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A. Rationalization of Problems

Definition of Sociolinguistics Sociolinguistics derives from the words "socio" and

"linguistic". Socio is the same as the word social, which is related to society. Linguistics is
the study and discussion of language, especially the elements of language and between these
elements. So, sociolinguistics is a study that arranges theories about the relationship between
society and language. Based on the previous understanding, sociolinguistics also studies and
discusses societal aspects of language, especially the differences that exist in language related
to social factors (Nababan 1993: 2). Based on some of the opinions above, it can be
concluded that sociolinguistics does not only learn about language but also learn about
aspects of the language used by society. Sociolinguistics is an interdisciplinary science
between sociology and linguistics, two fields of empirical science that are closely related.
Sociology is an objective and scientific study of humans in society, institutions, and social
processes that exist in society. Sociology tries to find out how society came about, takes
place, and remains.

B. Identifcation Of The Problems

1. Lack of understanding in improving kills in sosiolinguistic

2. Mistakes in sosiolinguistic use when communicating.

C. Limitation Of The Problem

This research discusses the problem or disorers contained in sosiolinguistic use when

D. The Formulation Of The Questions Of The Problem

1. What is the meaning sosiolinguistic?

2. It is important that is sosiolinguistic used in communicating?
3. What problems are emerging what if we use sosiolinguistic when communicating?



By studying institutions, social processes and all social problems in society, it will be
known how humans adapt to their environment, how they socialize, and place themselves in
their respective places in society. While linguistics is the field of science that studies
language, or the science that takes language as the object of study. Thus it can be said that
sociolinguistics is an interdisciplinary field that studies language in relation to the use of
language in society (Chaer and Agustina 2003: 2). From the description above, it can be
concluded that sociolinguistics is an interdisciplinary study of language in relation to the
language used in that environment. Apart from sociolinguistics, the term sociology of
language is also used. Many consider the two terms the same, but some consider them
different. Some say that the term sociolinguistics is used because the research is entered from
the field of linguistics, while the sociology of language is used if the research is entered from
the field of sociology. Fishman (in Chaer 2003: 5) says that sociolinguistic studies are more
qualitative in nature. So sociolinguistics deals with details of actual language use, such as
descriptions of specific patterns of language use or dialects carried out by speakers, topics,
and background.

Sociolinguistics views language first of all as a social system and communication

system as well as part of a particular society and culture. Whereas what is meant by the use of
language is a form social interactions that occur in concrete situations. Based on some of the
descriptions above, it can be stated that sociolinguistics means learning about the language
used in a particular area or dialect. In terms of names, sociolinguistics, sociological and
linguistic problems, therefore sociolinguistics has a very close relationship with the two
studies. Socio is society, and linguistics is the study of language. So the study of
sociolinguistics is the study of language that treats social conditions (Sumarsono 2004: 1).
Based on some of the descriptions above, it can be argued that sociolinguistics means the
study of language that serves certain societal conditions. Sociolinguistics tends to focus on
social groups and linguistic variables used in groups while trying to correlate these variables
with traditional demographic units in the social sciences, namely age, sex, socioeconomic
class, regional grouping, status and others. Even recently, efforts have also been made to
make connections between linguistic forms and social functions in intra-group interactions at

the micro level, as well as the relationship between language selection and social functions on
a large scale for the macro level (Ibrahim, 1995: 4).

From the description above, it can be shown that sociolinguistics is the study of
language that is focused on social groups and linguistic variables. Alwasilah (1993: 3-5)
explains that in general there are five kinds of sociolinguistics investigated, namely the kinds
of habits (conventions) in organizing speech with goal-oriented - 9 goals of social studies of
how social norms and values of behavior affect linguistics. Variety and diversity serve with
the social framework of the speakers, the political use of linguistic resources and the social
aspects of bilingualism. Sociolinguistics draws a whole range of problems related to the
organization of language behavior, not only language behavior, but also language attitudes,
behavior towards language and language use. In sociolinguistics there is a possibility that
people start from social problems and then associate with language, but it can also be
somewhat starting from language then associates societal symptoms. Sociolinguistics can
refer to linguistic usage data and analyze it into other sciences related to social life, and refer
to social data and analyze it into linguistics. For example, people can see first the existence of
two different languages in one language and then associate it with social symptoms such as
gender differences so that it can be seen, for example variety (A) supported by women of
variety (B) is supported by men in that society. Or Ag, One can start by sorting society by
gender into male-female, analyzing the language or speech that women can use or the speech
that can be used by men. Trudgill (in Sumarsono 2004: 3) states that sociolinguistics is a part
of linguistics related to language as a social phenomenon 10 and a cultural phenomenon.
Language is not only a social symptom but also a cultural phenomenon. The implication is
that language related to culture is still a sociolinguistic network. and this can help because
every society must have a certain culture. As a member of a sociolinguistic society who is
bound by the cultural values of the community, including the values when he uses language.
Values are always related to what is good and what is not good, and these are manifested in
rules that are largely unwritten but obeyed by society. Whatever the color of the boundaries,
sociolinguistics includes three things, namely language, society, and the relationship between
language and society.

