasions
16. The state of the child below the age of puberty who does not know the nature of sexual like and not experienced
sexual relation is referred to as:
A. Physical virginity C. Moral virginity
B. Virgo-intacta D. Demi-virginity
17. In deaths related to sexual acts, which is NOT correct?
A. Death from natural causes may occur due to increased demand on the cardiovasculary system
B. In rape, the death of the offender maybe due to the defense act of the woman victim
C. Death of the female partner is usually accidental
D. Female suffer death from natural causes more than males
18. The deliberate acceleration of death of a person suffering from a terminal disease:
A. Musketry C. Judicial death
B. Euthanasia D. Inanition
19. The type of euthanasia which is deliberate and intentional is called:
A. Orthonasia C. Active euthanasia
B. Dysthanasia D. Plain euthanasia
20. The type of euthanasia when an incurably ill person is allowed to die a natural death without the application of any
A. Orthonasia C. Active euthanasia
B. Dysthanasia D. Passive euthanasia
21. The type of euthanasia when there is attempt to extend the life span of a person by the use of extraordinary
treatments without which the patient would have died earlier
A. Orthonasia C. Active euthanasia
B. Dysthanasia D. Plain euthanasia
22. The gradual withdrawal of food and water from a person may be classified as
A. Euthanasia C. Chronic Starvation
B. Acute Starvation D. Inanition
23. The pulverization of the dead body by the application of heat is known as
A. Burial C. Exhumation
B. Inhumation D. Cremation
24. In the burial of a deceased person, who is legally in charge of the duty to bury the body?
A. The municipal authorities C. The spouse of the dead person
B. The oldest offspring of the dead person D. The nearest kin of the dead person
25. When formalin is used to preserve the dead body after death, this disposal method is called
A. Embalming C. Exhumation
B. Inhumation D. Crematiom
26. The duty and the right to make arrangements for the funeral should be in which order?
A. Spouse, ascendants, descendants, brothers/sisters C. Ascendants, spouse, descendants, brothers/sisters
B. Spouse, descendants, ascendants, brothers/sisters D. Descendants, spouse, ascendants, brothers/sisters
27. When a deceased buried is raised or disinterred from the grave, this is known as:
A. Burial C. Exhumation
B. Inhumation D. Cremation

28. The state of the woman where the hymen is intact with no sexual experiences is known as
A. True physical virginity C. Moral Virginity
B. False physical virginity D. Demi-virginity
29. The state of the woman where the hymen is intact but the woman had sexual intercourse previously is known as
A. True physical virginity C. Moral Virginity
B. False physical virginity D. Demi-virginity
30. This is a condition where a woman permits sexual liberties but no rupture of the hymen due to sexual act have not
A. True physical virginity C. Moral Virginity
B. False physical virginity D. Demi-virginity
31. The process where the hymen is broken due to sexual intercourse is known as
A. Coitus C. Defloration
B. Carnal Knowledge D. Devirginization
32. This is the laceration of the hymen as a result of coitus is termed as:
A. Coitus C. Defloration
B. Carnal Knowledge D. Devirginization
33. This is the physical incapacity of either sex to allow or grant the other legitimate sexual gratification
A. Sterility C. Frigidity
B. Impotency D. Erectile dysfunction
34. The loss of power to procreate is known as
A. Sterility C. Frigidity
B. Impotency D. Erectile dysfunction
35. This is associated with the failure of the arterial blood to become normally saturated with oxygen is called:
A. Anemic anoxic death C. Stagnant anoxic death
B. Anoxic death D. Histotoxic death
36. A decreased capacity of the blood to carry oxygen can be associated with:
A. Respiratory abnormalities C. Ingestion of poison
B. Paralysis of the respiratory center D. All of these
37. Arterial and venous obstruction, incident to embolism, vascular spasm, varicose veins, or the use of tourniquet can
result to:
A. Anemic anoxic death C. Stagnant anoxic death
B. Anoxic death D. Histotoxic death
38. Smothering or closing of the mouth and nostrils by solid objects may cause:
A. Inflammation C. Strangulation
B. Suffocation D. All of these
39. A form of violent death brought about by the suspension of the body by a ligature which encircles the neck and
constricting the force is the weight of the body:
A. Asphyxia by Strangulation C. Throttling
B. Asphyxia by Hanging D. Traumatic asphyxia
40. A ligature, a metal collar or bow string is placed around the neck and tightened at the back is what type of
A. Palmar C. Strange hold
B. Garroting D. Burking
41. The exclusion of air from the lungs by closure of air openings or obstruction of the air passageway from the external
openings to the air sacs is termed as:
A. Asphyxia by Strangulation C. Throttling
B. Asphyxia by Hanging D. Asphyxia by suffocation
42. This is a form of suffocation brought about by the impaction of foreign body in the respiratory passage:
A. Chocking C. Mugging
B. Overlaying D. Gagging
43. This is a form of asphyxia whereby the free exchange of air in the lungs is prevented by the immobility of the chest
and abdomen due to external pressure:
