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First of all we are very thankful to Allah SWT lord of the world who is the
most beneficent and merciful because of his grace we could completed assignment
entitled “Memorandum” on time. And also peace be upon to our prophet
Muhammad SAW who has saved human being from the darkness to the lightness.

In writing this paper, the writers trully get lots challanges and obstructions
but with help from others, those obstructions could passed. The writers also
realized this paper is still far from perfection due to the know our knowledge

We would like to show our gratitude to our subject Lecturer Dra. Hj.
Farida Amansyah, M.A. TESOL English us Office’s lecturer State Polytechnic of
Ujung Pandang for giving us a good guideline for assignment throughout
numerous consultations.

We would also like to express our deepest gratitude to our beloved parents
who always keep supporting us mentally and physically and also understanding us
in every condition not just during finishing this tasks but also during our whole

In addition, we thanks to our classmates for every suggestions and

valuable that given to us and the last for beloved group members itself, that
always stuck together and also shown their afford, responsibility and a good
teamwork so the assignment could be completed within the time given.

Makassar, May 2018



TABLE OF CONTENTS.........................................................................................ii
APPROVAL PAGE................................................................................................iii
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION............................................................................1
1.1 Background of Writing..........................................................................1
1.2 Problem Identification............................................................................2
1.3 Purposes of Writing................................................................................2
CHAPTER 2 THEORITICAL BACKGROUND....................................................3
2.1 Memorandum.........................................................................................3
2.1.1 Definitions............................................................................................3
2.1.2 Purposes and Function of Writing Memorandum ...............4
2.1.3 Types of Memorandum..................................................................6
2.1.4 Advantages and Disadvantages of writing Memorandum..............6
2.1.5 Part’s of Memo.....................................................................................8
2.1.6 Format a Memorandum................................................................10
2.1.7 How to Make an Efficient Memo.....................................................13
2.1.8 The Differences Between Letter And Memo...............................14
CHAPTER 3 DATA PRESENTATION AND ANALYSIS................................17
3.1 Data Presentation and Analysis............................................................17
CHAPTER 4 CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS.......................................22
4.1 Conclusions..........................................................................................22
4.2 Suggestions..........................................................................................22


Report entitle “MEMORANDUM” by 3rd group have accepted and approved as

one of requirement to pass english for office subject in Business Administration
Department State Polytechnic of Ujung Pandang.

Makassar, Mei 2018

Approved by,
English For Office Lecturer

Dra. Farida Amansyah, M.A. TESOL

NIP 19680710 199303 2 002


Komunikasi adalah proses pengiriman dan penerimaan informasi atau pesan

antara dua individu atau lebih dengan efektif sehingga bisa dipahami dengan
mudah. Sedangkan menurut Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, komunikasi adalah
pengiriman dan penerimaan berita atau pesan dari dua orang atau lebih supaya
pesan yang dimaksud bisa dipahami.
Komunikasi verbal melalui lisan dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan
media, contoh seseorang yang bercakap-cakap melalui telepon. Sedangkan
komunikasi verbal melalui tulisan dilakukan dengan secara tidak langsung antara
komunikator dengan komunikan. Proses penyampaian informasi dilakukan
dengan menggunakan berupa media surat, memo, lukisan, gambar, grafik dan
Memo adalah sebuah bentuk surat yang ditulis dengan sangat ringkas, padat
dan jelas yang ditujukan untuk seseorang. Biasanya isi Memo langsung
menyatakan maksud dari si pengirim Memo, tanpa adanya bagian – bagian isi
surat lain seperti, salam pembuka, dan salam penutup.
Memo digunakan sebagai bentuk komunikasi yang berisi arahan,
permintaan, atau keterangan tentang sesuatu yang harus dilakukan atau
diselesaikan dengan segera.
Berdasarkan penggunaannya, Memo dibagi menjadi dua bentuk yaitu Memo
resmi dan Memo tidak resmi. Memo resmi adalah Memo yang dikeluarkan oleh
suatu instansi, lembaga, atau organisasi. Memo ini ditujukan untuk orang yang
ada atau terlibat di lembaga, instansi, atau organisasi tersebut. Dengan kata lain,
Memo tidak bisa digunakan untuk keperluan surat menyurat antar organisasi,
lembaga, atau instansi. Sedangkan, Memo pribadi adalah Memo – Memo yang
ditujukan untuk teman, atau keluarga.
Memo resmi digunakan oleh pihak yang memiliki kedudukan/ pangkat lebih
tinggi di dalam lembaga, instansi, atau organisasi yang ditujukan kepada orang
yang memiliki kedudukan/ pangkat di bawahnya. Atau bisa juga ditujukan untuk
orang – orang yang memiliki kedudukan/ pangkat yang sama di dalam suatu
lembaga. instansi atau lembaga.

