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Major Articles

Consecutive superior oblique palsy after adjustable

suture spacer surgery for Brown syndrome:
incidence and predicting risk
Medha Sharma, MD,a Sarah MacKinnon, MSc, OC(C),a David Zurakowski, MS, PhD,c,d
and Linda R. Dagi, MDa,b

PURPOSE To determine the incidence of and to identify characteristics predicting significant superior
oblique palsy (SOP) after adjustable superior oblique suture spacer surgery for treatment of
Brown syndrome.
METHODS The medical records of patients treated for unilateral Brown syndrome with adjustable su-
ture spacers (2005-2016) were reviewed to identify possible association of age at surgery,
spacer length, surgeon performing procedure, severity of Brown syndrome, preoperative
hypotropia in primary position and affected side gaze, and reduction in Brown restriction
on postoperative superior oblique function. “Good” postoperative superior oblique func-
tion was defined as absence of hypertropia and diplopia in primary position and no more
than intermittent diplopia in downgaze comfortably fused with #4D base-down or head
tilt of \10 . Presence of postoperative hypertropia in primary position with increase in
downgaze met criteria for significant SOP. Postoperative Brown restriction of # 2 indi-
cated resolution of Brown syndrome.
RESULTS Median age at surgery was 59 months, interquartile range (IQR) was 32-82 months, and
median spacer length was 6 mm (range, 2–7 mm) for 19 included patients. Preoperative me-
dian hypotropia was 9D (IQR, 0D-12D) in primary position and 18D (IQR, 5D-22D) in
affected side gaze. Of 19 patients, 16 (84%) achieved sufficient resolution of Brown syn-
drome, but 6 (32%) developed significant SOP. Modest preoperative hypotropia in
affected side gaze was the only predictor of significant SOP (likelihood ratio test 5 7.11;
P 5 0.008). Logistic regression modeling enabled estimation of risk of significant SOP
based on preoperative side gaze hypotropia.
CONCLUSIONS Suture spacer surgery can result in significant SOP. Risk may be predicted by magnitude of
preoperative side gaze hypotropia. ( J AAPOS 2018;22:335-339)

omplete superior oblique tenotomy1,2 and

ment in upgaze that characterize Brown syndrome, but
tenectomy3 effectively eliminate the mechanical approximately 80% of patients thus treated develop iatro-
limitation in adduction and disfiguring misalign- genic superior oblique palsy (SOP).1,4 Secondary diplopia
in primary and reading positions has sometimes eluded
remedy, even after surgical intervention.5 Alternative pro-
Author affiliations: aDepartment of Ophthalmology, Boston Children’s Hospital, Boston, cedures that aim to reduce the risk of consecutive SOP by
Massachusetts; bDepartment of Ophthalmology, Harvard Medical School, Boston, enabling graded reduction in superior oblique tone have
Massachusetts; cDepartments of Anesthesia and Surgery, Boston Children’s Hospital, Boston, been introduced.6-12
Massachusetts; dDepartment of Anesthesia, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts
This research was supported by the Children’s Hospital Ophthalmology Foundation Adjustable suture spacer surgery, introduced by Suh and
Chair fund held by Linda R Dagi, MD colleagues,9,10 enables a graded lengthening of the superior
Presented in part as a poster at the 2017 Meeting of the Association for Research in oblique tendon. With intraoperative adjustment of the
Vision and Ophthalmology,Baltimore, Maryland, May 7-11, 2017.
Submitted January 12, 2018. spacer length, the technique facilitates a near-matching
Revision accepted April 18, 2018. of superior oblique tone between the affected eye and the
Published online September 17, 2018. normal eye while reducing Brown restriction.9,10 We
Correspondence: Linda R. Dagi, MD, Boston Children’s Hospital, 300 Longwood
Avenue, Boston, MA 02115 (email: report our experience using suture spacer surgery to treat
Copyright Ó 2018, American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Brown syndrome, including incidence of consecutive
Strabismus. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. SOP, and the results of logistic regression modeling for
1091-8531/$36.00 factors predictive of this outcome.

