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With the advances in technology,are we making good use of our leisure time?

Leisure,is a period of time spent out of work and essential domestic activity.It is also the period of
recreational and discretionary time before or after compulsory activites such as eating and
sleeping,going to work or running a business,attending school and day-to-day stress.With the help of the
advances in technology,more leisure time are now at our disposal.This is a gradual revolution,and not
many people are noticing that is even taking place.Even though technology have brought about
additional leisure time,people usually squander them away as it is not wisely spent, thus it would be a
boon to educate people how to spend their additional time wisely.

One other thing is that leisure has also brought about with increased stress.Although working hours are
shorter and more organised because of technology ,but the type of work is very stressful.Many
companies have the tendancy to work with less staff but have the aim to bing about the same
output.Also,many people in this current world society have a mad rush to compete to get to the top.The
direct cause of technology is mental,the mind need to rest.This is where additional time comes in
useful.Many executives engage in sedentary types of recreation,because as they go home tired, they will
look for the most easiest things to do.The mind is given too much activity but the body not enough.

Computer gaming is also one of the ideal things for a busy office worker to do.If that is not possible,a jog
or a long walk can replace that.What happens is the tendancy to only exercise during the weekends.This
is definitely stressing out the body.Not being physically active for the whole week and suddenly doing
strenuous activities will do more harm than good.Research have also shown that doing exercise less
than four times a week does more harm than good.Thus exercising atleast more than four times a week
will solve the problem.

Simple leisure activites can be done is just by hearing music or learning new skills.Music allows the brain
to relax and also helps the brain to be stimulated.Simply listening to Mozart can also boost up human
beings’ brain powers,educators all over the world have linked music making with better language
skills,math ability,improved working results and improvements in problem solving.Learning new skills
such as playing musical instruments,singing,sports can also be part of our leisure time.This is very
educational and allows the brain to develop more skills.This allows the brain to work smarter and more

In conclusion,additional leisure time can be spent wisely just that you need to know how to spend
it.There would be an apt to regret when you look back at the leisure time you have always been wasting.

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