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Graham Stagg and Simon Griffiths

Composition I

March 21, 2021


In the recent years, there has been an exponential increasing of health problems around the world due
to several causes that puts people’s health in risk, such as the lack of exercise or sport activity, eating
habits and, adequate rest. Therefore, having a healthy lifestyle is important for human beings. From this,
it depends a healthy life, disease prevention and proper functioning of all the systems of the body. So,
for those who want to follow a healthy life starting from now, a transformation in their life is needed.

First of all, something that everyone need is to have appropriate eating habits in order to have healthy
organs, and in this way to avoid diseases that can affect in long or short periods of time. “Those who
think they do not have time for healthy eating will sooner or later find time for illness” (Edward Stanley,
1869). Another reason to eat healthy food is that it contains the primary sources that the human body
needs to survive for example vitamins, proteins and carbohydrates. These components can be found in
white meats, fish, vegetables, fruits among others. Also, it is essential to try not to consume harmful
foods or substances, such as alcohol, sodas and saturated fats.

Many people make the mistake to not take into consideration a time for rest. This usually happens due
to the high amount of work or responsibilities that most of the people have to carry on. Nevertheless, if
someone wants to become a more proactive person and at the same time to have a healthy life, they
should properly, because with a proper rest muscles and organs can be prepared for the next day.
According to the newspaper LaVanguardia, Sleep also affects your mood. If we don't get enough sleep,
we will be more irritable and that will affect our behavior and relationships. People with chronic sleep
deprivation are more likely to have depression. To have a proper amount of time to sleep, an alarm
should be set each night that indicates the hour you should go to sleep and another one for the time to
wake up. With the pass of the time this will become a routine and positive changes will not wait to
appear, like feeling full of energy, happy and mentally healthy.

One of the most important aspects for a healthy life is to do exercise. Thanks to this, people can enjoy a
healthier and good-looking body, as consequence you will develop your self-esteem. Exercise makes
people to be involved in physical activities, they gain additional strength and improve health in high
percentages. “Lack of activity destroys the good condition of any human condition of any human being,
while movement and methodical physical exercise safeguard and preserve it.” (Plato, 427 a.c).

To conclude, a healthy life style is based on many aspects, but the key to achieving this goal is to
complement each of these traits to get off to a good start in this new way of living and to stay on track
without straying.

 “Those who think they do not have time for healthy eating will sooner or later find time for
illness” (Edward Stanley, 1869).
 “Lack of activity destroys the good condition of any human condition of any human being, while
movement and methodical physical exercise safeguard and preserve it.” (Plato, 427 a.c).
 LaVanguardia. "Descubren Por Qué Dormir Poco Afecta Al Estado De Ánimo". 2016,
depresion.html. Accessed 22 Mar 2021.

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