Based on the limitations of sociolinguistics above, it can be stated that sociolinguistics

includes three things, namely language, society, and the relationship between language and
society. Sociolinguistics discusses or studies language related to speakers, language as
members of society. How is the language used to communicate between members of society

with one another to exchange opinions between individuals with one another. A.2 Language
Variations in Linguistics, language is not implemented as a sign only but is also seen as a
social system, a communication system, and as part of the culture of a particular society.
Therefore, research which is based on the sociolinguistic approach will take into account how
it is used in society which can be contacted by social factors. Maryono (2002: 18) divides the
forms of language variations in the form of idiolects, dialects, speech levels, language
variations and registers.

The explanation of the five language variations can be stated as follows: 1. Idiolek is a
variation of language that is individual in nature, meaning that the characteristic of a person's
speech is different from the speech of others. Example: language that can be seen through the
color of the voice. 2. Dialect is a variation of language that is distinguished by differences in
the origin of speakers and differences in the social class of speakers, therefore, the concept of
geographic dialect and social dialect (sosiolek) emerges. Example: enyong means I is used in
a certain area by way of the Banyumasan area. 3. Speech level (speech level) is a variation of
language caused by differences in the speaker's opinion about their relationship with the
speech partner. Example: we give something to an older person using a different language
than we give to a friend of the same age. 4. Variety of language is a variation of language
based on certain usage which relates to the language used for certain purposes or fields. In a
conversation, downloaders of lawet's nest, there are typical stories that only a group of
downloaders can understand in conversation.

The most basic function of registers is as a means of communication. The register

function is divided into six, namely, (1) the emotive function is used when we express joy,
annoyance, sadness, (2) the conative function is used when we express orders, suggestions
and requests, (3) the request or referential function, (4) the function fatigue is used to deny,
(5) poetic function. 21 E. Relevant research. Research by Riza Ariyanti Mufidah (2006) is
entitled "Conversation Register of Bicycle Seller and Buyer in Limpung Market, Limpung
District, Batang Regency". This study discusses the form and function of registers by bicycle
sellers and buyers in the Limpung market, Limpung District, Batang Regency. The result of
this research is that the variety of languages found in the conversations of the sellers and
buyers is using the casual mode where there are characteristics of casual style registers,
namely elliptical, special words, allegro, and reverse collation while the register functions are
emotive, conative, fatigue and referential functions.

Devi Listriyani's (2009) research entitled "Register for coolie gendhong in the
Giwangan fruit and vegetable wholesale market in Yogyakarta" discusses the form and
function of the Gendhong coolie register at the Giwangan fruit and vegetable wholesale
market in Yogyakarta. The result of this research is to convey that the coolies of gendhong
use a lot of casual style registers. The register has the characteristics of (1) registers in the
form of special vocabulary that only relate to the coolie community, (2) registers in the form
of phrases, (3) registers seen from the sentence structure and (4) registers in the form of
allegro. The results of the research written by Riza Ariyati Mufidah and Devi Listriyani have
many functions and benefits for researchers. The research is used as a reference in conducting
research. Research written by Riza Ariyati Mufidah and Devi Listriyani as a comparison with
the research being researched so that the resulting research is not the same.



A. Place and Survey

Place : Kost and Campuse

Surfey : Friday, January 2020

B. Subject Survey

Th subject we did was interview our friends, related to Mini research we did.

C. Collection Techniques

1. Interviewing seniors or campus friends.

2. Merify information about their respective opinions about researchers



A. Discussions

Based on the survey taht we have done and carrid out, it can be concluded that the
existing problem and solutions that need to be done in sosiolinguistic lessons according to the
opinions of the speaker are: The problem in sosiolinguistic occurs when we do not learn from
the beginning about the sosiolinguistic and it will make us a holy to undestand it. Then the
solustion we need to do is we need to analyze the problem and seek elated sources.

B. Attachments

B. Discussions

Based on the survey we have conducted and conducted, it can be concluded that the
existing problems and solutions that need to be done in sociolinguistic learning according to
the presenter's opinion are: Problems in sociolinguistics occur when we do not understand
sociolinguistics from the start.

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