Journal of AAPOS 335

336 Sharma et al Volume 22 Number 5 / October 2018

Methods diplopia in downgaze comfortably fused with #4D base-down

prism or torticollis of \10 . Postoperative hypertropia in primary
Records of patients with Brown syndrome seen at Boston Chil-
position, increasing in downgaze, qualified as significant SOP.
dren’s Hospital from 2005 to 2016 were retrospectively reviewed
Postoperative Brown restriction of # 2 was deemed sufficient
to identify patients treated with suture spacer surgery. Patients
resolution of Brown syndrome.
with simultaneous vertical rectus or inferior oblique muscle sur-
We assessed the effect of spacer length on resolution of Brown
gery, bilateral Brown syndrome, or an orbital mass resulting in
syndrome as well as the possible association of spacer length, age
pseudo-Brown restriction were excluded. Institutional Review
at surgery, operating surgeon, severity of preoperative Brown lim-
Board approval was obtained from Boston Children’s Hospital,
itation, preoperative hypotropia in primary position and affected
and the study complied with the US Health Insurance Portability
side gaze, and reduction of Brown restriction on final postopera-
and Accountability Act of 1996 and with the principles of the
tive superior oblique function.
Declaration of Helsinki.
Indications for surgery were anomalous head posture to main-
Statistical Analysis
tain fusion, history of recent loss of anomalous head posture with
The Spearman r rank order correlation coefficient was used to
loss of fusion, or persistent complaints of diplopia or downshoot
measure the association of spacer length and preoperative Brown
in adduction. The diagnosis was confirmed with intraoperative
restriction and was also used to measure the association of severity
forced ductions.13
of preoperative Brown restriction, change in Brown restriction,
Surgical technique was as described by Suh and colleagues.9,10
operating surgeon, spacer length, and preoperative hypotropia
The final length of each 5-0 Poly (ethylene terephthalate) spacer
in primary position and contralateral side gaze versus designation
(Mersilene; Ethicon, Somerville, NJ) was determined by the
of postoperative superior oblique function as good or significantly
results of intraoperative forced ductions13 and exaggerated trac-
paretic. Preoperative versus postoperative change in Brown re-
tion testing of the operated superior oblique.14 The goal of adjust-
striction was compared between patients, according to SOP clas-
ment was to create a spacer length that left residual superior
sification, using the nonparametric Mann-Whitney U test.
oblique tone in the affected eye equal to that in the unoperated
Change in Brown restriction was summarized by the median
eye by the exaggerated traction test14 while enabling adequate
and range. Two-tailed values of P \ 0.05 were considered statis-
reduction in Brown restriction (based on forced ductions).13 If
tically significant. Statistical analysis was performed using IBM
the intraoperative exaggerated traction test suggested excessive
SPSS version 23.0 (IBM Corporation, Armonk, NY).
superior oblique tone, the length was slightly increased. If the su-
Multivariable logistic regression analysis was used to determine
perior oblique tone was inadequate, the length was reduced. The
independent factors affecting postoperative superior oblique
exaggerated traction test was repeated to determine whether bilat-
function, including length of spacer, operating surgeon, age, pre-
erally symmetric superior oblique tone had been achieved; spacer
operative measurements of Brown restriction and hypotropia
length was further adjusted if necessary.
(primary position and contralateral side gaze), and pre- to postop-
The following data were extracted from the medical record: age
erative change in Brown restriction while adjusting for patient age
at surgery (in months), length of spacer (in mm), surgeon per-
as a covariate in the model.15
forming the procedure, and immediate preoperative and final
sensorimotor status. Sensorimotor data analyzed were as follows:
pre- and postoperative alignment by alternate prism and cover Results
test in primary position, affected side gaze, and reading position Of 21 patients treated for unilateral Brown syndrome with
(downgaze); severity of Brown restriction (graded 1 to 5); su- superior oblique suture spacers, 19 (11 females) met inclu-
perior oblique ductions (graded 0 to 4); inferior oblique overac- sion criteria. (One was excluded because an orbital tumor
tion (graded 0 to 14); head posture (by goniometry); binocular caused pseudo-Brown; the other, because vertical rectus
fusion (by Worth 4-dot test); and stereopsis (Randot Stereotest; surgery was performed along with spacer surgery.) All cases
Stereo Optical, Chicago, IL). Hypertropia was denoted with a were performed by one of 5 attending surgeons. Median
plus sign; hypotropia, with a minus sign. Reduction in Brown re- age at surgery was 59 months (IQR, 32-82 months). Me-
striction was calculated as the difference between pre- and post- dian follow-up was 19 months (IQR, 3-42 months).
operative Brown restriction. Of the 19 patients, 16 (84%) had sufficient resolution of
Data for the final outcome visit were extracted from the last Brown syndrome, and no additional surgery was performed
sensorimotor evaluation available. If additional strabismus sur- to reduce Brown restriction; 13 of 19 retained good supe-
gery related to Brown syndrome, SOP, or any vertical misalign- rior oblique function, but 6 of 19 (32%) demonstrated sig-
ment was performed, the final outcome visit was deemed to be nificant SOP.
the last performed prior to this additional surgery. Length of There was no relation between postoperative superior
postoperative follow-up (in months) was time from the primary oblique function and the surgeon performing the proced-
surgery to the final outcome examination. ure (P 5 0.39 [c2]). Univariate analysis demonstrated no
Our primary outcome measure, superior oblique function, was association of length of spacer (P 5 0.152), preoperative
classified as either “good” or consistent with “significant SOP.” vertical deviation in primary position (P 5 0.151), severity
Good superior oblique function required absence of manifest hy- of preoperative Brown restriction (P 5 0.831), and change
pertropia in primary position and no more than intermittent in Brown restriction (P 5 0.152) with postoperative

