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Grammar and Vocabulary

BasicComparative AdjectivesAdjectives
Comparative Sentences
Basic Adjectives Comparative Adjectives Comparative Sentences
*bigbigger The Earth is bigger
than Mars.
dangerous expensive
dangerous expensive
frog is interesting
highhigher Brazil is bigger than
largelarger than the United States. other varieties.
*goodbetter to one-syllable more
To make comparisons add
Notice: Use the particle sentences. To make comparisons with two or -syllable
adjectives, use the basic adjective between the words
in comparative and .

4. Make sentences comparing landmarks. 5. Make your own informal dialog.

RIVER MOUNTAIN CITY COUNTRY A: Hi, buddy. What can I do for you?
length height population size B: Well, I’m looking for my
4,900 km Mississippi Kilimanjaro Montreal Argentina notebook pencil you
6,275 km 5,891 m 3,401,000 2,766,590
Earth km2 know, things like that.
12,800 km Amazon Aconcagua Bogotá
6,400 km 6,962 m 6,834,000 Brazil
A: Let me see. Here I have this
Saturn 8,511,960 book about anatomy
125, 000 Nile Everest Tokyo km2 Look, here it says that is bigger
km 6,650 8,848 32,450,000
km m China is bigger/taller/higher/better/worse
9, 596,960 km2
a. Mercury is smaller than the Earth.
B: Well, yes, that’s really interesting.
b. the Nile river is longer than the Mississippi
c. mount Everest is higher than Kilimanjaro But…
d. Bogota has less population than Tokyo A: That’s a great choice. Here you are.
e. Brazil is bigger than Argentina

6. Think of two places. Talk to your partner about them. Use the Word Bank.

Machu Picchu Madrid Mount Everest Jerusalem

I think Machu
Yes, I agree, but I Word Bank
think Mount Everest
Picchu is more • exciting • relaxing
is more interesting
relaxing than than Machu Picchu. • interesting • popular
Mount Everest.
Project Stage 1
• Get together as a group. Decide on a famous sports person
Speaking Strategy you would like to write about.
Recombine known elements E.g. Lionel Messi is more famous than Iglesias in Barça
in a new way. Football Club. Rafael Nadal is more popular than Roger

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