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Second term test Group A

Read the text and for questions 23-27 choose the correct answer A, B, C or D. Marks:5 x 1-5/
Kelly opened her sleep-filled eyes and turned her head to see where she was. All she could see was the blue of the
ocean meeting the blue of the sky. Hills and trees lined the horizon, but none of them looked familiar. Where was
she? A short sudden bark made Kelly leap out of her thoughts. It was a puppy- her puppy!
“Woof!” Rex barked. Kelly could tell that he was anxious to explore. But explore what? This was unfamiliar ground.
She made an effort to focus on her surroundings and soon realized she was on an island. Rex led the way and as
soon as he reached a grouping of trees he sat down in front of them, looking proud. He had shown Kelly some
delicious food. Without a second thought, Kelly snatched off an apple and bit it happily. Some twenty minutes later
they set off once again. Kelly looked out at the calm sea and in the distance she could just make out a piece of
land.“Was that home?” she wondered. If it was, how could she get there? She was determined to find a way of
escape and building a raft seemed to provide one. Soon Kelly could see her pile of wood taking the shape of a raft. It
was only a small one, so if the sea became rough it would most definitely fall apart. But for now it was floating
properly. Kelly and Rex were ready. They perched on the raft and Kelly steered them across the ocean with a long
piece of wood, which made a perfect oar. Without warning, the sky darkened, the sea went wild and the waves
crashed onto the raft. Kelly tried to work out she should do. She was too far from the island they had left behind
and not close enough to the island she called home. She pressed forward, fighting the waves, battling the wind, until
an enormous wave hit! Kelly’s eyes opened. Rex was licking her face. She pushed Rex gently aside and looked
around. She knew she was home. Then a voice spoke: “Where have you been?” he asked gently. “Everyone’s been
looking for you.” Kelly recognized the voice Peter, her brother. She lifted her eyes and there he was curiously
watching her every move. She looked out at the sea. Where was the small island she’d been on? Had all been a
dream? Kelly glanced down at her hand. There was living proof. She was still clutching tightly onto that long stick.
Turning to Peter she whispered. “I got lost, Peter, lost on a deserted island.”
1. How did Kelly feel when she woke up?
A. Excited
B. Sleepy
C. Puzzled
D. Homesick
2. Why did Rex stop near the line of trees?
A. He was waiting for Kelly.
B. He was proud of Kelly’s discovery.
C. He had got lost.
D. He had found food for his companion.
3. What did Kelly decide to do on the island?
A. To cut some trees
B. To explore the island
C. To make a raft
D. To swim in the calm sea
4. What happened while Kelly and Rex were at the sea?
A. The weather changed for the worse
 The raft they were on fell to pieces
B. The calm sea helped them reach dry land
C. The weather improved
5. What did Kelly realize at the end of the story?
A. That she dreamt up the whole story
B. That her brother would not believe her story
C. That her experience was real
D. That nobody had noticed her absence.
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Vocabulary .
Ex.2.Complete the sentences with the words: record, prevent, principles, survival,raise. Marks:5 x 1-5/
1. The passengers in the plane crash didn’t have much chance of …………………………………..
2. Michael Phelps has broken the world ………………………………………..!
3. What are the basic …………………………………. of education?
4. You should put a bandage on that cut to ……………………………… infection.
5. They’re trying to………………… money to help children with cancer.
Ex.3.Complete the sentences with the words in the correct form:, confront, plunge, stay, strike, run.
Marks:5 x 2-10/
1. They……………………. out of petrol and were stranded in the wilderness.
2. The man’s parachute failed to open and he ………………….. to his death.
3. The passengers on the train were having lunch where disaster………………….
4. Last year my uncle had to………………. a wild bear while he was fishing at the lake.
5. The survivors of the accident did all they could to……………. alive in the wild.7
Grammar Ex 4. Change the sentences into the passive form .Marks:5 x 2-10/
1. I paint my room every three years. ………………………………………………………
2. Ann is cooking a very special dinner. …………………………………………………
3. They will plant decorative pines around the garden………………………………….
4. That young lady broke the vase. ………………………………………………………….
5. Sara has already washed the dishes. ……………………………………………………………..
Ex 5 .Fill in the correct reflexive pronoun. Marks:5 x 1-5/
1.Paul cut ……………………………………while peeling an apple
2.John and Michael can get to the theatre by………………………………………………….
3.Did you draw this portrait ………………………………..?
4.Georgia prepared the food for the party all by………………………………….
5.We started this business………………………………………….

EVERYDAY ENGLISH .Ex.6 Fill in with Marks:5 x 1-5/

 A.What happened exactly

 B.Certainly
 C.What happened
 D.Did you see the accident
 E.I couldn’t believe my eyes
A: Excuse me, sir? 1.)…………………………………………………………………………………..?
B:Yes, I saw everything.
B: Two cars were spending down the road and one failed to stop at the red light.
A:I see. 3.) …………………………………………………………………………?
B: They crashed into a passing lorry. 4.)………………………………………………………………..!
Fortunately, nobody was seriously injured.
A:Could you come down to the station to make an official statement?
B: 5.) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. I’d be happy to help.

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Marks:10 x 1-10/
Ex.7.An English teen magazine has asked students to send in stories with the title
A Narrow Escape. Write a story using the ideas below (120-180 words).
Follow the plan.
A group of friends ,Go camping ,Wilderness,Set up camp,Next morning,Sun
shine,Decide,Go hiking,Long trek,Reach foot of mountain,Prepare climbing
equipment,Start climbing,Dangerous,Friend slip,Fall cliff,Lie unconscious,Call
emergency number,Forest ranger and his dog,Appear,Dog,Climb down,Cliff,Pull
friend,Safety,Stay there,Rescue team,Arrive,Save,Brave dog
 Para 1: set the scene (who, when, where, what)
 Para 2-3: detailed description of events (what happened, how it
 Para 4: end of story, feelings and reactions (what happened in the end,
how people felt)



Mark 5 6 7 8 9 10
Points 12-19 20-26 27-33 34-39 40-45 46-50

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