Journal of AAPOS
Volume 22 Number 5 / October 2018 Sharma et al 337

was improvement in infraduction after scar tissue removal.

In both cases, simultaneous ipsilateral inferior oblique sur-
gery was performed because the mechanical limitation of
infraduction noted at the time of reoperation did not
explain the degree of infraduction deficit documented clin-
ically. In addition, the clinically noted infraduction deficit
was primarily in adduction. Two other patients with surgi-
cally treated SOP had no evidence of mechanical restric-
tion of infraduction. One was successfully treated with a
5 mm temporal tuck of the superior oblique rather than
replacement of the spacer, because this was technically
easier to perform. The second was treated with an ipsilat-
eral inferior oblique recession.

FIG 1. Preoperative hypotropia in affected side gaze versus risk of sig-
nificant SOP. Less hypotropia in affected side gaze confers a predict- Our review of the effects of adjustable suture spacer surgery
ably greater risk of significant SOP. Logistic regression model: for treatment of Brown syndrome found that whereas 84%
likelihood ratio test, 7.11; P 5 0.008. of patients had substantial resolution of Brown syndrome,
32% developed significant SOP. Modest preoperative hy-
potropia in the affected side gaze was the only identified
superior oblique function. An association of age at time of risk factor for SOP. Fortunately, it is readily quantified
surgery (P 5 0.017) and preoperative alignment in affected by the surgeon prior to intervention.
side gaze (P 5 0.005) was noted by univariate analysis. Spacer surgery was developed with the expectation that
Multivariable logistic regression analysis demonstrated graded, intraoperative adjustment based primarily on
that irrespective of age, preoperative vertical deviation in equalizing tension in the treated superior oblique with
contralateral gaze was the only predictor of postoperative the superior oblique of the contralateral eye would sub-
superior oblique function (likelihood ratio test, 7.11; stantially reduce the risk of symptomatic SOP. Although
P 5 0.008). A logistic regression model based on our adjustable spacers do reduce this risk, any procedure that
data demonstrates the predictive nature of hypotropia in elongates or recesses the superior oblique tendon will
side gaze (P 5 0008; see Figure 1). affect superior oblique function. The procedure appears
Median follow-up for patients was longer for those with to be particularly poorly tolerated in patients with minimal
good superior oblique function (median, 25 months [IQR, preoperative hypotropia in side gaze. In contrast, signifi-
8-91 months]) than for those with significant SOP (median, cant hypotropia in side gaze may indicate a coupling of su-
3 months [IQR 2-24 months]; P 5 0.046). perior oblique overaction with Brown restriction and be
Detailed sensorimotor and demographic information by logically associated with a reduced risk of consecutive SOP.
patient is provided in eTable 1; eTable 2 provides summa- For example, patients 16, 18, and 19 had long spacers
rized preoperative sensorimotor characteristics, spacer placed in the setting of minimal hypotropia in primary po-
length, Brown restriction and length of follow-up for the sition and side gaze but had persistent preoperative torti-
entire group, and postoperative superior oblique function collis and constant complaints of diplopia. For these
(good vs significant SOP). patients, adjustable suture spacer surgery performed with
At the time of surgery 15 of 19 patients had documented intraoperative confirmation of “sufficient” post-spacer su-
fusion or stereopsis. Three patients without documented perior oblique tone gave false hope of preventing SOP.
fusion had evidence of prior fusion based on a history of Some might advocate avoiding surgery in these symptom-
torticollis lost over time. Seventeen patients demonstrated atic but mildly affected patients because of the risk of SOP.
fusion and a wide range of stereopsis after suture spacer Several authors have reported spontaneous resolution or
surgery, 4 with ocular torticollis. The 2 who lost fusion improvement in 10% to 89% patients with congenital
were among the 6 who had developed significant SOP; Brown syndrome over time.16-20 Given the potential for
one was diplopic, and the other developed suppression— spontaneous resolution of Brown syndrome and the high
both declined additional surgery. The remaining 4 of the risk of SOP associated with minimal preoperative
6 who had demonstrated significant postoperative SOP hypotropia in affected side gaze, conservative
and ocular torticollis underwent additional strabismus sur- management would have been preferable for these
gery with successful conversion back to good superior ob- patients. The original publication on suture spacers
lique function, fusion, and stereopsis. In 2 of the 4, mentions checking fundus torsion in cases where
adhesions between the superior oblique and adjacent supe- interpretation of the exaggerated traction test is uncertain
rior rectus or sclera were noted intraoperatively, and there or if preoperative torsional symptoms are significant.9 A

