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Inglés I

Ciclo Escolar 2020-2021

Educación Secundaria
First grade - Week del 1 al 6 de marzo.
Classic tales.

Achievements: To identify the parts of the plot .- Para identificar las partes del Trama.

A.-Let's use your notebook.

Cuando hablamos de trama de una historia o relato, nos referimos al hilo cronológico de los
eventos presentados, donde dichos eventos tienen una causa y un efecto en la historia.
Para iniciar, te invito a que revises la siguiente información y tomes nota para que adquieras un
conocimiento más amplio del tema:

What is a plot?

Plot is a chain of connected events in a story or play. It's a planned and logical series of events
having a beginning, middle and end. Generally, there must be a cause-and-effect relationship
between the events.- Plot es una cadena de eventos conectados en una historia o obra. Es una
serie planificada y lógica de eventos que tienen un principio, un medio y un final. Por lo general,
debe haber una relación causa-efecto entre los eventos.

Beginning Middle End

Exposition Rising action Falling
Conflict Climax Resolution

There is a specific plot structure that most stories follow. In fact, there are six main plot parts to be
aware of:
Rising action.
Falling action.

Main parts of the plot.- Partes principales del trama de un cuento.

1. Exposition.- The exposition is the introduction to the story. Characters and setting are
2. Conflict.-The conflict is the primary problem that drives the plot of the story, often a main goal
for the main character to achieve or overcome.
3. Rising action.- In rising action, the story becomes complicated. The main character is in crisis
and there are multiple moments of conflict that escalate and create tension.
4. Climax.-The climax is the peak of the action. At this point, the main character confront the big
conflict. The most action, drama, change, and excitement occurs here. A choice must be made that
will affect the rest of the story.
5. Falling action.-In falling action, the conflict that arose as a result of the climax can start being
resolved. The story begins to slow down and complications begin to resolve.
6. Resolution.-The resolution is the end of the story and it brings the story to its happy or tragic
ending. The conflict from the climax has been resolved and there is a new sense of normalcy for
the characters.

Example: Plot of tale "Three little pigs" trama del cuento de los 3 cochinitos.
Exposition.-Three little pigs leave home and build their houses.
Conflict.- One day, a hungry wolf comes along.
Rising actions :
o Wolf comes to the first house of straw and blows it down.
o Wolf destroys the second stick house.
o Wolf goes to the third brick house, huffs, puffs, but can't tear it down.
Climax:-The wolf decides to sneak down the chimney to get the pigs.
Falling action.- The wolf falls into boiling pot of soup and gets burned.
o The wolf is so scared of the three little pigs that he runs off into the forest.
o The three little pigs are never bothered by the wolf again.
o They live happily ever after.
Una vez que has estudiado este tema con más profundidad, debes practicar.
1.- Resuelve el ejercicio. : Plot of Goldilocks and the three bears
1.-Goldilocks runs out of the house and out of the forest, never to return again.
A).-Resolution B).- Conflict. C).- Rising action D).- Falling action.

2.-Goldilocks stumbles upon a house and knocks on the door. No one answers, so she goes inside.
A).-Resolution B).- Conflict. C).- Rising action D).- Falling action.

3.-Goldilocks finds three bowls of porridge, three chairs and three beds. She lies down and falls
A).-Resolution B).- Conflict. C).- Rising action D).- Falling action.

4.-Goldilocks wakes up to find herself surrounded by bears.

A).-Resolution B).- Conflict. C).- Rising action D).- Falling action.

5.-The three bears come home. They find empty bowls, the broken chair and Goldilocks sleeping in
baby bear's bed.
A).- Climax. B).- Conflict. C).- Rising action D).- Falling action..
6.-A girl named Goldilocks goes for a walk in the forest.
A).- Climax B).-Exposition . C).- Rising action D).- Falling action..
Comenta tus respuestas:
, lo que se te dificultó ____________________________________________________
lo que se te facilitó_______________________________________________________.
B.- Let's learn much more
Ve el siguiente video y aprende más sobre las partes del trama y algunos ejemplos:
Resuelve lOS siguienteS ejercicios.: Share with your family

Exposition, Conflict or Resolution

2.- Put "E" for Exposition, "C" for Conflict or "R" for Resolution to the extracts of the classic

1. The witch locked Rapunzel in a high tower with no doors and stairs. _____
2. A poor woodcutter and his wife had two children named Hansel and Gretel. _______
3. Jack and his mother were now very rich and they lived happily ever after. _____
4. Little red riding hood had learned her lesson and never spoke to strangers ever again. ____
5. The queen was wicked and hated Snow White. ______
6. The duckling decided to leave his home and went far away into the woods. ______
7. Goldilocks was a beautiful girl who had lovely golden hair.____
3.- Es tiempo de compartir en familia lo que has aprendido. Invita a tu familia identificar las partes
de la trama de su cuento clásico favorito. EL cuento que a ustedes les gusto o les gusta.
Exposition: _______________________________________________________________
Conflict: _______________________________________________________________
Rising action: _______________________________________________________________
Climax: _______________________________________________________________
Falling action: _______________________________________________________________
Resolution: _______________________________________________________________
Manda una foto a tu profesora, de tu lista.

4.- Assessment
Es momento de revisar lo que has aprendido. Copia los siguientes eventos de la historia en tu
libreta. Lee con atención cada uno e identifica la parte de la trama que se refiere (Exposition,
Conflict, Rising action, ó Resolution).
The prince found Rapunzel and took her to his kingdom and they lived happily ever
A couple lived in the forest next to an evil witch. ___________________________
The wife got ill, and she needed a herb from the witch's garden. The witch came back and caught
the men robbing the herb. ___________________________
The witch imprisoned Rapunzel in a tower with no stairs or doors.___________________________
Envia a tu profesor o profesora tus respuestas.



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