1.1 Background of Writing

Communication is Two-way process of reaching mutual understanding, in

which participants not only exchange (encode-decode) information, news,
ideas and feelings but also create and share meaning. In general,
communication is a means of connecting people or places. In business, it is a
key function of management an organization cannot operate without
communication between levels, departments and employees. To understand
the process of business communication, or the internal and external
communication of an organization, we need to focus on the sender and the
receiver and, especially, on the clarity of the message that is sent.

Business Communication is goal oriented. The rules, regulations and

policies of a company have to be communicated to people within and outside
the organization. Effective business communication helps in building
goodwill of an organization. Business Communication can be of two types: (1)
Oral Communication - An oral communication can be formal or informal.
Generally business communication is a formal means of communication, like :
meetings, interviews, group discussion, speeches etc. An example of Informal
business communication would be – Grapevine, (2) Written Communication -
Written means of business communication includes - Memorandum (Memos),
proposals, e-mails, letters, training manuals, operating policies, and writing
documents often used in business for a number of purposes, including brief
reports. the document is a memorandum.

Activities in an Office includes the delivery of verbal information and the

making of written scribes and reports as a way of summarizing written prints
and reports as a way to summarize things quickly to provide a basis for the
control actions of the leadership.
The activities includes: collection, recording, processing, duplication,
shipping and storing of information. the activities of each group or category
can be expanded as much as possible. So it can be said that, all expanded as

much as possible. So it can be said that, all activities in the office is to make
the information really useful datau ready to use for the organization. one of the
office work is to create a memorandum as a means of delivering information
in writing to the internal company.
A memorandum abbreviated to a memo in a business body commensurate
in its nature with letters sent to outsiders – essentially can be called internal
correspondence. Memos are no longer only serve as a mere warning, but are
also used for formal reports. A communication messages ( memorandum ) can
flow to downward and upward system.
Interoffice memos are the most common written communication medium
and are frequently used to communicate within an organization. Ut their
informallity makes them unsuitable for extensive use in external
communication. That is memos not only lack many of the formal parts of a
business letter (inside address, salutation and complimentary close), but also
they are written in a more informal style than business letter.

1.2 Problem Identification

1. What is the definition of Memorandum?

2. What is the purposes and function of Memorandum?
3. What is the advantages and the disadvantages of writing Memorandum?
4. How to format writing the memorandum?
5. How to make an effective memorandum?
6. What are the differences between letter and memo?

1.3 Purposes of Writing

1. To increase our knowledge about Memorandum
2. To improve our abilities to write down Memorandum
3. To share information with classmate about Memorandum
4. To fulfil one of requirements in compliting subject of English for Office


2.1 Memorandum

2.1.1 Definitions
Memorandums are written internal communications which advise or
inform employees of policies and procedure that their company has decided to
adopt. The memo may be put on a notice board for everyone to see, or circulated
in internal mail to the departments it concerns, in it the letter case, the empolyee
usually signs the memorandum to acknowledge that he/ she has read it. There are
numerous subjects that memos deal with, from informing staff of a retirement, to
announcing important administrative or structural changes in the company.
Pal and Korlahlli defines that “A memo is used for internal

communication between executives and subordinates or between officers of the

same level. It is never sent outside the organization.”

Lesikar and Petit declared that, “Memorandums of course are the letters

written inside the organization, although of few companies use them in outside


Stewart and Clark mentioned “Memos are used to communicate with other

employees, regardless of where the employees may be located in the same


S. Taylor argued that“Memo is a written communication from one person

to another (or a group of people) within the same organization.”

Dean Acheson (1893 - 1971) U.S. Lawyer in Wall Street Journal

“Memorandum: written note or message giving information or issuing

instructions. A memorandum is usually short, with details who is sending the

memo and to whom it should be distributed.”

