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El tema que se nos presentó para esta actividad es muy interesante, en lo tiempo en que yo

estudié en SENA, he escuchado varias veces sobre la alfabetización cultural, sobre todo en las
oficinas móviles, quienes llevan información del SENA a los municipios más alejados, ellos
concientizan a la gente sobre la riqueza cultural colombiana.

What experiences related to cultural literacy have you had at SENA?

The theme that was presented to us for this activity is very interesting, at the time I studied at
SENA, I have heard several times about cultural literacy, especially in mobile offices, who carry
information from SENA to the most remote municipalities, they make people aware of Colombian
cultural wealth.

Are there currently any projects related to Cultural literacy at SENA? If so explain them, if there
aren’t any, what could you do as a cultural literacy project in your SENA Regional?

As I said before, I only know something of the work done by the mobile offices of SENA in the area
of cultural literacy. They try to raise awareness among apprentices and beneficiaries of the
employment service of the essential aspects of valuing and respecting the beliefs of others, apart
from this I do not know any other formal cultural literacy project, but something that I can do for
the culture of the region to which I belong and the one of the other departments is to have a
decent and responsible social behavior, in the same way to learn and enrich my culture with that
of others.

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