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NIM : K011191138



1. Case Fatality Rate

Di Indonesia, 12 dari 30 propinsi di antaranya merupakan daerah endemis DBD
dengan case fatality rate 1,12%. (Hartoyo, 2008)
Angka kejadian baru atau Incidence Rate (IR) sebesar 39,6 per 100.000 dan Case
Fatality Rate (CFR) DBD sebesar 0,51%. Data tersebut jauh lebih rendah dibandingkan
dengan tahun 2016 dengan jumlah kasus 8.715 kasus, Incidence Rate (IR) sebesar 63,3
per 100.000 penduduk, serta Case Fatality Rate (CFR) sebesar 0,69%. (Saragih, Izzah
Daniella, dkk. 2019)
2. Vector-Borne
The purpose of vector control is to reduce vector breeding habitats, reduce vector
density, inhibit disease transmission, reduce human contact with vectors so that vector-
borne disease transmission can be controlled more rationally, effectively and efficiently.
(Atikasari & Lilis, 2018)
Penularan tidak langsung yakni penularan penyakit terjadi dengan melalui media
tertentu seperti melalui udara (air borne) dalam bentuk droplet dan dust, melalui benda
tertentu (vechicle borne), dan melalui vector (vector borne). (Imanda, tanpa tahun)
3. Pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic that has been established by the UN, affects the
transportation, tourism, trade, health and other sectors. (Susilawati, Reinpal F., Agus P.,
Optimizing the domestic potential is important to be done as a result of China's
economic slowdown and is expected to be an alternative production center so as to
contribute to global supply during COVID-19 pandemic. (Susilawati, Reinpal F., Agus
P., 2020)
4. Infection

Pada tahun 2010 terdapat 8.256 kasus infeksi (17,6 penyakit per 100.000 orang)
dan memiliki jumlah terbesar dari rawat inap dengan jumlah 2.290 kasus dan kematian 29
kasus. (Ahmad, 2017)

Infeksi Escherichia coli adalah infeksi yang paling umum dilaporkan. (Ahmad,
5. Infectious Disease
Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a
new type of virus called SARS-CoV-2,and by the beginning of 2020 had spread
throughout the world, including Indonesia. (Rustan & Linda, 2020)
Given the rapidity of emerging literature, the Infectious Diseases Society of
America (IDSA) identified the need to develop living, frequently updated evidence-based
guidelines to support patients, clinicians and other health-care professionals in their
decisions about treatment and management of patients with COVID-19. (Bhimraj, A.,
dkk., 2020)
6. Contact
Coronavirus can spread through physical contact by touching the face and
through the air due to coughing and sneezing. (Rustan & Linda, 2020)
The purpose of vector control is to reduce vector breeding habitats, reduce vector
density, inhibit disease transmission, reduce human contact with vectors so that vector-
borne disease transmission can be controlled more rationally, effectively and efficiently.
(Atikasari & Lilis. 2018)
7. Contamination
Penggilingan daging menyebabkan resiko kontaminasi mikrobial pada daging
meningkat, karena terjadinya kontaminasi silang melalui pekerja, air dan peralatan
pengolahan, serta terjadinya transfer mikroba dari permukaan daging ke bagian dalam.
(Ahmad, 2017)
The plant-based insecticide have some benefit compared to chemical insecticides,
including rapid degradation or decomposition by sunlight, air, moisture and other
natural components, there by reducing the risk of soil and water contamination.
(Cahyati, dkk. 2017)
8. Communicable Disease
Death in Indonesia is dominated by Non-Communicable Diseases and
Communicable Diseases. (Virdasari, Septo, dan Eka, 2018)
Several types of communicable diseases such as pulmonary TB, DHF, and
diarrhea have some similarity of physical environmental, socio economic, and host
factors. Data related communicable diseases are needed to produce health information.
(Fitria, Pudjo, dan Dwi, 2012)
9. Inapparent Infection
Infection with any serotype can cause a broad range of disease manifestations,
from inapparent infection to severe and fatal disease. (Indarini, I Wayan, dan I Made,
Imunitas aktif diperoleh setelah menderita aktif yang nyata atau inapparent
infection serta imunisasi toksoid difteria. (Hartoyo, 2018)
10. Insecticide
Lethal ovitrap with insecticidal cypermetrin are able to reduce the density of
mosquitoes due to mosquitoes which want to laying eggs there will in contact with
ovistrip containing insecticide and its eventually die. (Cahyati, dkk. 2017)
In addition, the plant-based insecticides generally has a low toxicity to mammals,
thereby plant-based insecticide may applied safely for humans being. Selection of
materials to be used as an insecticide must be safe for humans and other organisms.
(Cahyati, dkk. 2017)
Ahmad, Rahman. 2017. Kontaminasi Bakteri Escherichia Coli Pada Makanan Jajanan
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Atikasari, E dan Lilis, S. Pengendalian Vektor Nyamuk Aedes Aegypti Di Rumah Sakit
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Hartoyo, Edy. 2008. Spektrum Klinis Demam Berdarah Dengue pada Anak. Sari Pediatri.
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Modified Seir Model In Indonesia. SPEKTRA: Jurnal Fisika dan Aplikasinya.
Vol. 5(1): 61-68. DOI:
Saragih, Izzah Daniella, dkk. 2019. Analisis Indikator Masukan Program Pemberantasan
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Contagion : Scientific Periodical of Public Health and Coastal Health. Vol. 1(1):
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Susilawati, Reinpal F., Agus P. 2020. Impact of COVID-19’s Pandemic on the Economy
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Virdasari, E., Septo Pawelas Arso, dan Eka Yunila Fatmasari. 2019. Analisis Kegiatan
Pendataan Keluarga Program Indonesia Sehat Dengan Pendekatan Keluarga Di
Puskesmas Kota Semarang (Studi Kasus Pada Puskesmas Mijen). Jurnal
Kesehatan Masyarakat (E-Journal). Vol. 6(5): 52-65.

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