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College Department

Art Appreciation

Name: __________________________________________________ Score: ____________

Year and Course: ________________________________________ Date: ____________


Directions: Read each statement very carefully. Encircle the letter of the
correct answer.

1. _____________ is what a work of art is about.

A. color C. content
B. size D. form

2. Lines in art can indicate:

A. direction C. motion
B. emotion D. all of the above

3. _______________ is a line that refers to the outermost lines of a 2

dimensional shape.
A. highlight C. outline
B. line D. emphasis

4. ____________ is the name for a standard subject in Christian art, that of

the Mary, the motherof Jesus, holding her son after he was taken down
from the cross.
A. Pieta C. Mother and Child
B. Fiesta D. Madonna

5. __________ is reflected light.

A. color C. content
B. size D. form

6. The ancient Roman architect Vitruvius associated the perfect male form
with the perfect geometry of the ___________ and______________.
A. square and circle C. similarities
B. subordination D. non-professional artists

7. Stippling is:
A. Ask artist for a specific artwork for an exchange of money
B. Geometric and organic
C. Boundaries between forms, direction and motion, emotion
D. Use of dots to show value and/or texture

8. _______________- the objects or events the artwork depicts.

A. Shape C. proportion
B. Subject matter D. scale

9. Vanitas is alluding to:

A. use of one color and its values and its differences in intensity
B. rhythm
C. fleeting nature of earthly life and happiness
D. ask artist for a specific artwork for an exchange of money

10. _______________ is the use of scale to show relative importance.

A. hierarchical scale C. proportion
B. megaliths D. subject matter

11. An opaque, water-soluble paint (a mixture of watercolor and opaque

white pigment) is a _____________.
A. fresco painting C. oil painting
B. acrylic painting D. gauche painting

12. A horizontal platform supported by the columns is ________________.

A. architrave C. entablature
B. abstract art D. proportion

13. It is the dullness or brightness of a hue, created by adding compliment.

A. emphasis C. intensity
B. unity D. content

14. It is the meaning or message conveyed through a work of art. Includes:

emotional, intellectual, symbolic, thematic and narrative connotations.
A. column C. intaglio
B. intensity D. content

15. This is the movement of a point through space.

A. mass C. line
B. scale D. balance


Directions: Read each item very carefully. Match column A with column B by
writing the letter of the correct answer before the number.

Column A Column B
______ 16. proportion A. unadorned band of lintels
______ 17. achitrave supported by the columns
______ 18. monochromatic color scheme
B. scheme based on the
______ 19. complimentary colors
variation of value of a single
______ 20. Cornice
C. shelf-like projection
supported by frieze
D. size relationship of parts to a
E. colors that lie on the opposite
side of the color wheel
Answer Key

1. C
2. D
3. C
4. A
5. A
6. A
7. D
8. B
9. C
10. A
11. D
12. C
13. C
14. D
15. C
16. D
17. A
18. B
19. E
20. C

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