From the definitions above we can conclude that, memorandum or memos

are an internal short note or letter in which information exchanged among

superiors and subordinates or same potion of employees in the organizational


2.1.2 Purposes and Function of Writing Memorandum

Memos are used for a wide variety of purposes. They may be used to:
 Presenting Informal Report: Sometimes memo is used to present
informal report to superiors. Informal reports are usually short and
informational and are presented in memo form. Findings and
recommendations are presented by such memo which helps managers take
proper decision.
 Providing Suggestions and Instruction: Memorandum is very useful for
proving suggestions and instructions to the subordinates. Managers and
supervisors use it to give necessary suggestions and invaluable instructions to
their subordinates so that they can perform their activities properly.

 Providing Response: Memo is also used to provide response to any request
made by the same. Sometimes superior requests someone to perform
particular job and response is also requested to send to the undersigned
through the same.
 Seeking Explanation: Office memo is often used to seek explanation from
certain person on particular issue. In the organization there may be some
misunderstanding or mishap between persons and superior may want to have
explanation on such event so that corrective measure may be taken.
 Making Request: Memo is also used to make any request to different parties
in the organization. it is frequently used by the managers and subordinates
requesting others for attending any meeting, executing any action, soliciting
favor or for some other purpose.
 Conveying Information: Memorandum is widely used to convey information
on different affairs to the people working in the organization. New policy,
change in existing policy, any decision, appointment of manager,
clarification, modification, announcement etc are communicated with
concerned parties by memorandum. So, memo performs the function of
conveying information to people within the organization.
 Solving Problems: Memo can also be used for providing solution to particular
problem. Sometimes managers and supervisors issue memo to provide
necessary instructions to the subordinates for better performing their daily
A memo’s purpose is often to inform, but it occasionally includes an
element of persuasion or a call to action. All organizations have informal and
formal communication networks.
The primary purpose of a briefing note “for decision” is to support
decision making – to “help (or sometimes influence) a decision-maker to make a
better decision in a particular problem situation than he might otherwise have
made without the analysis”. Other purposes that the briefing note can serve
include: conveying information; informing decisions, making a request, providing
a response to a question, making a suggestion, presenting an informal report,
proposing a solution to a problem, or documenting a reference for future use.

The business memorandum, or memo, is used primarily as a formal,
physical means of efficient communication from a department to staff members it
is almost always for internal communication and only rarely sent to clients or the
public. The memo is essentially a short letter with company letterhead, sent
electronically as a file attachment or printed for hand delivery. Less formal
messages are usually sent by email only. Memos should be sent to a specific
audience, depending on their purpose.

The function of the memorandum are:

1. Creating specific written information, and can be used as a basis for study and
action or as a material and source
2. Notify an individual or group of persons within an agency of discretion,
procedure or action.
3. Assign responsibility by mentioning certain parties to act with certainty
4. Record policies, decisions, and or actions in accordance with the outcome of
meetings, conferences or interviews
5. Contains summaries of the results of meetings given to participants as well as
to those who are not present
6. Establish a decision, agreement or policy previously agreed upon by the
parties concerned.

2.1.3 Types of Memorandum

According to Sharma (2010:1), there are several kinds of memorandum
which can be categorized into two types
1. Formal memorandum. These are message and appear more formal. Theses
are used to respond to formal queries, convey information pertaining to the
business such as sales report, suggestions for cost improvements,etc.
2. Informal memorandum Theses are handwritten memos. They are more
commonly used to communicate message related to day activities such as
conveying telephone messages, to remain people of something, responding
to inquiries, and so on.

2.1.4 Advantages and Disadvantages of writing Memorandum

The main advantages of memos are discussed below:

1. Time saving: We can see that may organizations use printed memo.
As it is usually printed, it takes less time to draft it.
2. Less formality: No formality is necessary in drafting a memo, usually
inside address, salutation and complimentary closing is omitted in it.
3. Maintenance good relationship: It can help to maintain the good
relationship among the boss and subordinates, because the bossing
attitude is absent here.
4. Low cost: The cost of communication through a memo is less than
those of others.
5. References: Memo is a written document. So, it can be used for future
6. Inform the decisions and actions: The main objective of memo is to
inform the decisions and actions. For this purpose, it should be written
by the higher authority.
7. Request the decisions and actions: The objective of memo is to
request the decisions and actions. For this objective, it may be drafted
by the sub-ordinate.
8. Provide information: Another important objective of the memo is to
provide information form one level to another within the business.
9. Remain someone of action: Memo is also written to remind someone
of action, if requires.
10. Others: Issuing orders and instructions, providing response, providing
suggestions, presenting informal report, solving problems.