A. Traumatic asphyxia C. Crush asphyxia
B. Compression asphyxia D. All of these
44. Inhalation of this gas can cause death by asphyxia due to deficiency of oxygen supply to the brain:
A. Carbon monoxide C. Hydrogen cyanide
B. Carbon dioxide D. Sulfur dioxide
45. Which of the following is caused by hot fluids?
A. Scald C. Electric burns
B. Burns D. Chemical burns
46. The general term applied to all forms of violent death which results primarily from the interference with the process
of respiration is known as
A. Asphyxia C. Hanging
B. Strangulation D. Apnea
47. Accumulation of blood in the most dependent portions of the body is termed as:
A. Suggilation C. Hematoma
B. Ecchymosis D. Petechiae
48. From the condition of the cadaver, which of the following points is NOT valid in the determination of the duration of
A. Rigor mortis sets in from 12-24 hours and is fully developed after 48 hours
B. Post-mortem lividity developed in 3-6 hours
C. Decomposition in tropical countries is 24 to 48 hours
D. Blood clots inside the blood vessels in 6 to 8 hours
49. The type of defense wound that occurs when the victim raises the hands or arms for protection:
A. Active defense injuries C. Self-instinct wound
B. Passive defense injuries D. Reactive wound
50. Wounds inflicted in the palm or fingers and thumb is what type of defense wound?
A. Active defense injuries C. Self-instinct wound
B. Passive defense injuries D. Reactive wound
51. The deprivation of a regular and constant supply of food and water which is necessary to normal health of a person:
A. Starvation C. Either A or B
B. Inanition D. Neither A or B
52. How many percent of weight loss can cause death to an individual?
A. 15% B. 20% C. 30% D. 40%
53. Without food and water, a person cannot survive in more than:
A. 5 days B. 7 days C. 8 days D. 10 days
54. Without food but with water, a person can survive within:
A. 20-30 days B.30-40 days C. 40-50 days D. 50-60 days
55. A disruption of the anatomic integrity of the tissues of the body is called:
A. Injury C. Physical injury
B. Wound D. Abrasions
56. It is the sum total of all reactions of tissue or organ to trauma, either observed micro or macroscopically is termed
