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Predicting The Continuation of A Passage

Passage 1
California condors have a unique way of communicating with each other. The
skin of the head and the neck, forming a wattle in the male, is capable of flushing
noticeably in response to an emotional state. The color serves as a means to
communicate between individuals. Although, the condor has no voice box, it has a
wide variety of vocalizations, besides body language and competitive play behavior
to determine a pecking order—a social hierarchy in a flock in which each bird
pecks subordinate birds and submits to being pecked by dominant birds.
The California condor is in danger of extinction. In 1986, it was estimated
that only 17 birds were still alive. Significant damage to the condor population is
attributed to hunting, lead and DDT poisoning, as well as habitat destruction.Unless
actions to increase the bird population are taken, the bird will be extinct.

The paragraph following the passage will most probably be about _______.
(A) the roosting places of the bird
(B) another interesting physical feature of the bird
(C) the other means to communicate used by the bird
(D) the steps taken to increase the bird population

Passage 2

A new colony starts either by a nuptial flight or by budding. A nuptial flight

happens when reproductive male and female ants fly on a mating flight. The
mated queen constructs a cavity and rears a brood unaided by workers. The small
first brood workers then forage for food and as more young are produced, the
colony grows in size and number. The second, budding, occurs when one or more
queens leave the nest accompanied by workers that aid in establishing and caring
for a new colony. A new colony can be successfully kept united and functioning by
the chemical substances that various individual ants secrete.

The next paragraph of the passage most probably discusses _______.

(A) how ant queens leave nests
(B) where ant workers gather food
(C) the methods of keeping a colony united
(D) what substances and how they work
Passage 3

Computer viruses, self-replicating programs that spread by inserting copies of

the programs into computer systems, are created for various purposes. Some
viruses are created as works of art; some are intended as “good viruses” meant to
spread improvement to the programs they infect; others delete other viruses. In
fact, these viruses consume system resources and may accidentally damage the
systems they infect. The first computer virus, called "Elk Cloner," was created in 1982.
It attached itself to the Apple DOS 3.3 operating system and spread through floppy disks. In
1983, Fred Cohen from the University of Southern California designed and tested
another computer virus, which penetrated the computer’s root access in less than
thirty minutes. Since then, the way a virus attacks computers has developed in line
with the development of computer technology.

The following paragraph will most likely discuss _______.

(A) other aims of computer viruses
(B) the way computer viruses spreads
(C) the extent of the damage caused by viruses
(D) the need to know extraordinary anti virus programs

Passage 4

The paramecium is a tiny one-celled organism that can hardly be seen

without the microscope. It lives in ponds and slow-moving streams, and like the
amoeba, the paramecium is made up of watery material. It is clear on the surface
and granular inside, with one large nucleus and at least one smaller nucleus. But
unlike the amoeba, this organism has a stiff layer on the outside, giving it a
permanent shape that looks like the bottom of a shoe.
The paramecium swims by beating its fine hairs called cilia that cover its
surface, below which a network of fibers connects the cilia. If the paramecium
comes into contact with an unpleasant stimulus in the water, it reverses the
movement of its cilia to swim away from the stimulus.

The next paragraph of the passage will probably discuss _______.

(A) another one celled-organism
(B) the other habitats of the paramecium
(C) how the paramecium feeds
(D) what animal family the paramecium belongs to

Passage 5

Although all the effects of deforestation mentioned above are potentially

dangerous, perhaps the most devastating is climate change. Trees and other
plants absorb carbon dioxide—one type of greenhouse gas that reflects solar heat
back into the atmosphere—during the process of photosynthesis. Thus, the loss of
trees may increase the level of carbon dioxide because there is no plant life to keep
carbon dioxide in check. The increase in the level of carbon dioxide and other
greenhouse gases such as methane, chlorofluorocarbons, nitrous oxide and ozone
in the atmosphere leads to an increase in temperature, and eventually, a change in
climate and weather.
What will the next paragraph of the passage most probably discuss?
(A) Social change caused by deforestation
(B) List of lost species because of deforestation
(C) Solutions to greenhouse effects
(D) Methods to overcome the problems of deforestation

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