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Writing Test
Name (s) Virgilio Leonel Julián Valderrama Date: January 24rdd, 2021
Alfredo Edilberto Segundo Angulo Valdez
Write a Dialogue about a hazardous WASTE. Give supporting details. Use language from Units 9 and
10. You should write between 160 and 170 words. (20 Points)

Leo: Hi Alfredo, What’s up?

Alfredo: Hi Leo, I’m worried, because the use of chemical fertilizers and artificial cultivation
methods. These farming methods make food of poorer quality and negatively affect our health and
that of the environment by polluting food, land and air.
Leo: I know how you feel, in my work I also have problems with pollution.
and what have you thought to do?
Alfredo: Well I was thinking of the first essential step for this: the awareness that as inhabitants of the
world corresponds to us. Then carry out sustainable agriculture that conserves natural resources,
responsible consumption based on real needs, caring for ecosystems.
Leo: that sounds very interesting.
Alfredo: yes, I just hope it works. But, I want to know what problem you have?
Leo: Well, for my house they are doing remodelling of tracks and sidewalks, the contractor company
is throwing away tons and tons of asphalt.
Alfredo: And what problems do you think that will bring?
Leo: manufacturers are exposed to the vapours, which cause headaches, nausea and problems in the
respiratory system.
Alfredo: that seems like a serious problem. and what do you think is the solution for that?
Leo: A solution would be to recycle the asphalt to make a new one, this solution is widely practiced in
Europe and the United States, but in our country, it is not a widely used practice.
Alfredo: If that is a big problem, our country is not used to recycling.
Leo: yes, you are right, another way is to supervise that workers wear all their PPE, and suggest that
they use the boiling point of the asphalt to the minimum.
Alfredo: I did not know that.
Leo: I'm not surprised, you don't hear much about it.
Alfredo: well, Leonel, I hope you can achieve what you propose I have to go to work, see you later.

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