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Craige Jonard N.


WK4-MAR16-CS84-PC3210- LESSON: Social Context

a. Cellphone – It has been a great help especially in the digital age. It helps you connect with your friends and
family who are far away. The phone nowadays does not only settle for better communication too, it gives the
user’s many things to do like games, and social medias.
Advantages: can connect with people from faraway; creates interest amongst their peers
Disadvantages: it will affect their awareness with time management; harmful when someone does not limit it

b. Kill switches – Although I do not have experience with this, I think it is still useful when it comes to combatting
thieves and intruders. An example of this is when your car is being stolen, you can easily just turn it off before a
carjacker can escape with it.
Advantages: it gives owners an option to stop thieves; it protects their privacy
Disadvantages: might cause an accident; can also help wrong-doers from exposing their ‘illegal’ files by simply
deleting it remotely.

c. Social networking – These things are everywhere nowadays; from Facebook, to Reddit. For their use, it helps
people get the latest news and happening within seconds, and can give users unlimited entertainment if they
desire so. On the other hand, fake news can also be posted within these social medias and can be harmful, and
while unlimited entertainment might be fun, this might cause the user to become less productive.
Advantages: easier way for people to connect; provides entertainment to users
Disadvantages: privacy can be an issue;

d. Communication and the Web – With the current age of technology, communication via the use of the Web has
become second nature to most of us. It has helped multiple people to vent what they feel and have others
connect with the person who’s has presented their feelings into the internet.

e. Telemedicine – This refers to doctors being able to diagnose their patients remotely. This can help multiple
patients who can’t give themselves into a clinic or hospital for a diagnosis. Although helpful, it still might cause
some inaccurate diagnosis as the doctors cannot do physical diagnosis unto you.
Advantages: Can help patients where hospitals aren’t available; doctors get to work on multiple patients easier
Disadvantages: Might cause inaccurate diagnosis; they are not immediately taken care of when something
serious is found it

f. E-Commerce – We’ve definitely seen the rise of Shopee and Lazada ever since the pandemic hit us. This helped
multiple people cope with the current pandemic by appeasing to their shopping desires.
Advantages: You can get multiple deals when you use Shopee or Lazada; can help people shop
Disadvantages: Might scam people with false advertising; the app lacks quality control with their products

g. Free stuff – This helps people who lack the funds to enjoy basic apps from their phones. Although, it might just
be a lure for more people to use the app and the user will be bombarded by lots of advertisements.
Advantages: Hours of enjoyment; no limit of use
Disadvantages: can be a source of headaches and viruses; advertisements
h. Artificial Intelligence – AI is a new, exciting technology that could potentially help lots of people, while also help
the overall technology upgrade into a new age.
Advantages: Helps people with disabilities; it gives people a lot more time
Disadvantages: might make humans a lot more dependable to technology to function; can replace human

i. Robots – As technology advances, robots will eventually be able a part of the workforce. Although this might
help with reducing the risk of human lives when it comes to work, this might also cause a spike in loss of jobs.
Advantages: Can increase our workforce; be a lot more efficient compared to humans
Disadvantages: Loss of jobs; this might cause a divide in the community

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