Journal of AAPOS
338 Sharma et al Volume 22 Number 5 / October 2018

handy alternative based on preplaced corneal markings can Moghadam and colleagues24 described split-tendon
provide this information as well.21 Whether SOP could lengthening of the superior oblique tendon to treat Brown
have been avoided in patients with minimal hypotropia in syndrome. Their cohort all had very severe Brown syn-
affected side gaze by monitoring intraoperative change in drome, with 10D to 25D hypotropia in primary position.
ocular torsion rather than the results of exaggerated trac- The magnitude of preoperative primary position hypotro-
tion and forced duction testing remains outside the pur- pia would likely have prevented consecutive SOP, regard-
view of this study, because sufficient data were not less of the graded treatment used.
available on this characteristic. Suh and colleagues9 reported 1 of 3 treated patients with
According to the logistic regression model based on SOP. In the longer-term study,10 4 of 13 patients devel-
our data, a patient with 6D of preoperative hypotropia oped hypertropia in contralateral side gaze, likely associ-
in affected side-gaze has an 80% chance of developing ated with SOP. Yazdian and colleagues25 reported 2
clinically significant SOP after suture spacer surgery as overcorrections in 25 patients treated for Brown syndrome
currently performed. In contrast, a patient with 19D of with suture spacers. No definition of overcorrection was
preoperative hypotropia in affected side gaze has a offered, and only mean pre- and postoperative primary po-
90% chance of retaining good postoperative superior ob- sition vertical alignments were provided.
lique function. Patients with .16D of hypotropia in Awadein and Gawdat,23 using a modified suture spacer
affected side gaze have $80% estimated probability of technique,26 reported no cases of SOP in the suture spacer
retaining good postoperative superior oblique function. group; however, the range of preoperative hypotropia in
Based on this data, we recommend suture spacer surgery affected side gaze in their series (19.4D  8.9D) was similar
when preoperative hypotropia in affected side gaze to that in our patients who retained good superior oblique
is . 16D and the patient complains of frequent diplopia function (21D  11D).
or psychosocial stress related to the misalignment. The most surprising outcome from our series was the
Future modifications in the spacer technique or our abil- lack of demonstrated association of spacer length with
ity to better predict residual postoperative superior obli- severity of preoperative Brown restriction or with the
que function might alter this recommendation. All development of postoperative SOP. This lack of correla-
patients, regardless of severity of their Brown syndrome, tion has been noted previously10,23 and may result from
should be informed that there is the possibility of spon- a number of causes. First, cases from 5 attending
taneous resolution over time.16-20 surgeons were included in this study. Preoperative
It is notable that the group of patients who developed grading of severity of Brown restriction did not always
significant SOP had shorter follow-up than the group correlate with severity based on the more objective
with good postoperative function. Thus, evolution toward measure of hypotropia in primary position and affected
significant SOP did not appear to be the natural outcome of side gaze; approach to grading Brown restriction was
longer follow-up. likely inconsistent between attending surgeons.
Although our incidence of superior oblique palsy after Although the technique of spacer placement and
spacer placement might seem greater than has been previ- methodology guiding choice of spacer length were the