There are few limitations or Disadvantages of memos they are:

1. Limited application: It is not widely used means of communication.
Memorandum is mainly used in business firms. It maintains
communication only among the employees of the same firm regardless of
2. Time consuming: It takes time to be sent to a distant branch or office.

3. Expensive: As usually a memo is a per-printed form, it is expensive than
other means. Sometimes huge printed memos remain unused.
4. Lack of formality: It provides only informal communication.
5. Lack of explanation: Memo is written in a short form. So the meaning of it
may not be cleared to the reader.
6. Less important to the reader: As it is an informal means of communication,
it can be less important to the reader.
7. Not suitable for illiterate people: Office memo is a one kind of written
communication. So, illiterate people are not able to read and understand it.

2.1.5 Part’s of memo

A good memo organizes the information to be conveyed both for the

reader’s convenience and ease of understanding and to achieve the writer’s
purpose in the most effective way.

 Heading
The heading for every memo follows the same basic format:

TO: [Reader’s name and job title]

cc: [List others who are receiving copies]

FROM: [Your name and job title]

DATE: [Day, month, and year, spelt out]

SUBJECT: [Topic of the memo]

Your subject line should be brief, no more than a few words, but
explicit, so that there is no chance for misunderstanding. “Ordering Pizza”
as a subject line, for example, might lead your readers to think that your
memo will provide instructions on the correct procedure for ordering
takeaway on late nights at the office when, in fact, you’re passing on
complaints from the cleaning staff about the tomato sauce on the carpet

and the boxes strewn all over the floor. Something like “Clean up your
mess before leaving” announces the main point of the memo.

 Opening

The opening sentences or paragraphs of a memo tell readers the context

of the issue, the suggested assignment or task, and the purpose of the

 Context

The context you describe is the event, situation, or background of the

problem or issue you are addressing. Whether it takes a sentence or a
paragraph will depend on the complexity of the situation. For example, the
context may begin with:

“The cleaning company has complained that it takes too long to clean
our floors…”

 Task

Your task or assignment statement describes what you are doing to

solve the problem, issue, or situation. If your reader asked that you act, you
might say:

“We need to consider alternatives that will satisfy the cleaning company

 Purpose

Your purpose statement explains why you are writing the memo and
leads in to the remainder of it. You need to be direct, and avoid trying to
downplay the information.

 Summary

Wait until you’ve written the main body of your memo to write a
summary section. If your memo is one page or less, a summary may not be
necessary. If, however, you’ve covered several important issues or events,
or your analysis is fairly detailed, a summary paragraph is appropriate.

If the memo is a short report on research you’ve done on an issue or for

a project, this is a good place to sum up methods and sources you’ve used
so far. Remember, though, that this is a summation. Keep it brief and don’t
needlessly repeat detailed information.

 Your closing

Once you’ve given your readers all the information relevant to the
subject of your memo, use a courteous closing that describes the actions
you want them to take, and point out how those actions will benefit
everyone. This one-paragraph closing might begin with:

“We can discuss my recommendations in greater detail at our next

meeting…” or “ Should you need more information, I’ll be glad to….”

Example :

This is an example of a general Memorandum

2.1.6 Format a Memorandum

A. Writing the Memo’s Heading

1. Type “MEMORANDUM” at the top of the page. State that this document

is a memorandum at the outset. Label the page “MEMORANDUM” 1.5
inches (3.8 cm) from the top of the page. Put the word in bold on the first
line. You can either center it on this line or left-align it. You might also
choose to make the font larger for this word.
2. Address the recipient appropriately. A memo is a formal business
communication, and you should address the reader formally as well. Use a
full name and title of the person to whom you are sending the memo.
3. Add additional recipients in the CC line. The “CC” line indicates who will
receive a “Courtesy Copy” of the memo. This is not the person to whom
the memo is directed. Rather, this is someone who may need to stay
informed about policies or issues that you’re addressing in the memo.
4. Write your name in the “From” line. The heading needs to include who is
writing and sending the memo. Your full name and job title go in this line.
5. Include the date. Write the complete date, spelling out the month and
including the date and year. For example, write: “DATE: January 5, 2015”
or “DATE: 5 January 2015.”
6. Choose a specific phrase for the subject line. The subject line gives the
reader an idea of what the memo is about. Be specific but concise.
7. Format the heading properly. The heading should be at the top of the page,
aligned to the left-hand side of the page. Capitalize the words
“TO:”, “FROM:”, “DATE:”, and “SUBJECT:”
a. A sample heading would look like:

