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A. Introduction

Pada pelajaran empat ini, anda akan mempelajari bagaimana membicarakan tentang

keluarga. Topik ini sangat lazim dibicarakan oleh penutur bahasa inggris ketika mereka

bertemu pada waktu yang lama. Untuk itu anda akan belajar dan berlatih untuk

memahami dan menggunakan kosa kata dan bertanya tentang keluarga. Untuk lebih

jelasnya perhatikanlah contoh dan pembahasan berikut ini.

B.  Presentation

1.  Read and practice the following dialogues

Dialogue 1. Rita and Keiko talk about their family

Rita : what do you do, Keiko?

Keiko : I am a lawyer

Rita : Really, tell me about your family?

Keiko : I am married and have two children

Rita : what does your husband do?

Keiko : He has an export business

Rita : Oh, that’s interesting

Keiko : and how about you Rita? Do you have any brothers and sisters

Rita : Yes, I have a brother and a sister

Keiko : Really, and what do they do?

Rita : Well, my brother teaches French, and my sister drives a taxi

Keiko : No, kidding

  Dialogue 2. Asking about family

Carlos : Tell me about your parents

Linda : Well, my father is retired and my mother teaches English

Carlos : Do they live with you?

Linda : Yes they do

Carlos : Do you have any brothers and sisters?

Linda : I have a younger brother and a younger sister. I have no older brother or older

Carlos : Do they still go to school?

Linda : My brother is married and my sister goes to University. She is an English


Carlos : by the way, how old is your sister?

Linda : She is about 25 years old

Pair work

Practice with a partner like the above conversation

2. Language focus

How many people are there in your family?

How many people do you have in your family?

a. There are ............people in my family

b. I have .................people in my family

Present tense: 3rd person singular

- What does she do? She drives a taxi

- What does he do? He teaches French

- What do they do? They go to school

- Does your brother go to school? Yes, He does

- Does your sister live here? No, She doesn’t

- Do your children work in Chicago Yes, they do. No, they don’t

1. Menceritakan tentang keluarga merupakan suatu realita atau fakta. Untuk itu.

Tenses yang dipakai untuk menceritakan fakta dan realita tersebut adalah “present

tense”. Fakta yang dimaksud adalah diakui kebenarannya dan berlaku sampai

sekarang. Contoh yang lain adalah:

This year the unemployment is increasing

During the economy crisis in Indonesia, prices keep increasing

Indonesian people usually get married when they are over 20 years old

2. Untuk menanyatakan status pekerjaan anggota keluarga

- What does your eldest brother do?

- He is a lawyer. He works in a law office

- What is your father’s occupation?

- He is a teacher

- What does your mother do? She is retired nurse

3. Meminta seseorang untuk menceritakan keluarga, kita dapat menggunakan kalimat

perintah atau permohonan.

Tell me about your family

Would you like to tell me about your parents?

Can you tell me about your brother?

4. Berbicara tentang keluarga, terdapat beberapa istilah umum yang harus dipahami:

older/elder brother= kakak laki-laki; older/elder sister= kakak perempuan,

younger brother=adik laki-laki. Younger sister=adik perempuan. Youngest

brother= saudara paling bungsu. Oldest brother/sister= saudara paling tua


Ann has two older brothers and one younger brother

Madonna is from a very large family. She has two sisters and three brothers

Jane Honda has an older brother. He is peter Honda, he is an actor

5. Kata tanya “how+adjective” digunakan untuk menyatakan “berapa”

Ex; How old is ................ your father?

 How big is your family?

 How tall is your sister?

C. Exercises

Exercise 1. Complete these conversations, then practice them

A : Tell about your parents. What ...............(does/do) they do?

B : Well, my father is retired and my mother ...............(manage/manages) a restaurant

A : Oh, do .............(he/she/they) live with you?

B : No, they ...............(doesn’t/don’t). They .........(lives/live) in Florida.

A : Do you have any brothers and sister

B : I have no brothers, but I have two sisters. My older sister .............(works/work) for

PANAM, and my younger sister...............(goes/go) to Oxford university.

Exercise 2. Ask a partner the following questions about family and take turns:

1. Do you come from a large family?

Yes,........ No, .................

2. How many people are there in the family

There are........people in the family

3. Do you have any brothers and sisters

Yes, ............. No, .............

4. How many brothers and sisters do you have?

I have and ..........sister(s)

5. What is your position in the family?

My position in the family is the ................

6. How old are your parents

My father’s...........years old, and my mother’s ..............years old

7. What does your father do?

My father is .................

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