A. Inflammation C. Injury
B. Trauma D. Vital reactions
57. It refers to the congestion of the area due to an increase of blood supply as a part of the reparative mechanism:
A. Dolor C. Rubor
B. Calor D. Tumor
58. Increase in temperature or heat is also known as:
A. Dolor C. Rubor
B. Calor D. Tumor
59. The type of wound that does not cause complications:
A. Mortal wound C. Either A or B
B. Non-mortal wound D. Neither A or B
60. Sharp-edge instrument can cause:
A. Lacerated wound C. Incised wound
B. Punctured wound D. Stab wound
61. Sharp edged and sharp pointed instrument will result to:
A. Lacerated wound C. Incised wound
B. Punctured wound D. Stab wound
62. Punctured wound is due to:
A. Sharp edge instrument C. Blunt instrument
B. Sharp edge and sharp pointed instrument D. Sharp pointed instrument
63. Change in atmospheric pressure will result to:
A. Hypothermia C. Barotrauma
B. Hyperthermia D. Scalding
64. Gunshot wound is an example of:
A. Chemical explosion C. Combustion
B. Mechanical explosion D. All of these
65. Wound that is inflicted in downward motion is classified as:
A. Hit B. Trust C. Stab D. Gaping
66. Wound that is inflicted in horizontal motion will result to:
A. Hit B. Trust C. Shrapnel D. Gaping
67. Physical injury which is located at the site of the application of force is classified as:
A. Coup injury C. Coup contre coup injury
B. Contre coup injury D. Locus minors Resistencia
68. If the injury is located at the site of injury and on its opposite site, such injury is classified as:
A. Coup injury C. Coup contre coup injury
B. Contre coup injury D. Locus minors Resistencia
69. Which of the following statement correctly describe patterned wound?
A. Instinctive reaction of self-preservation C. Wound produced on one-self
B. Wound on the nature of instrument used D. Wound that causes laceration
70. The type of wound that does not affect the integrity of the skin:
A. Abrasions B. Open wound C. Closed wound D. Fracture
71. It is a circumscribed extravasation of blood in the subcutaneous tissue or underneath the mucous membrane:
A. Contusion B. Concussion C. Hematoma D. Petechiae
72. It is the effusion of blood into the tissues underneath the skin on account of the rupture of the blood vessels as a
result of the application of blunt force or violence:
A. Contusion B. Concussion C. Hematoma D. Petechiae
73. It is the extravasation or effusion of blood in a newly formed cavity underneath the skin:
A. Contusion B. Concussion C. Hematoma D. Petechiae
74. It is an injury characterized by the removal of the superficial epithelia l layer of the skin caused by a rub or friction
against a hard rough object:
A. Abrasion B. Scratch C. Friction mark D. All of these
75. The splitting caused by crushing of the skin between two hard objects:
A. Avulsion B. Gaping C. Laceration D. Grinding
76. When there is forcible contact of the cutting instrument with the body surface, this will result to:
A. Hacked wound B. Slice cut C. Chopped wound D. Impact cut
77. When the wounding instrument is a heavy cutting instrument, this will cause:
A. Hacked wound B. Slice cut C. Gunshot wound D. Impact cut
78. Small clean-cut wound is covered with lymph in:
A. 24 hours B. 36 Hours D. 48 hours D. 72 hours
79. This type of healing takes place when there is minimal tissue loss, more approximation of the edges and without
significant bacterial contamination:
A. Primary intention C. Tertiary intention
B. Secondary intention D. Aberrated healing
80. An abnormal amount of collagen formed in the connective tissue thus producing a large bulging timorous scar:
A. Scar B. Burn C. Keloid D. Proud flesh
81. This type of special death is done by making the convict face a firing squad and is put to death by a volley of fire
A. Musketry B. Euthanasia C. Judicial death D. Inanition
82. Blunt instruments cause all of the following except
A. Laceration B. Hematoma C. Contusion D. Incision
83. Wounds that are “skin deep” are known as
A. Superficial wounds B. Penetrating wound C. Perforating wounds D. All of these
84. The mechanism of death in manual strangulation are the following except:
A. Death by obstruction of airway C. Death by reflex cardiac arrest
B. Death by severe hemorrhage D. Death by cerebral anoxia
85. Smudging may be seen with a distance of up to:
A. 8 inches B. 10 inches C. 12 inches D. 14 inches
86. This consists of the unburned, burning and partially burned powder together with graphite which come out of the
A. Gun powder B. Smoke C. Powder burns D. Powder grains
87. It is a term commonly used by physicians whenever there is blackening of the margin of the gunshot wound of
A. Gun powder B. Smoke C. Powder burns D. Powder grains
88. The presence of tattooing or stippling maybe seen around the wound of entrance up to a distance of:
A. 12 inches B. 24 inches C. 36 inches D. 48 inches
89. Literally, the term refers to a truly virgin woman, that there are no structural changes in her organ to infer previous
sexual intercourse:
A. True physical virginity B. False physical virginity C. Moral Virginity D. Virgo intact
90. The type of breast where the outline consists of two converging lines which meet at the region of the nipple:
A. Hemispherical breast B. Conical breast C. Infantile breast D. Pendulous breast
91. The type of breast where the skin of the breast is loose making it capable of swinging in any direction:
A. Hemispherical breast B. Conical breast C. Infantile breast D. Pendulous breast
92. It presents a V-shape appearance as the two labia minora unites posteriorly:
A. Labia majora B. Labia minora C. Fourchette D. Vaginal canal
93. The type of hymen that presents several openings instead of single one:
A. Annular B. Crib form C. Crescentric D. Septate
94. Hymen with two openings which may be of equal or different sizes separated by a bridge of hymenal tissue:
A. Fimbriated B. Septate C. Imperforate D. Crib form
95. A special name for female homosexuals wherein a woman has the desire to have sexual intercourse with another
A. Lesbianism B. Tribadism C. Neither A or B D. Either A or B
96. A sexual desire towards an immature person is known as:
A. Bestosexual B. Heterosexual C. Infantosexual D. Autosexual
97. A sexual desire towards a cadaver is termed as:
A. Incest B. Necrophilia C. Gerontophilia D. Coprolalia
98. It is defined as absence of sexual desire or arousal during sexual act in women:
A. Dyspareunia B. Old age C. Vaginismus D. Sexual anesthesia
99. A form of sexual perversion wherein the real or fantasied presence of an object or bodily part is necessary for sexual
stimulation or gratification:
A. Algolagnia B. Frottage C. Fetishism D. Exhibitionism
100. A state of bisexuality, having both ovaries and testicles:
A. Gonadal agenesis B. True hermaphroditism C. Gonadal dysgenesis D. Pseudohermaphrodite

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