ously reported, none of the prior studies on spacers, sili- same, intraoperative judgment regarding final choice of
cone expanders, or superior oblique lengthening have spacer length and differences in technique used to
provided the detailed sensorimotor analysis in downgaze designate the length of spacer placed may have
in addition to primary position that identify less severe contributed to an inability to identify anticipated
manifestations of SOP included in our series, and some associations. Finally, as some variants of Brown
have reported results only in populations of patients with syndrome reduce in severity with exaggerated forced
more severe Brown syndrome.6,12,13,22,23 ductions, surgical manipulation might, itself, have
Wright2 described his experience with silicone spacers in modified the Brown restriction intraoperatively in some
15 patients with Brown syndrome. Of 15 patients, 6 devel- cases. In such cases, a shorter-than-anticipated spacer
oped hypertropia in primary position, consistent with su- might have been sufficient to resolve the residual limita-
perior oblique paresis. Stager and colleagues14 used tion left after surgical manipulation.
silicone expanders on 19 patients with Brown syndrome This study is limited by its retrospective nature and by
and reported overcorrection with significant SOP in 4 pa- the fact that the surgeries were performed by 5 different
tients; the incidence of milder SOP was not noted. surgeons. Moreover, the modest number of patients may
Awad and colleagues22 investigated the use of large supe- have confounded our ability to identify all characteristics
rior oblique tendon silicone expanders for patients with se- associated with consecutive SOP. The natural history of
vere Brown syndrome and primary position hypotropia our studied cohort, had no spacer surgery been per-
ranging from 20D to 40D. Even in this severely affected formed, remains unknown. Also, our definitions of out-
population, 3 of 12 patients demonstrated hyperphoria in comes, while consistent with our clinical experience, are
primary position after 1 year; no data were provided on unique to this study. Patients with good postoperative su-
motility in downgaze. perior oblique function were pleased with their outcomes

Journal of AAPOS
Volume 22 Number 5 / October 2018 Sharma et al 339

and had no reason to consider further surgery. Those with 12. Wright KW. Superior oblique silicone expander for Brown syndrome
significant SOP were symptomatic and benefited from and superior oblique overaction. J Pediatr Ophthalmol Strabismus
additional surgery. 1991;28:101-7.
13. Stager DR Jr, Parks MM, Stager DR Sr, Pesheva M. Long-term re-
sults of silicone expander for moderate and severe Brown syndrome
Acknowledgments (Brown syndrome “plus”). J AAPOS 1999;3:328-32.
14. Guyton DL. Exaggerated traction test for the oblique muscles.
The authors acknowledge the editorial assistance by Jane Patrick. Ophthalmology 1981;88:1035-40.
15. Hosmer DW Jr, Lemeshow S. Applied Logistic Regression. 2nd ed.
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Journal of AAPOS
339.e1 Sharma et al Volume 22 Number 5 / October 2018

eTable 1. Summary of demographic and sensorimotor characteristics

Age at Pre-op vertical deviation, PD (IQR) Brown
Post-op SO surgery, mos Spacer length, Follow-up,
function (IQR) mm (IQR) Primary Side gaze Pre-op Post-op mos (IQR)
All (n 5 19) 59 (32-82) 6 (4-7) 9 ( 12 to 0) 18 ( 22 to 5) 4 ( 4 to 3) 2 ( 2 to 4) 19 (3-42)
Good SO function 41 (29-63) 5 (4-6) 10 ( 16 to 3) 20 ( 25 to 18) 4 ( 4 to 3) 2 ( 2 to 1) 25 (8-91)
(n 5 13)
Significant SOP 75 (66-192) 6.75 (5-7) 2 ( 10 to 0) 0 ( 13 to 0) 4 ( 5 to 3) 0 (0 to 2) 3 (2-24)
(n 5 6)
IQR, interquartile range; PD, prism diopter; Post-op, postoperative; Pre-op, preoperative; SO, superior oblique; SOP, superior oblique palsy.