TO : Name and job title of the recipient
If you use a courtesy title ( Mr., Mrs., Ms., Dr. ) in the “To”
line, then you should also use your courtesy title in the “From”
line. Rather than employing courtesy titles, some memo writers
prefer job titles (President, Assistant Vise President, etc.).
FROM : Your name and job title
Memo writers also generaly saying their name or place
their initials near their printed name in the “From” line, an action
that makes the memo “official”.
DATE : Complete date when the memo was written
To save time, most organizations provide memos stationary
with the headings preprinted. The stationary also probably contains
the organizations name as well as the word “interoffice
memorandum” or “memorandum”.
SUBJECT : (or RE:) What the memo is about (highlighted in
some way)
In most cases, headings are presented in all caps. The initial
letter of each word that appears after the heading is capitalized, as
shown in the headings sample. The first word following the
“Subject” heading appears two spaces after the colon, and the first
word of each of the other items following a head aligns with it.
In wirting the “Subject” line, take care to make concise,
meaningful, and clear. The reader should be able to determine the
subject of the memo simply by reading the subject line.

B. Writing the Memo’s Body

Memos that present their readers with good news or inform their
readers about an event or a change in procedure use the direct
organizational plan. Therefore, the opening contains your main point or
The following aoutlines the content appropriate for the three
major sections of good news and informative memos.
1. Opening Section
Presentation of main point

The following is the opening paragraph of a good news memo
from the President of the DEF Company to the Auditing Department.
The purpose is to announce the appoinment of a new manager of the
Example :
Congratulations to Ms. Mary Johnston upon her appointment as
manager of the Auditing Department. She will asume this position
on July 1, the day that Bill Brown retairs from that position.
2. Middle Section
Elaboration of main point (significance to reader, benefit to reader,
explanation of change, reasons for change, and so forth).
The middle section of a good news or informative memo contains
an elaboration of essential details or relevant additional information.
Not in the following paragraph, which is the middle section of the
good news memo announcing a new head of the Auditing
Department. How the company president discusses the significance
of the appointment.
Example :
Ms. Johnston, who is currently an auditing group supervisor in a
Big Six accounting firm, is well suited for the position as head of the
Auditing Department. She has had ten years of profesional
experience for the same firm in Dallas, Austin, and Houston. Ms.
Johnston recently decided it was time for a career change, so she
applied for the position here (one of forty to do so). With a
bachelor’s and master’s degree in accounting from the University of
Texas at Austin, she is highly qualified.
Those who visited with Ms. Johnston when she interview with for
the position where impressed by her professional attitude, her
charming personality, and her breadth dan depth of experience in
Auditing field. All of the individuals with whom we visited where
she currently works were unanimous in their high praise of her as a
person as a professional.
3. Closing Section
Presentation of the desired action or presentation of additional
information about main point.
The closing section of good news an informative memos is
designed to “close out” or summarize the situation.
Example :
At 8 AM of July 1, I am hosting in room 331 a coffee hour in Ms.
Johnston honor. Please join me in giving her a warm, cordial
welcome as the new head of the Auditing Department.
4. Summary

Informative memos rely on a direct organizational plan. Present our

point in the opening section, provide aditional relevant information

in the middle section, and “close out” the memo in the last section.

2.1.7 How to Make an Efficient Memo

1. Audience Orientation
Always consider the audience and their needs when preparing a memo. An
acronym or abbreviation that is known to management may not be known
by all the employees of the organization, and if the memo is to be posted
and distributed within the organization, the goal is clear and concise
communication at all levels with no ambiguity.
2. Professional, Formal Tone
Memos are often announcements, and the person sending the memo speaks
for a part or all of the organization. While it may contain a request for
feedback, the announcement itself is linear, from the organization to the
employees. The memo may have legal standing as it often reflects policies
or procedures, and may reference an existing or new policy in the
employee manual, for example.
3. Subject Emphasis
The subject is normally declared in the subject line and should be clear and
concise. If the memo is announcing the observance of a holiday, for
example, the specific holiday should be named in the subject line—for
example, use “Thanksgiving weekend schedule” rather than “holiday
4. Direct Format

Some written business communication allows for a choice between direct

and indirect formats, but memorandums are always direct. The purpose is
clearly announced.
5. Objectivity

Make sure they clearly communicate your message. Memos are a place for

just the facts, and should have an objective tone without personal bias,

preference, or interest on display. Avoid subjectivity.

