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A. Introduction

Dalam pelajaran ini Anda diharapkan mampu bertanya dan menceritakan tentang cuaca

(describing weather). Topik ini sangat lazim digunakan sebagai pembuka pembicaraan pada

saat membuka isi pembicaraan.

Untuk melakukan hal diatas, maka pada pembahasan ini anda akan belajar dan berlatih

untuk memahami dan menggunakan kosa kata dan ungkapan yang berhubungan dengan

bagaimana cara bertanya dan menggambarkan cuaca. Ungkapan dan kosa kata yang

dimaksud adalah bagaimana mengambarkan dan bertanya tentang cuaca (weather), musim

(season), dan temperatur (temperature). Selain itu akan dibahas mengenai pemakaian

beberapa kata sifat (adjective) yang menggambarkan cuaca yang berfungsi sebagai pelengkap

(complement) dalam kalimat.

B. Presentation

Practice the dialogues and read the following conversation

Dialogue 1. Kinds of seasons

George  : When are your friends going to do in London, John?

John : May be in Summer.

Sally  : When is summer in London?

John  : Oh, it’s from June to September. My parents are going there in August.

George  : What is the weather like at the time?

John : I think, it’s sunny. The temperature is about 27 Co

George  : Haah, it’s hot. When does the temperature begin to get cool

John : From September to November, it is Autumn then. The temperature is about 10 Co. It is
cold and the wind blows strongly,
George  : How about now? What is the temperature like?

John  : It’s Spring, the season when the flowers are blooming, and the plants are growing. It
is starting to get warm and the days are fine

George  : it sounds very beautiful

Dialogue 2. Describing weather

Mrs. Hunt : What else did you do today?

Jane : After we have’ve been for a swim. Seila and I helped Mrs. Balake

  We cooked for some food for our picnic

Mrs. Hunt : Is Mrs. Balake a good cook?

Jane : She is an excellent cook. After we’d been there for a couple of hours,

  We didin’t feel like guess. We felt like members of the family

Mrs. Hunt : Where did you go for picnic?

Jane : Oh, it was fun. We went out in the boat Ian had borrowed

Mrs. Hunt : What did you do that for?

Jane : To get to the island

Mrs. Hunt : Oh, you had your picnic on an island, didn’t you?

Jane : That’s right. It was marvellous. The sun was hot and the water was warm

  Oh, what a day? 

Language focus

Asking the weather

Yes/No question

- Is the weather hot in Autumn?

- Is the weather cold in spring?

- Is the weather cool in summer?

- Is the weather hot in autumn?

Interrogative sentence with question words

- What is the weather like?

- What is the weather like in Autumn?

- What is the weather like in summer?

- What is the weather like in winter?

- What is the weather like in spring?

- What is the weather like in rainy season?

- What is the weather like in dry season?

Giving response

Positive response

- It is hot

- It is warm

- It is cloudy

- It is cool

- It is foggy

- It is windy

- It is freezing

- It is sunny

- It is fair
- It is chilly

- It is nice

- It is mild

- It is raining

- It is snowing

- It is stormy

-  It is terrible

- It is dry

- It is humid

- It is wet

Negative response

- No, it is not or No, it rather cold.

- It is not warm or No, it is cold

- It is not cloudy or No, it is sunny

- It is not cool or No, it is hot

C. Exercises

Exercise 1. Complete the following conversation

A : Makassar?

B : it ...............

A : Bandung?

B : it...................

A : .................... in Surabaya?

B : Yes ........................

Exercise 2. Please describe the weather in the following places in a conversation

1.  Malino

2.  Toraja

3.  Takalar

4.  Makassar

Exercise 3. Terjemahkan kalimat-kalimat berikut ke dalam bahasa inggris

1.  Ada berapa musim di negara Anda?

2.  Ia berkeringat banyak sekali karena cuaca panas

3.  Adakah musim kemarau dan hujan di Eropa?

4.  Rambutan sedang tidak musim sekarang

5.  Jika cuaca panas dikota-kota, banyak orang pergi ke daerah-daerah pegunungan karena
cuacanya masih sejuk disana

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