Journal of AAPOS
Journal of AAPOS

Volume 22 Number 5 / October 2018

eTable 2. Preoperative and final postoperative sensorimotor data for patients with Brown syndrome treated with intraoperative adjustable suture spacera,b
Vertical deviation Vertical deviation
primary affected side Vertical deviation
Length of Sufficient
distance, PD gaze, PD downgaze, PD Fusion/stereopsis Brown limitation
Age, spacer, Indication for Follow-up, Brown Post-op SO
No. mos Eye mm surgery Pre-op Post-op Pre-op Post-op Pre-op Post-op Pre-op Post-op Pre-op Post-op mos resolution function
1 59 L 4 torticollis, then 10 2 20 4 10 2H No Yes (3000) 3 1.5 25 Yes Good
loss of fusion
2 32 L 4 torticollis 8 3 14 5 3 5H Yes Yes 4 3 7 No Good
3 31 R 4 torticollis 18 0 25 0 0 0 Yes (340) Yes (200) 4 3.5 19 No Good
4 26 R 6 torticollis 10 0 23 0 0 0 Yes (550) Yes (550) 4 3 2 No Good
5 16 R 6 torticollis NA 0 NA 2 NA 0 NA Yes (25) 3 1 97 Yes Good
6 66 R 6 loss of fusion 16 10 20 10 20 8 No Yes (800) 3 1 16 Yes Good
7 57 L 7 loss of fusion 4 0 NA 0 NA 0 No Yes (3000) 4 1 85 Yes Good
8 32 L 7 torticollis 25 0 33 NA 8 NA Yes Yes (20) 4 2 8 Yes Good
9 41 L 3.5 torticollis 10 2H 18 2H 0 2H Yes (400) Yes (40) 4 0 120 Yes Good
10 96 L 6 torticollis1 0 3H 20 2H 0 4H Yes (70) Yes (100) 4.5 2 121 Yes Good
11 642 R 5 torticollis 14 1H 28 2H 0 3H Yes (70) Yes (50) 4 0 26 Yes Good
12 19 L 5 torticollis 2 4 10 NA 0 0 Yes Yes (70) 4 2 8 Yes Good
13 46 R 4 torticollis 6 0 18 2H 5 5H Yes (100) Yes (200) 2 2 42 Yes Good
14 82 L 7 torticollis 10 10 HT 20 8 HT 0 14 HT Yes (50) No - diplopia 4 2 3 Yes sig SOP
15 67 R 2 torticollis 11 6 HT 10 4 HT 3 16 HT Yes (100) No 2 0 (11 OAIO) 28 Yes sig SOP
16 85 L 6 increasing 0 20 HT 0 35 HT 0 25 HT Yes (100) Yes (30) 4 0 (12 OAIO) 23 Yes sig SOP
17 63 L 7 torticollis, 4 10 HT 6 25 HT 0 23 HT Yes (100) Yes (3000/25)c 5 0 (13 OAIO) 2 Yes sig SOP
followed by
18 69 L 6.5 torticollis1 0 2 HT 0 5 HT 2 20 HT Yes (50) Yes (70) 3.5 0 0 Yes sig SOP
19 513 L 7 torticollis, 0 10 HT 6 23 HT 0 25 HT Yes (20) Yes (3000) 3 1 3 Yes sig SOP
H, hyperphoria; HT, hypertropia; NA, not available; Pre op, preoperative; Post op, postoperative; PD, prism diopter; SO, superior oblique; SOP, superior oblique palsy; Sig, significant.

Sharma et al
Negative sign indicates hypotropia.
Patients with torticollis but an “orthotropic” status in primary position were presumed to have had either a very small hypertropia in true primary position not documented or discomfort with
diplopia noted with minimal elevation prompting the maintenance of ocular torticollis to minimize symptomatic diplopia.
Improved stereopsis after reoperation.


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