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Nama : Putri Eka febriani

Kelas : Akuntansi 1C

I. Make these sentences passive, as in the example

a. Some people provide both goods and services
Both goods and services are provided by some people
b. Economists study the economic system
The economic system is studied by economists
c. That man owns the house
The house is owned by that man
d. They will provide shelter and clothes
Shelter and clothes will be provided by them
e. Economic changes effect our lives
Our lives effect are changed by economic
f. They will maintain his car
His car will be maintained by them
g. The economist explained the economic system
The economic system is explained by the economist
h. They explained the methods
The methods are explained by them
i. He told me how the russian system works
I was told how the russian system works by him
j. Economists describe how capital is used in business
How capital is used in business is described by economists

II. Make these sentence passive, omitting the agent phrase

a. The goverment limited private enterprise to a small area in the economy
Private enterprise was limited to a small area in the economy
b. They permit the citizens to have personal property
Citizens were permitted to have personal property
c. The workers will produce only essential commodities
Only essential commodities will be produced
d. That factory produced a large quantity of shoes last year
A large quantity of shoes was produced last year
e. You will charge more money for these services
These services will be charged more money
f. The central authority must plan the economy over a number of years
The economy must be planned over a number of years
g. The authorities provided large number of workers for the ten new factories
Large number of workers were provided for the ten new factories
h. The goverment reduced the quantity of shoes produced in that factory
The quantity of shoes produced was reduced in that factory
i. The state organized the whole economic effort of the nation
The whole economic effort of the nation was organized
j. The central authority has planned the whole economic programme for the
next five years
The whole economic programme has been planned for the next five years

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