2.1.8 The Differences Between Letter And Memo

A. Letter And Memo

A letter is a message that is sent by a person to another meant to
convey information that he wants the person to receive. It can be short
or long, and it has many types: thank you letters, personal letters, and
business letters. A business letter is exchanged between businesses and
their clients. It contains more words and information and uses formal
A memo is usually informal, short, concise, and to the point. It is
used to call a meeting or to call an individual to action. It has a header
which indicates where it comes from, who it is addressed to, the date,
and the subject of the memo. It can be addressed to a single person or
to all of the people in the company. Like a letter, a memo can be
written by hand, typewritten, or printed from a computer.

B. The Differences
The points presented below explain the difference between memo and
1. The memo can be defined as a short message, written informally to
communicate certain information to the members of the organisation.
Conversely, letters can be understood as a means of a verbal
communication containing a brief message addressed to a party external to
the business.
2. A memo uses informal tone and is straight to the point. On the other
extreme, letters are very formal and contain lots of information.
3. The use of memorandum is internal to the organisation, in the sense that it
is exchanged between two departments, or units or sent by the manager to
inform subordinates. As against, the use of letter is external in nature, as it
is exchanged between two business houses or between the company and
4. When it comes to length, letters are lengthier in comparison to the memo.

5. There is no requirement of a signature in the memo, as it is used within the
organisation. However, the letter is to be duly signed by the one who sends
6. Memos are written to inform or direct, a department or number of
employees on a certain matter and so it is usually written from one to all
perspective, such as mass communication. Contrary to this, letters are
private as it addresses to a particular party or client, so it is a form of one
to one interpersonal communication.
7. Technical jargons are commonly used in memos, as well as uses personal
pronouns. Unlike, letters avoid the use of technical jargons and terms
which are not easy to comprehend. Moreover, letters are written in the
third person.

So, the conclusion that, a memo is an essential tool for business

communication, which is used to transmit a particular information to many
individuals working in the same organisation. It has a great role to play in
recording the day to day business activities and can be used for future reference.

In contrast, letters are considered as the best mode of written

communication, that can be used for giving or seeking information to/from an
external party. It helps to persuade the receiver, to do as per the will of the writer.

They are same in many cases but there are some difference between memo
and letter which are in the following grounds :


Meaning Memo refers to a short Letter are a type of

message, written in an verbal communication,
informal tone for that contains a
interoffice circulation of compressed message,
the information. conveyed to the party
external to the business.

Nature Informal and Concise Formal and informative

Exchanged between Departments, units or Two business houses or

superior-subordinate between the company
within the organization. and client.

Length Short Comparatively long

Signature Signature is not required A letter is duly signed by

in a memo. the sender.

Communication One to many One to one


3.1 Data Presentation and Analysis

3.1.1 Memo 1

A. Data Presentation


To: All Employees, JT Corporation

From: Sumario, President
Date: February 8, 1991
Subject: Purchase of ASL Corporation

I am happy to inform all employees that today approve was received for our firm to
purchase the AS corporation of Jakarta.

It is expected that this 900-employee organization will add materially to our strenght
and assets and permit us to become the leading organization.

I look forward with you, to our continued growth and success.

B. Analysis (Based On The 7C’s Principals Of Good Way In Writing


i. Clarity
Based on the memo above, using simple language and easy
sentence structure in composing messages. This we can see from this
sentence " I am happy to inform all employees that today approve was
received for our firm to purchase the AS corporation of Jakarta."
Clearly in presenting the idea, it is easy for the receiver / decoder to
understand the meaning conveyed by the sender / encoder.

ii. Completeness
By completion means the message must bear all the information
necessary to bring the response you want by writing down facts and
figures as well as some additional details. This can be seen in the
sentence " It is expected that this 900-employee organization will add
materially to our strenght and assets and permit us to become the
leading organization". So this memo fulfills the principle of
iii. Courtesy
Courtesy means not only thinking of the recipient but also
appreciating her feelings. Much can be achieved by using words and
gestures that are polite, respectful, thoughtful, wise, and show respect
to the recipient. This is indicated in the " I look forward with you, to
our continued growth and success". The courtesy is usually located at
the opening or closing sentence in the memo.
iv. Conciseness
Instant messaging saves both sender and receiver time.
Conciseness, does not contain exaggerated expression and repetition.
This can be seen from the example memo above, which uses short and
precise sentences.
v. Correctness
All information is correct. In this memo use common grammar
and punctuation so readers easily understand it.

vi. Coherent
When the memo is coherent, it is logical. All points are connected
and relevant to the main topic, and the tone and text flow are
consistent. this can be seen in the memo above, continuous from the
first to the last line.
vii. Concrete
The memo should be clear and specific, which explains facts and
general guidelines to concrete. This can be seen from the phrase "...
approved today has been accepted by our company to buy US
companies in Jakarta." where this sentence is a fact of the memo

3.1.2 Memo 2

A. Data Presentation

To: Departments Managers

From: The Chief Accountant
Date: 10 June 2015
Subject: Cheque Identification

Please nominate one employee from your department for consideration for the 1990
“Employee of the Year” award.

Criteria for outstanding employee performance are noted in Business Bulletin 17.

All nominations must be received no later than November 30, 1990.

B. Analysis

i. Clarity
Based on the memo above, it is clear because it minimizes the
number of ideas in each sentence and easily understood meaning in
the memo. So the meaning is not implicit assumption that will bring

itself to understand what you want to say. It can be seen in the
sentence "nominate one employee from your department for
consideration for the 1990 “Employee of the Year” award. "
ii. Completeness
In a complete memo, the recipient has everything they need to be
informed and, if applicable, will take action. The memo above
includes a "call to action" so the recipients clearly know what the
sender wants them to do. This can be seen in the sentence " Please
nominate one employee from your department for consideration for the
1990 “Employee of the Year” award. " And at the sentence “All
nominations must be received no later than November 30, 1990.”
Insert relevant information, such as that of the above memo
contained in the sentence " Criteria for outstanding employee
performance are noted in Business Bulletin 17."
iii. Courteousy
Communication was polite friendly, open, and honest. There are
no hidden insult or passive-aggressive tone. Keeping an eye on the
reader's point of view, and empathizing with their needs. This can be
seen from the way of writing that uses the word "Please ...." in the first
line as an opening.
iv. Conciseness
Not using unnecessary sentences and not repeating several times,
and using different sentences or ways to convey messages in memos.
in the memo above, not found a repetitive sentence and has a short
v. Correct
In the memo above, the technical terms used are in accordance
with the level of education or knowledge of the reader and there are
no grammatical and spelling errors.
vi. Coherent
In the memo above, it has a logical flow. All the words in the
previous sentence is connected with and fixed on the main topic. This
can be seen in the first sentence that contains the order to nominate an

employee as a model employee. and the second sentence to write
about the reference criteria for prospective employees is exemplary. as
well as in the last sentence, about the deadline for nomination of a
model employee.
vii. Concrete
In the memo above, have a clear picture of what is presented to
them. Have clear facts, and focus on 1 topic.



4.1 Conclusions

Memorandums are written internal communications which advise or

inform employees of policies and procedure that their company has decided to
adopt. The memo may be put on a notice board for everyone to see, or circulated
in internal mail to the departments it concerns, in it the letter case, the empolyee
usually signs the memorandum to acknowledge that he/ she has read it. There are
numerous subjects that memos deal with, from informing staff of a retirement, to
announcing important administrative or structural changes in the company.
A memo’s purpose is often to inform, but it occasionally includes an
element of persuasion or a call to action. All organizations have informal and
formal communication networks. some The purpose of the memo are presenting
informal report, providing suggestions and instruction, providing response,
seeking explanation, making request, conveying information, solving problems.
A good memo organizes the information to be conveyed both for the
reader’s convenience and ease of understanding and to achieve the writer’s
purpose in the most effective way.

4.2 Suggestions

We are aware that in preparing this report there are still many shortcomings.
But we have tried to do it well. Besides, this report is also far from perfect.
Therefore, the constructive suggestion and critic we need to improve the report
that is still far from this perfection.


Amansyah, Farida. English For Office. 2012. Makassar

Paramudia, Akhmad, and Farida Amansyah. 2003. Business English

Correspondensi. Makassar.

Pradana, Sonny. 2002. Membuat surat-surat Bisnis Inggris-Indonesia. Jakarta:

Eska Media.

Quible, Johnson, Mott. 1996. Business Communication Principles and

Applications. Singapore: Prentice Hall, Inc.

Woolcott, Unwin. 1990. Komunikasi Bisnis untuk Sekretaris. Jakarta : Erlangga.


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